Just when I thought that I would never see the wretched middle-aged uncle again, that wretched face appeared in front of me again.

This time, the uncle is no longer alone, and there is a pair of guards around him, young, strong and fierce, and at first glance, he is difficult to deal with.

Seeing this scene, I can probably guess the identity of the wretched uncle.

I dared to molest the girl in the crowd. The next day after I was beaten by me, I could still go to the tavern with a guard without any hesitation. Only nobles can make such an arrogant move.

I just don't know what level of nobleman this uncle belongs to.

When the enemy met, they were extremely jealous.

The middle-aged uncle's eyes became red when he saw me.

This is a sign of anger.

In between, he sneered three times, and said in an arrogant tone: "Isn't this the kid who was very arrogant to me yesterday? You hit me, and you still dared to go out. I really don't know if you are brave enough or you are brave enough?"

After speaking, he turned to the blue witch again, his serious expression disappeared, turned into a smirk, and said: "Little girl, when choosing a man, your eyes have to be bright, like a certain impulse and violence, serious A little boy who lacks a sense of humor is not enough to be entrusted for life. Only a mature man with steady humor, noble and rich money can give you a truly happy life experience."

The blue witch frowned and looked disgusted, and said: "Quickly shut up, stop being affectionate there. Even if I'm single for a lifetime, I won't find a greasy and disgusting old man like you, a stinky man. !"

The middle-aged uncle's complexion became stiff, and then, with a grinning smile on his face: "Okay, okay, since you don't know how to promote, don't blame me for not giving you a chance to choose! Come on! Give me on! Beat the man hard. !"

The two guards who received the order came towards me with scornful faces.

The man on the left is fat and strong, holding a battle axe in his hand, and his axe is huge, so he doesn't look like an ordinary person.

Among the melee adventurers who watched the Demon Realm, there are definitely a handful of them who can carry such a big axe with one hand.

The man on the right is tall, at least two meters visually, holding a war spear, and is also a type of melee weapon rarely seen in the Devildom.

The spear that he played with in his hand was called proficient, and the speed was as fast as the speed at which I used to spin a pen at the same table when I was a student.

Maybe the strength of these two people, combined together, might really surprise me.

Ever since, I stood in place, staring at the two with fiery eyes, waiting with expectation for their ultimate move.

It's a move!

They made a move! !

I saw the man on the left, the hand wheel holding the axe became a circle, I found my forehead, and cut it down severely.

At the same time, the person on the right missed the opportunity to point the tip of the spear at my heart and pierced it like thunder.

This cut, a stab, seemed to have been practiced thousands of times in cooperation, and it was a masterful tacit understanding, and even no flaws could be found.

Looking at the upcoming ultimate move, I was disappointed.

There is no other reason, the attacks of these two people do not have the slightest power of change.

Do they simply do not understand the power of fading, or do they despise me when I am young?

Thinking of this, I frowned, raised my left hand to block the chopping of the giant axe, and grabbed the tip of the spear with my right hand.

In an instant, the attacks of the two were resolved by me, and the weapons of the two were completely controlled by me.

The sudden change caused the two to lose their color. Anxiously, they wanted to draw out the weapon, but unexpectedly, the weapon under my control was stuck in a crack in the stone, and couldn't be pulled out at all.

Seeing that they were subdued by one move, and when they pulled out their weapons, the middle-aged uncle who was more than two meters away from them scolded, "Why don't you fight? What are you doing there? I paid to hire you, but I didn’t want you to make a fool of yourself!"

With the reprimand of the middle-aged uncle, the two of them drew their weapons more and more vigorously, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't do what they wanted.

After a few minutes, the two of them were completely subdued, gave up the futile struggle, released their hands one after another, and stepped aside.

No matter how the middle-aged uncle jumped and cursed, the two of them couldn't move, standing still as if they didn't hear.

This made him angry enough, but at the same time, he looked at me with jealousy.

He is a wretched **** uncle, but not a reckless fool.

The reason why he dared to speak rudely in the public is nothing but the support of his identity and helper.

Now, he realizes that the helper is useless, and he is a trash, he is not worthy at all, how dare he continue to be arrogant?

But I don't intend to leave without saying a word. To do so will only increase the morale of this unscrupulous uncle and make him feel that I dare not provoke him.

But I can't do too much, because nobles are a group of good-looking guys. If you ruin his face too hard, he will become angry because of losing face and fall into an endless state of death.

It will be very troublesome.

I hate troubles, especially those whose plans are blocked, so I am expressionless and walked slowly towards the middle-aged uncle.

The uncle trembled in shock, took a step back, raised his right hand subconsciously, blocking him, his tone no longer the arrogance and arrogance just now, replaced by panic and despair: "You... don't come over! Don't you Come here!"

"Now I know I'm afraid?" I said coldly, "What about the arrogance and domineering just now? How about the arrogance and rudeness just now? What about the frivolous and trivial just now? Why are they gone?"

"You, don't be foolish, tell you, I'm a noble! Noble! I'm someone you can't afford to offend!"

In despair, the uncle directly revealed his identity, trying to suppress me with his identity.

"Noble?" I sneered: "What about the noble? Don't think that the identity of the noble is your shield? Do you know how many nobles there are in the Demon Realm? Do you know how many other nobles besides the nobles you can't provoke? I think it’s a girl to be molested by you? Who do you think you are? Are you gold coins?"


The middle-aged uncle was speechless, "I" for a long time, but couldn't tell the rest.

"As a human being, you should converge, be more cautious, and be low-key. Only then can you live safely, lively and comfortably. Don't just look straight when you see beautiful women. You know, what is the background of beautiful women? What is the person behind her? background?"

I stared at him coldly, as if looking at a stone, but it was precisely this kind of gaze that gave the middle-aged uncle a great sense of oppression.

At this moment, he was also sweating profusely and coldly just like the guard next to him.

"who are you?"

He didn't dare to be arrogant, and asked cautiously.

"This has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that I am not something you can afford. If there is another time, I won't be polite."

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