The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3202: Put down the butcher knife

It can only be said that the Demon World has done too much damage to the Blue Witch.

Think about it, I have been raised as a guinea pig. After the experiment is successful, he will continue to accept blood draws and various experiments as the experiment object, and the other side will be forced to become an assistant behind the scenes, helping the other side to kill more. People.

After living in this desperate environment for more than ten years, how could she have a good impression of the devildom?

What's more, since she was rescued by the Red Witch, she has been living with the Red Witch in the Red Witch's Forest. During this period, she did not contact any outsiders. Even if she did, there was only one attitude towards outsiders, which was regarded as aggression. If they have not left beyond the warning event, then the only person to greet them is to kill them.

This is all the impression of the blue witch on the devil world.

It wasn't until I came to the forest, contacted her, and convinced her to leave the forest and return to the Hefeng Continent with me, that she finally got out of the forest.

But even so, the Blue Witch's attitude towards humans other than me is still quite indifferent.

As she said, the Devildom is not regarded as her hometown, but a prison. Naturally, in the eyes of the Blue Witch, these people in the Demon Realm are just a group of "prisoners" who will hurt her at any time, and will be very cruel. Means to treat her'supervisors', for example, nobles.

This is a kind of hatred caused by long-term oppression. After tens of millions of years of precipitation, it does not mean that it can be dissolved by ablation.

The only way is to leave the devil world.

Only in a new environment can you start a new life.

Thinking of this, I gently stopped the Blue Witch and whispered: "Don't worry, the periphery of the Fairy Forest is far more beautiful than you think."

"Where is the inner circle?" The Blue Witch asked suddenly: "You have been telling me about the periphery of the Fairy Forest, and the periphery of the Fairy Forest, but never said the inner fence of the Fairy Forest. Isn't the inner fence beautiful?"

"This...I..." After hesitating for a while, I shook my head: "I don't know."

"Since you don't know, why do you want to slander it?" The blue witch looked at me incomprehensibly, "You don't seem to be someone who would slander something casually."

Frowning for a while, and sighed lightly, I said: "You are right, my conclusion is indeed too arbitrary, but please listen to me to explain."

The blue witch lowered her head again, resting quietly on my shoulder.

Seeing this, I breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "I have never been inside the Fairy Forest, but I have communicated with monsters who have lived in the Fairy Forest."

"What monster?"

"Golden Bee."

"Golden Bee?" The blue witch curiously asked: "Did you grow up eating gold?"

"Not so" I said: "It is called golden bee because they can absorb some unknown components in pollen and brew two substances separately, one is honey, the other is gold, and at the same time because The value of golden honey is equal to gold. When the two reasons are put together, it will naturally have the title of golden bee."

"Can brew honey and gold..." The Blue Witch paused, and then asked, "I know that honey can be eaten. What use do they make to make gold? Should they be exchanged with humans?"

"They don't like to deal with humans" I said: "The golden bee will devour part of the gold every once in a while, and the swallowed gold will merge into its body, tamping its body, and over time, even the demon world's mountain bronze weapons, It can't hurt any of them."

"Do you strengthen your physique by eating metal?" The blue witch murmured: "In the laboratory before, those evil guys tried similar experiments."

"Oh? What's the result?"

"Failed" said the Blue Witch: "And it was a complete defeat. Dozens of experimental subjects died."

I was surprised: "Not even one survived?"

"No" The Blue Witch shook her head: "And it's impossible. How can the human body absorb a lot of metal without problems?"

"Absorption?" I wondered: "Isn't it through quantitative consumption of metals?"

"Your thoughts are too gentle" The Blue Witch sneered: "That's a group of inhumane guys. How could they delay the progress of the experiment in order to preserve the subject's life? They don't care about the subject! They even themselves His family doesn’t care! There are only experiments in the minds of these frantic guys, all kinds of crazy experiments!"

"...For convenience, how did they experiment?"

"Huh, they injected liquid metal into the blood vessels of the subject..."

Listening to the description of the blue witch, my expression gradually became serious: "This...too inhuman."

"This is just the most common kind of experiment." The Blue Witch sneered: "If you want to say that inhumanity, I have more experiments that I haven't told you about, do you want to hear it?"

Contrary to her sorrowful eyes, I was silent for a long time and shook my head: "No, I don't want to listen."

The blue witch gave a sad smile.

But then, I said again: "However, if I return to the Hefeng Continent, I would really like to hear your experience, if I am lucky enough to share my life with you."

The blue witch's eyes bloomed again: "Okay."

This night, we slept very late, but we slept with each other.

Early the next morning, my arms were a little sore, probably because I was put on a pillow by the Blue Witch.

After doing morning exercises, I stretch my muscles and bones, and then I start cooking.

This breakfast, the Blue Witch still eats very happily.

After breakfast, we continued to drive forward.

After another whole day, we finally arrived at the next town.

After paying the entrance fee, we entered the city.

Parked the locomotive and returned to the city again. On the way, there was no bounty hunter, but this did not mean that it was a smooth journey.

Halfway through, we encountered a group of gangsters who blocked the way.

Probably they looked at us as a group of two people and a dog, and they didn't seem to have any fighting power, so they started to plunder.

But fortunately, they only robbed money, not sex, and I didn’t have much hostility towards them, I just wanted to drive them away.

In fact, I did.

With a few punches, all the tribulations were beaten down.

And the adventurer who fought in the middle of the road, after seeing the guy with the robbery being thrown near them by me, he took the initiative to get out of his position, as if he was afraid of hurting him.

I thought to myself that the adventurers in this town are really decent, not only do not provoke civilian passers-by, even non-adventurous robbers don't want to hurt them at will.

Since they are so kind, why fight with each other?

It's better to put down the butcher knife and reason with each other. Isn't it hello, me? Hello, everyone?

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