The road was fairly stable, and it was already afternoon when we arrived at the next town.

There are still adventurers from the six major organizations fighting on the streets, but they are also sparse.

However, the corpses and blood stains on the ground have not been cleaned, so it looks messy.

The locomotive stopped outside another city gate as usual, and I entered through the city gate together with the blue witch holding the tuo.

As in the previous towns, the guards guarding the city did not ask why I had to park the locomotive here.

After all, the money holders are short, and to a gold master like me, he still shows his kindness as much as possible.

Especially the entrance fee I paid is still a lot of money.

Walk slowly along the sidewalks on both sides of the town, and those adventurers who are fighting will not attack us. This is the truth that has been summed up through so many towns.

Although it will not be attacked, it does not mean that it is necessarily safe.

Magic missiles shot into the air and blood splashing are very dangerous.

The former will hurt pedestrians, while the latter will bring panic to pedestrians, and it is very likely that a good piece of clothing will be discarded.

After all, not everyone can tolerate clothes that still have blood stains after washing. If it's just a little bit of blood, it's okay to say that if it's a large patch of blood, the clothes will probably be treated as a rag.

Unless this dress is out-of-print custom-made, or it is expensive and outrageous, but in this period, who would be silly wearing the beloved clothes and wandering the streets?

Just when I was thinking about this issue, a big splash of blood poured on our side.

The owner of the blood is a very strong magician, he should be proficient in magic, but compared to magic, his strong body is more eye-catching.

Perhaps this person thinks so too, because during the battle, I noticed that this magician was actually releasing magic, trying to get close to the opponent, intending to slap the opponent with a palm-fan-sized palm.

But unfortunately, the opponent is an Oath Guardian, and the Oath Guardian is best at melee combat, and even their weapons are specially tailored for melee combat.

Ever since, the tragedy of the spear piercing the chest just happened.

The pouring blood, like the water in the pit that was crushed by the wheels, pounced towards me and the blue witch.

This scene came too quickly, too quickly, and too suddenly, and it didn't allow ordinary people to come back.

In essence, the blue witch is not an ordinary person, but from the usual state, the blue witch is actually no different from an ordinary person. Therefore, the blue witch of the "ordinary person" stays in place, forgetting to dodge at all. Such a thing.

But I am not an ordinary person.

The speed of my reaction is extremely fast.

If I want to avoid it, I can even start to act when the blood is only ten centimeters away from me, and can perfectly avoid every second drop of blood afterwards.

But unfortunately, I can't hide.

Because as soon as I avoid it, love may be gone.

Because as soon as I dodge, the gold coins may be gone.

Although she is not a cleanliness fetish, the Blue Witch certainly doesn't want anything to be spilled on clean and beautiful clothes and contaminate the clothes she likes very much.

Therefore, once she is splashed, she will be very angry, even furious.

Will she lose her temper at me? I don't know, but after her temper, she will definitely buy a lot of expensive clothes to make up for her irritable mood.

To be honest, I think the level of costume design in the Demon World is very average, far inferior to the costume design masters of the fairies and elves, and can barely be compared with the costume design masters of the orcs.

I always feel wronged to spend money on this.

For the sake of my ears and the gold coins in my pocket, I took the blue witch into my arms without hesitation, and used my generous back to block her baptism with blood.


The blood fell on my head and face, and poured on me mercilessly.

While wetting my clothes, there was still a lot of blood that wetted the blue witch's clothes.

But I know that my heroic dedication has offset a considerable part of the blue witch's anger, making her unable to get angry, and at the same time, I am embarrassed to use the excuse of getting angry to buy clothes indiscriminately.

As expected, when I let go of the Blue Witch, there was only a faint anger in her eyes, and the anger was not directed at me, but at the two adventurers of the initiator.

However, she didn't get angry on the spot, because one of the adventurers had been pierced to death, and the other adventurer, just now, was hit in the head by a magic missile. She was not dead, but she was also dying. .

On the chaotic battlefield, once dying, there is no difference from death.

Now that the two people who soiled their clothes hung up, the Blue Witch didn't bother to care about them. After a grunt, she took me to the clothing store.

After changing into new clothes, the Blue Witch finally felt more comfortable.

I also bought a set of clothes that looked ordinary but were actually solid.

There is a reason not to buy gorgeous clothes. The Makai, like Hefeng Dalu, not only judges people by appearance, but also pays attention to the guys who look rich.

Of course, this ‘pay attention’ is not a commendatory word, but to pay attention to your true identity and your social status.

If the result of the investigation is very satisfactory to them, or nothing is found, some unscrupulous guys will consider whether or not to start, for example, murder and rob money.

Therefore, if you want to survive in the demon world, the best way is to choose the middle way, which is neither stronger or worse than humans, and will neither be missed nor humiliated or bullied.

Back to the hotel, it was dusk.

After finishing the room, I hurried to buy vegetables, but the vegetables in the evening were no longer fresh and the meat was not very good, so I had to go to the restaurant to buy ready-made ones.

While buying dinner at the restaurant, I happened to meet the guard of the city gate.

It may be that the admission fee I gave is very generous. He greeted me actively and enthusiastically, and came forward to chat with me.

I also took the opportunity to ask him about anecdotes and trivia about this town, as well as important events that have recently occurred in the southern continent.

The guard is very young, very talkative, and seems to have no scruples, plus I am grateful to me for giving him a lot of tipping into the city, almost all questions are answered, and the answers given are far beyond expectations.

This greatly increased my goodwill for him-this is a person who can't keep secrets.

In order to show my sincerity, I express my treat for this meal.

As soon as this remark came out, the other party's enthusiasm became even higher, and I found a less personal position, sat down, and began to talk endlessly.

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