The short pause made the Blue Witch quite impatient. She pulled my arm and kept chanting: "Go on, talk on..."

I glared at her, and said with an aura: "Didn't you watch me drink water?"

"I didn't see, I didn't see..." She brushed the rogue for a while, and seemed bored, so she gave up playing rogues, but curiously asked: "The king is dead, what about Prince Charming? Become a prince?"

Putting down the water glass and blanking her eyes, I said, "If there is no king, there can be no prince? Besides, who stipulates that the king must be the protagonist?"

"Huh?" The blue witch rounded her curious eyes and stared at me unblinkingly.

"Alright, alright, I will continue to tell you."

Sighing lightly, I continued: "The palace collapsed, the king is dead, and only the great magician and the little tree spirit are left alive. At this moment, the guards hurried over from a distance and saw this scene. Shocked, their commander cautiously asked the great magician what happened."

"How can I say that the great magician is also a person who has lived for more than a hundred years. This ability to lie is not comparable to that of a young man in his twenties. The scene of "destroying the world, the archmage turned the tide to save the common people's life," heard the crowd sighing."

"The people who believed in the great magician's'nonsense' just lost a day less than a day, and they regrouped and collectively elected the great magician as the new king. This is not only because the great magician has high morals and strength. Gao Qiang is even more because the king and his few poor heirs have been taken in one pot. The country cannot be ruled for a day, and someone must preside over the overall situation."

"The Great Mage pushed back twice, and the chief guard invited him three times. In the end, he succeeded to the throne of the king. As for the tree spirit, in order to block her mouth, he had to continue to make her queen."

"The great magician is worthy of being strong. It only took more than twenty years to create an heir with the tree spirit. His son is handsome and his daughter is beautiful and gentle. The only drawback is that both his son and his daughter have their heads hanging on their heads. I added some leaves. Of course, these leaves weren't hung up deliberately, but grew out. They are part of the body, and their status is equal to hair."

"After many years, my daughter grew up, and was successfully soaked by the neighboring king’s son. She became the woman of the neighboring king’s son and gave birth to a handsome boy. This boy is Prince Charming. In fact, Prince Charming Originally there was no white horse called white horse, just because some part of his body also grew fresh leaves, and these leaves are especially popular with white horses, so people often see that a group of white horses gather around the prince. Over time, they jokingly call it It is Prince Charming."

"This is the story of Prince Charming and his grandmother, how is it, wonderful?"

As soon as this statement came out, I was bitten by the blue witch.

"Hi! Why are you biting me!" I asked furiously.

"Who told you to fool me by telling such a broken story, and then tell a similar broken story, believe it or not, I will bite off a piece of your flesh!"

"Vixen!" I gritted my teeth.

"Huh!" The Blue Witch disapproved.


Early the next morning, when I went downstairs to buy breakfast, I just met the boss who was cleaning the stairs in front of the house.

Seeing that it was me, the boss greeted me enthusiastically, and winked at me, his eager eyes were full of wretchedness.

This reminds me of the unsuitable topic for children that I talked about last night.

I didn't know how to speak for a while, so I nodded and smiled at him.

The boss didn't care, first responded to my smile, and then continued to clean the steps.

On the steps in front of the hotel, there was not much dust, but there were bloodstains of the adventurer who had dried up.

This must be a seriously injured adventurer who was left behind when he passed by tremblingly.

Thinking of this, I can't help but sigh the cruelty of the Demon World.

Compared with the Hefeng Continent, the ugly and cruel human nature of the Demon World is particularly obvious.

But this is also inevitable.

In the Hefeng Continent, if you want to become stronger, you can attack the dungeons, but the Demon Realm is different. In the Demon Realm, if you want to become stronger, you can only constantly hone your skills, exercise your instincts, or go to the forest to brush wild beasts to gain experience.

But beasts and monsters in dungeons are different. The former breeds offspring, while the latter can be born out of thin air.

One needs to grow up, the other doesn't need it at all. Born is adult, and a batch will be born every night.

In this way, it is not unreasonable that the adventurers of the Hefeng Continent are stronger than the adventurers of the Demon World.

After buying breakfast and drinks, I strolled back to the hotel.

I have to say that there are very few adventurers fighting on the streets today. It may be because it is too early and they haven't gotten up yet, or it may be because of the successive fights that some people feel tired.

Anyway, as long as they don't affect my business, there is no problem.

Having a good breakfast with the Blue Witch, I went downstairs again, came to the front desk, and chatted with the boss who was sitting at the cashier and drinking tea.

After a day of getting along, the boss's attitude towards me became more enthusiastic. Of course, the wariness still exists. After all, we are just strangers who can talk to each other.

I tried to ask some interesting facts about this town, and then led the topic to neighboring cities, and finally extended to the entire southern continent.

The talkative boss saw that what I was asking about was not about the flies of the nobles, and he was very happy to tell me all he knew about the secrets of the southern continent.

The biggest secret in the Southern Continent recently is that a guy who claims to be the strongest adventurer in the Demon Realm was knocked out by Master Apostle.

It was something about adventurers, and I immediately became interested: "Do you know which apostle it is?"

"Who else can it be" the boss lowered his voice: "Master the Fourth Apostle."

It turned out to be Casillas, that's not surprising.

He is a fighting maniac himself. When encountering a slightly qualified adventurer, he would hate to fight the opponent. If he has full potential, he will let him go and let him continue to develop and grow stronger until he grows stronger. After the adventurer, he will continue to fight with him. If there is still potential to improve, he will still let him go.

Of course, if the opponent reaches the limit, as long as the battle process can satisfy him, he will also let the opponent go, but if the opponent cannot satisfy him, there will only be one end.

Wanting to come to the guy who is known as the strongest adventurer in the Demon Realm, he must have blown the unrealistic bullshit, touched Casillas' bottom line, and was killed by him.

If the opponent really possesses the skills of the No. 1 adventurer in the devil world, I believe Casillas will definitely not kill him, and will even fight against him from time to time.

After all, Casillas was too eager to have a hearty battle.

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