The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3188: Problems extending from the locomotive

"Seriously, I didn't expect them to move so fast."

On the way, I was boring to chat with the Blue Witch.

"It's not that she is fast, but we are too slow," the blue witch mumbled: "Don't forget, we were trapped in a town for several days, and we have to bear the risk of being assassinated. We have to be frightened... .. Oops, if you show off your power and kill them a mountain of **** corpses, see who dares to bully us again!"

Faced with the complaints of the Blue Witch, I can only smile bitterly.

The truth has been explained very clearly, and she also understands what is going on, but she wants someone to endure the humiliation of being oppressed willingly, especially she is a free, very self-conscious girl, she must be unacceptable anyway. of.

Maybe, when I go back, she will urge me to avenge the humiliation.

But at that time, I no longer need to look forward and backward. It doesn't matter if I kill him in a river of blood, anyway, the next moment, I will open the portal and leave the devil world.

From then on, everything in the demon world has nothing to do with me.

As for the resentment towards me and the obsession with revenge, I don't care, as long as they have the ability to open the portal and come to the Hefeng Continent, I can welcome them anytime, anywhere.

But unfortunately, as far as I know, the only people who can freely open the portal are the apostles and a few top powerhouses of the six major organizations.

Of course, the strengths of those top powerhouses, except for the Inferior Ikky and the wizard Katie, no one is the opponent of the apostle, which directly gave me a signal-none of them can beat me... ...Or rather, can't beat my power.

After all, my allies in Hefeng Continent have as many as six apostles.

Heh heh heh, a few people want to challenge the six apostles, do you really think you are the legendary sword **** Soderos?

This time, the blue witch vented her anger for more than an hour before finally calming down.

I was finally relieved.

It was tuo, still lying on the back seat to sleep.

Perhaps for it, the master who loses her temper is the most normal master, and the master who does not lose her temper is the most terrifying, because she is most likely to be brewing in a storm.

Seeing the blue witch's complaint stopped, I took out a bag of small food from the back car and handed it to her: "Hey, have some French fries."

After receiving the French fries, the Blue Witch instantly turned on the food-eating mode, did not speak or squint, and began to concentrate on eating.

I watched this scene with satisfaction, feeling very good.

The blue witch when eating is still very cute.

The speed of the locomotive was very steady on the road, and two long ruts were rolled on the soil, like two straight lines that never intersect.

"Xiaoyi" the blue witch suddenly looked at me and suggested, "Can you also get such a locomotive back?"

"Get the locomotive back?" I thought about it, shook my head, and said, "I'm afraid it won't work. This car is too environmentally friendly."

"It's okay," the blue witch broke her fingers and said: "It does not need to be burned, nor does it produce any harmful gas. It consumes only the magic value in the ore... the only bad thing, It might be noise."

"Yes, it is noise pollution" I said: "It is also because of noise pollution that it is difficult to promote and use in Hefeng Mainland."

"Then don't promote it," the blue witch said, "just give it to us."

"Don't dream anymore" shook my hand, and said: "In Hefeng Continent, I am also considered a public figure, and I have a lot of relationship with the most noble royal families in Hefeng Continent. Anything I do will attract the attention of many people. Once someone makes a fuss about me, it will definitely cause trouble."

"What's the trouble?" The blue witch curiously asked: "Could it be that you will be punished?"

"That won't happen," I said: "The people who dare to punish me in Hefeng Continent basically don't exist anymore."

"What's the trouble?"

"Public opinion is troublesome" I said: "Someone will publicly accuse the noise pollution caused by locomotives as an act that harms Hefeng Mainland, and propose to destroy the locomotive in public and never make it. By then, the locomotive will definitely not be able to keep it. It will make you more uncomfortable."

"No way..." The Blue Witch muttered without confidence, and then she pouted again, complaining to me: "If you get to this point, it can only mean that you are not strong enough."

"I am indeed not strong enough, I admit that."

"Then you continue to become stronger, strong enough to make everyone shut up, can't I do whatever I want!"

The blue witch suddenly excited.

"Impossible" I shook my head again: "It's absolutely impossible, let alone me, even the most powerful human being in Hefeng Continent can't do whatever he wants."


"There may be one thing you made a mistake," I said: "That is, the more powerful human beings, the more people will pay attention to. When you are the strongest, that is when you are the most concerned... ..."

"How about paying attention?" The Blue Witch said with disdain: "If it makes me unhappy, I will kill them all!"

"Your idea is simple and simple" I said: "I ask you, do you plan to live alone or do you plan to live with everyone?"


The blue witch was about to answer, but she held her words back.

Yes, she used to be accustomed to loneliness, but now she can no longer go back to the past, and can no longer find her past self.

Tasted the joy of interacting with people, but also the beauty of being accompanied, she is no longer the lonely girl.

Therefore, she could not answer this question.

After a long silence, the awkward blue witch stopped talking, but turned to the car window and continued to watch the scenery outside the window to eat fries.

"So, if you want the big guys to live a happy life together, you have to endure other people's attention, and you can't do too extreme behaviors towards the humans who follow you. As you can imagine, the stronger Humans need to endure more."

"It's really troublesome!" After holding her breath for a long time, the Blue Witch said unhappy: "Then give me an independent island, where I live by myself, so that it won't affect others!"

"Why did the problem go back again?" I said distressed: "Isn't it all said, don't set up another one!"

"Cut" the blue witch gushed and continued to eat the fries.

In fact, I mentioned the issue of the Blue Witch with Master Dewey before, but his elderly said that neither motorcycles nor mobile phones are allowed to be brought back, because those backward technological products will only affect the ecology of Hefeng Mainland. The environment contributes relatively little to the world.

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