The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3204: Worries on the wine table

The blue witch smiled without speaking, pretending not to see my depressed expression.

After hearing my explanation, she blinked unexpectedly and said, "I didn't expect you to have such a gentle side too!"

"Nonsense, I'm not a ruthless guy."

"Aren't you cruel?" The Blue Witch looked contemptuously: "Think about the family you killed, and think about the adventurer you killed. When you kill, you never say a word."

"I just like silence."

"Like silence?" The Blue Witch tweeted and smiled disdainfully.

I didn't bother to argue about this with her anymore, but got up to cook.

After the meal, the Blue Witch Lazy Lamb lay on the bed and teased, but I went downstairs alone and went to the tavern.

When I first entered the pub, there were not many meetings, so I listened to a table of drinkers by the wall discussing recent events.

When they talked about the major events that happened today, they deliberately mentioned that there was a well-known local gang organization that seemed to have been attacked in retaliation, and the attacking party was strong, and when they met, they put the gang boss down.

This makes people very curious. Who are the few guys who just get down to the gang boss?

According to the people at that table, the gang organization in this town is the strongest organization whose boss was beaten up, and the strength of the gang boss is not comparable to that of ordinary adventurers.

For example, the situation of defeating him after a few encounters is almost impossible for adventurers in this town, except for individuals and people.

Of those adventurers who had defeated the gang boss, one-quarter belonged to government organizations, one-fourth belonged to civil organizations, and the rest belonged to the six major organizations.

Since the gang organization has existed for a long time, it means that the government organization has already determined its rationality. Recently, the game between the senior nobles has stabilized, and there is no need to move any chess pieces. Therefore, this matter can never be done by the senior government.

As for the six major organizations, the current melee has not yet risen to the elite management level, and there is bound to be no organization to break this balance first.

The only remaining possibility is the struggle between civil organizations.

However, a non-governmental organization with the kind of strong man, generally speaking, will not easily conflict with organizations of the same level, mainly because it does not want to expose its strength and weaken its strength too early.

This principle is equivalent to the relationship between the five major organizations of Hefeng Continent.

There is not much difference in strength between each other. Peaceful coexistence is a win-win situation, and mutual conquest is a win-win situation.

And being able to become the leader of several of the most powerful civil organizations, in addition to having a strong power, also has a more precise awareness of the overall situation.

Otherwise it is impossible to survive in troubled times.

I have to mention here, don't think that Moxi Gantou is really mentally retarded because of his mentally retarded behavior.

In fact, his mentally retarded behavior depends only on his inflated self-confidence and the measurement of the average strength of the town.

It is precisely because he understands that there are not many adventurers in the town who are stronger than him and dare to clashed with him unscrupulously, that's why he can be so domineering.

If he knew my identity and strength, he probably wouldn't have done such a stupid behavior.


The pub is one of the best places to inquire about news.

During the drinking period, I heard a lot of gossip rumors one after another, most of which are related to the aristocratic circle, and a small part is the most recent news event.

For example, the disappearance of the third apostle.

Some people suspect that the disappearance of the third apostle is related to the conspiracy between the apostles.

Just like the disappearance of the apostle that happened tens of millions of years ago.

These are all conspiracies planned by a certain apostle in order to weaken the power of other demon apostles and divide their territory.

Hearing this, I put down the wine glass and said in my heart: I don't agree.

You know, although the apostles ruled the Demon Realm, they didn't care much about the size of the territory and the resources they could rule, except for a few.

For example, the Flame Devourer Antun and the Rogue Silok, the two don't care about the size of the territory, as long as the energy in the territory is sufficient, they are very satisfied.

And like the Black Plague·Dirigi and others, as long as there is a desolate place for her to survive, even if it is a barren land without energy, he doesn't care.

Just because I know the thinking of most of the apostles, it is naturally also clear that the apostles cannot kill each other just for the fight for territory.

As for the places worthy of their conspiracies and tricks, they are what they need most.

If you want to ask the apostle what is most needed?

I don't know this either.

Stalker Silok needs light and heat, and an existence that can make him feel safe.

Black Plague Di Ruiji needs a place where she can live comfortably, even if the place is barren with only yellow sand, she doesn't care.

Antoun, the Flame Devourer, needs energy, a huge amount of energy.

Maker Luke needs his former subordinates, as well as his most cherished granddaughter, the naughty Becky, and it is best to have a town that is majestic and quiet enough.

I can understand Luke's desire. After all, he is a scientist, and scientific research does not require noise.

Longfoot Rotes needs a piece of sea.

The delisted Tyrannosaurus King Bakar needs more powerful power.

I don't know if it's because Bakar's heart is not dead, he wants to return to the demon world after gaining enough power, and he is ashamed.

But in terms of the desire for power, Bakar is the strongest.

The reason why I know the desire of so many apostles is that these apostles are all in Hefeng Continent and they regard me as a friend.

The apostles of the demon world, except for Casillas who had been in a battle with me, was the Holy Eye Michel who had attacked me but stopped in time to stop the loss.

For the rest of the apostles, I don’t know their hobbies and desires. How can I judge what kind of conspiracy promoted the disappearance of the third apostle.

But then again, I never expected that the reputation of the third apostle could be compared with the first apostle.

The reason for thinking this is because more than one group of people whispered at the wine table: "Unexpectedly, this third Apostle, who is comparable to the First Apostle, will also disappear. It is sensational. "

Another person sighed, "Hey, that is to say, in this way, will our living environment become more dangerous again?"

Upon hearing this, I think these guests who talk about this topic really think too much.

For the apostles, they have a sense of existence between each other. Mere humans, especially weak and weak humans, will not enter the eyes of the apostle. Therefore, in addition to the unlucky ones that have harmed the pond fish, the lives of the indigenous people of the demon world are absolutely unique. Will not be disturbed.

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