The King of the Forest, who was attacked but not injured at all, touched his nose with a dazed expression, and then looked around blankly.

Soon, it captured Herder's puppet who was stunned in place.

It didn't immediately recognize that this was a puppet with flesh and blood but no soul and life, but regarded her as a passerby who ran into the forest by mistake.

After all, compared with the king of the forest, the strength of this puppet possessed by Herder is too weak, even to the extent that it can be ignored.

Out of kindness, the king of the forest stepped forward and tried to communicate with her in sign language.

However, this scene, in Herder's eyes, was a provocation and a sign of an attack.

Thus, Herder made the only major mistake in his life.

She attacked it in the presence of the benevolent forest king, but still used the smallest but most powerful magic.

One can imagine how exaggerated the power of the strongest attack magic that can destroy a continent's apostle with a full blow.

A golden light that was as thick as a bucket hit the forest king's belly abruptly.

According to Herder's idea, this blow was enough to burn the giant bear.

However, the facts are completely contrary to imagination.

The golden light dissipated, only a circle of burnt marks appeared in the middle of the lower abdomen of the forest king.

The air was filled with the strange smell of the scorched fur.

In addition, there is a bear face that is distorted and hideous because of anger.

After a roar, the king of the forest raised a bear paw the size of a washbasin.

At this time, Herder was completely shocked by everything in front of her. Even if she saw the bear's paw lifted up, with a strong killing intent, she was about to fall, she did not make any intention of avoiding-no, should Said that she was stunned and even forgot to avoid it.

After a palm, Held rolled down to the throne with a cold sweat on his head and face.

The puppet possessed by her, 80% was photographed as sludge, and Herder, because he had not had time to remove his soul, followed to experience the feeling of being photographed as sludge.

From then on, Helder never dared to take risks anymore, especially on the planet where the Arad continent was located.

This is why she struggled with Baja to create life and soul for the puppet.

It is also the only information Casillas knows about the king of the forest.

When I asked if Casillas or Herder were stronger, Casillas was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "It should be... evenly matched."


After that, we talked about some topics unrelated to my life experience, but soon Casillas brought the topic back to my life experience.

I did not conceal it, and frankly said: "Strictly speaking, I am not a human being."

"I feel it," Casillas said: "The magic value is greater than Herder, and the incredible speed of self-healing, and the power that is completely undetectable...What are you?"

"Fairy, have you heard of it?"


Casillas looked confused.

"It seems that I have never heard of it" I said silently in my heart.

"The fairy is a primitive race in the Hefeng Continent. Like the elves, it is called the primitive race of the Hefeng Continent."

"Except for the king and the elders, the elves do not have the appearance of a human being. They are creatures composed of a single element. They can do physical damage completely, and their magic resistance is also ridiculously high. In other words, as long as they are not encountering natural enemies, they are Immortal existence."

"The body structure of the fairy and the elves are almost the same, but the appearance and the way of existence are completely different."

"The fairies have had a complete human form since they were born, and their body organization also looks more similar to humans, but because of this, the fairies are far less resistant to physical and magical attacks than fairies."

"You just said that in the strict sense, you are not a human being, so that is to say, in a non-strict sense, you are still a human?"

Casillas expressed his doubts.

"Yes" I said: "The main reason why I say this is that there is a strong seal in my body. As long as the seal is not unlocked for a day, I will not be able to recover the true fairy body."

"Seal?" Casillas pondered a little, and said, "Herder might be interested."

Hearing this, my heart immediately ignited a light of hope: "Can she unlock my seal?"

"I don't know," Casillas said: "She is just the ancestor of magic, more proficient in magic, but not omnipotent. If you have Rotes as a support, maybe you can, but Rotes is dead."

Upon hearing this, the flame of hope I had just ignited was immediately extinguished.

Because after getting acquainted, I asked Rotes to help check the seal in my body. According to Rotes' words: Unless a great will comes in person, none of the guys I have ever met has the ability to crack even one seal.

In other words, even the second apostle, Weeping Eye Herder, who has the name of the ancestor of magic, could not do it.

Casillas didn't notice the abnormality in my expression, but continued: "If you have nowhere to ask, you can try it. I believe that with your strength, she will readily agree."

In other words, Herder longed for a guy with fairly good strength and asked her to be her little guinea pig?

Oh, I don't want to be her guinea pig.

In particular, she still transferred the apostle to the Hefeng Continent and designed the culprit to die!

If you seek skin from a tiger, you might feed the tiger with your body.

Better to be safe.

After that, Casillas and I didn't talk any more, just stood silently on the roof, looking out the city.

Early dusk fell.

Casillas left the town.

I guess he was going to find the next qualified and capable adventurer.

I went back to the hotel and made dinner while chatting with the Blue Witch.

The Blue Witch was abnormally not lazy in bed today, but leaned on the kitchen door to chat with me.

Listening to her asking questions, I probably guessed what she really cares about-the reason why I went out this time.

"Do you know Casillas?"

I asked while stirring the vegetables.

"Yeah" She nodded, and at the same time greedily looked at the green vegetables, and swallowed.

"He was looking for me just now."

"Huh...huh?" The Blue Witch was surprised: "That, that...The Fourth Apostle? What did he do with you?"

"Talk to me."

"Chat?" The Blue Witch said with an unbelievable expression: "He is a fighting freak, how could he only chat with you, shouldn't..."

"Don't think about it, it's really just chatting with me" I said: "Moreover, you can't just look at people. Casillas is indeed a fighting freak, but this does not mean that fighting is his entire life, except for fighting. , He also has a normal social circle."

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