"Who knows."

Casillas looked into the distance and said lightly: "I never care about Herder."

"Are you not afraid that one day, you will be transferred to other planets like other apostles?"

"How about being transferred" Casillas said nonchalantly: "As long as I am strong enough, I can still come back intact."

"Really standard combat mad thinking."

"All members of the Ghost Clan are born fighters."

Casillas said blankly.

"So you are a ghost clan."

"Have you heard of ghosts?"

"never heard of that."

"Your tone makes me think you know."

"I didn't know it at first, but after listening to you, I also know."

Casillas glanced at me faintly, and said solemnly: "I used to be a humble slave from the ghost clan."

"You are now the strongest warrior in the demon world."

"You don't seem to care about the status of a slave?" Casillas asked slightly curiously.

"Is it important?" I asked, "Even if you were a slave, what about? Even if you are still a slave now, what about? As long as your heart is free, you are free. Identity is a latecomer. The shackles imposed on the body, as long as you don’t believe, as long as you think you can break the shackles, as long as you can always maintain a free and firm heart, you are the freest person."

"Your words are very interesting." Casillas's poker face, which was always stern, rarely smiled: "I have heard similar words, but I didn't take it seriously."

"Is it because the opponent is very weak?"

"Yes" Casillas said lightly: "He is weak and not only body, but also soul. He will say something similar to you, but he wants to persuade me to put down the butcher knife and let him go."

"So, you killed him?"

"Well, I killed him" Casillas's tone was very plain, it seemed to him that killing one or two people was no different from cutting vegetables and fruit.

"Then why didn't you kill me?" I wondered: "I also said something similar, and I'm not as strong as you."

"But you have great potential, and you are not weak. I have never seen any human being with more magic power than Herder. You are the first."

"I'm just an adventurer with a lot of magic power, but I don't understand any magic."

"I can see it," Casillas said calmly: "Your fighting style depends entirely on physical skills, especially sword skills."

"You are absolutely correct."

"You can choose physical surgery, this is the right choice." Casillas turned to me, and said in a deep voice, "Your body structure is very physical, and even the most serious injuries can be healed in a short time. This is very unusual. of."

"Maybe it's because of my talent."

I laughed.

"So I'm very curious about your origin and your identity."

"That's it." I nodded, and didn't intend to hide it, and frankly said: "As I said before, I am from the Hefeng Continent. You said you have never heard of the Hefeng Continent, but you have heard of Arad, then It's easy."

Looking at Kaslias’s dimly shining eyes, I slowly said: “The former Allard was suddenly hit by a devastating blow. The original continent was only two-thirds the original size. During the reign, it was classified as a subsidiary island of the Hefeng Continent."

"Subsidiary island?!"

Casillas is a bit unable to accept this statement.

"You said the Arad continent is now a subsidiary island of the Hefeng continent?"

"Yes," I said, "and it's not the biggest one."


Casillas fell into a brief contemplation.

"Can you tell me about the Hefeng Mainland?"

The sudden request made me stunned.

The fourth apostle Casillas, would you ask me to ask me about the Hefeng Continent?

Isn't the devil going to explode?

Seeing me looking at him with a stunned expression, Casillas also had a question mark in his head, looking at me, wondering: "Is there any inconvenience?"

"No, no."

I waved my hand, cleared my throat, and said, "In fact, Hefeng Continent...It is the land of a planet. By the way, what do you want to know about it?"

"The humanities of the Hefeng Continent," Casillas said: "I want to know, is there any power in Hefeng Continent?"

"The strong? How strong?"

"As strong as me."

I thought about it, and then asked, "Which one is stronger between you and Tyrannosaurus Bakar?"

"In terms of combat power alone, he should be inferior to me."

"In other words, your combat effectiveness is not very different, right?"

"It can be said like this."

"Then I understand" I said: "When Tyrannosaurus King Bakar first came to the Hefeng Continent, he was eaten by a giant sea monster and then died. Have you heard of this?"

Casillas widened her eyes and was so surprised that she couldn't help herself: "What did you say? Bakar was eaten by the sea monster and then died? You mean...instant death?"

"Yes, it's an instant death" I said: "There is not even a chance to struggle, oh, yes, with him, there is another named Ice Dragon Skars and another named Crazy Dragon He Si's, the three dragons were eaten instantly."

"Not even a little resistance?" Casillas asked emphatically in disbelief.

"Yes, I heard Bakar said that he was resurrected from Yixu when the world was dark. By the way, Yixu, you know, is the back hand left by the dragon clan. I think this should not be a secret. Coming."

"It's not," Casillas said solemnly, but his expression was already solemn and almost gloomy.

"Besides the sea monster, are there other strong people?"

"Too much to go" I said: "In our place, there are three forbidden places. People cannot enter, and they must die. Of course, this is just a rumor. As for whether the person who entered is alive, I don't know, but I think Probably there will be. After all, human beings have a strong desire to survive. As long as there is a glimmer of life, they will survive."

"The three forbidden areas...what are there?"

"I don’t know what’s specific, because that place is always guarded by heavy soldiers, and there is also a powerful sealing magic to prevent creatures from getting involved, but the sealing magic is only for monsters in the forbidden area, and because of disrepair, it already has it. Many broken places, before I came here, I encountered a group of little monsters coming out of the forbidden area."

"How strong is that monster?"

"Definitely not my current opponent, but it is very poisonous, even if the apostle is stung, it will be paralyzed for a while."

Casillas didn't doubt my words, so his expression was shocked at this time.

The apostles are known as the strongest existence in the Demon Realm, and their physical fitness is one of the few in the Demon Realm. Even the most powerful poison in the Demon Realm cannot completely restrict their behavior. However, they only escape from the damaged nodules. The little monsters that come out can paralyze the apostle with toxins. This is no longer a strong description, but an exaggeration.

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