The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3192: Storm outside the city

Venison is delicious.

Delicate, juicy, fragrant and chewy.

But this refers to the venison on the blue planet and the Zephyr continent.

As for the deer of the demon world... will the deer with its fangs and teeth be really delicious?

I doubt it deeply.

In order to verify the authenticity, I decided to try my own risk and taste the meat of this hideous-looking deer.

Don't look at these deer looking ferocious, aggressive and aggressive, but their overall strength is weak.

Basically, with a scabbard, you can easily knock them out one by one.

The next task is to peel the cramps, cut into pieces, set up the stove and start baking.

Roast venison can’t be done for too long. This is my experience in Hefeng Continent. I don’t know if it is suitable for venison from the Demon World.

When the surface of the oiled venison became golden and continued to make sizzling noises, when a scent of roasted meat wafted and surrounded me, I knew that roasted venison was done. Up.

First cut half and share with the blue witch, she eats a lot and eats fast.

Divide the remaining half into half again.

Don't care about the question of whether the dog can eat hot food, because these problems are not a problem with Tuotuo, it is not an ordinary dog ​​at all.

The last thing left is my roast venison.

I picked up the roasted venison and took a bite hard. Feeling the gravy overflowing from the venison in my mouth, tasting the meaty aroma mixed with spices, I couldn't help but fall into the temptation of delicious food.

It turns out that the venison from the Demon Realm is just as delicious.

Two steps away, the blue witch ate up the venison like a windstorm, and then excitedly dragged another deer over, urging me to roast another one.

At the same time, she also suggested that I peel all the deer cramps, cut them into pieces, and use them as food on the road.

Although I knocked a group of deer stunned, it doesn't mean I want to kill them all.

The reason for doing this is just because I don't want to deal with endless attacks, and I clean it all at once.

However, the blue witch was able to make such a suggestion, not because she was cruel, but because she was a foodie, and the foodie was unreasonable when faced with delicious ingredients.

But I cannot kill this species because of her greed.

It may be an exaggeration to say that, but if everyone is like the Blue Witch, the wild animals of the Demon World will be eaten up someday.

The same problem, I have experienced on the blue planet.

So instead of taking her suggestion, I slaughtered a few more deer. Except for the one preparing to cook, all the others were cleaned up, bagged, and preserved with ice cubes made of ice attribute magic.

After that, we rested on the spot for another night. When we got out of the car and moved our muscles and bones at dawn the next day, we found that the deer on the ground had disappeared. What was left was a few incomplete deer skins.

Moreover, these deer skins were obviously torn, probably eaten by other hungry deer as food to satisfy their hunger.

This is the first time I have seen a deer eat the same kind of fur.

It can only be said that these deer are simply too cruel.

As the locomotive started, Blue Witch and Tuotuo and I embarked on the journey again.

The car arrived at the next town that night, but because it was night, the city gate was closed, so we had to drive the locomotive to a place a little further away and light a barbecue.

Fortunately, enough venison is prepared, even if you don’t enter the city, you can still enjoy a few days of food treatment.

With food, the Blue Witch will not make trouble anymore, she will not make trouble, and the whole world will be clean.

But what I didn't expect was that in the process of roasting the venison, the guards of the city were attracted, and there was still a team of guards.

They did not drive a means of transportation, but walked over, and they were not walking fast. Obviously, they were on guard at all times to prevent possible conflict.

When they came closer, they found that there were only two people and a dog eating barbecue by the campfire.

"Yeah, hello everyone" I greeted them with a smile.

"Who are you?" The head guard said: "Why do you want to make a fire here?"

"We are just travelers, driving a locomotive here to play, just when the city gate was closed, we couldn't enter the city, and we were hungry, so we had to make a fire outside the city to make a meal, which disturbed everyone, sorry."

When I said this, I had a good attitude, a gentle voice, and a smile on my face.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiley people with your hands.

Seeing this scene, the guards were too embarrassed to say anything. They just sent other guards to inspect the surrounding area. After confirming that there were no ambushes and criminals, they sent their troops back to the city.

After they left, the blue witch said displeased: "Why don't you bring us along and enter the city together?"

"Everything is for no accidents," I said: "After all, no one can be sure whether there is a problem with our identity or your identity before detailed inquiry."

"That doesn't prevent us from taking us into the city first," the Blue Witch retorted, "All of this can be done in the city, right?"

"But I have a knife, and you don't look like an ordinary person. In case of sudden trouble when entering the city, they can't bear the responsibility."

"A bunch of cowards! Humph!"

The blue witch took a bite of venison angrily.

"This is not timid, this is cautious" I said, "You may understand in the future."

"It's no use for anyone to understand that kind of thing!" The Blue Witch pursed her lips.

Faced with her complaint, I just smiled away.


That night, we leaned side by side and looked at the night sky through the front window of the car.

I don't know what the blue witch is thinking, but I'm counting the stars.

Just like in Hefeng Continent.

However, the Blue Witch is not like Lilya, she won't be stunned and immersed in the sky.

After just looking at it for less than twenty minutes, I felt a warm snort and a slight snoring—the blue witch, asleep.

"Hehe, I really don't understand the style."

I smiled softly.


Early the next morning, I drove the locomotive, carrying the blue witch and Tuo Tuo who were awkwardly asleep, and went to apply for the city.

Today's guard of the city is a familiar face, just one of the guards dispatched last night.

Due to the experience last night, the guard only conducted a series of formulaic inquiries, and did not make things difficult for us.

When being questioned, I also paid the entrance fee, which made the city guard quite satisfied. He didn't even search the locomotive and let it go.

It wasn't until I parked the locomotive outside the other gate of the town that the blue witch woke up in a daze, sighed and greeted me.

I was confused by her reaction, and subconsciously responded to her, and then blurted out: "Suddenly say hello, I'm sick!"

The blue witch giggled: "Why don't you be in a better mood with another greeting."

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