What Casillas said shocked me, made me speechless, and made me think... he was probably crazy, right?

"It's rude to say that, but I still have to say, Casillas, are you expecting me to die?"

"How is it possible?" Casillas shook his head slightly, "I still long to fight with you in the future."

"Oh, in that case, why should I get involved in the war between the apostle and the apostle?"

"How is this different from sending me to death?"

Casillas took a sip of wine, put down the bamboo tube, wiped his mouth, and said slowly: "Naturally there are differences."

I frowned and asked, "They are all apostles, what do you think will be different?"

"I remember that you have a good healing technique, even if your body is broken, you can recover in a very short time."

"But I heard that the apostle’s attack is of the level of destruction, especially the battle between the apostle and the apostle, it is as terrible as the end of the world. If I am accidentally hit by a big move, I am afraid it will be ashes. Isn’t it all collected?"

I thought Casillas would change his words because of this, or fall into contemplation, but unexpectedly, after a moment of contemplation, he asked me with a question mark on his face: "Is the apostle so strong?"

My eyes twitched and I almost went crazy.

"Are you asking me?" I frantically said: "But you are the apostle! I'm just an ordinary human!"

"If you are asking me, I can tell you very responsibly" Casillas said with a serious face, and said solemnly: "The apostle’s attack is not that powerful. Except for the first, I have never seen anyone able to do it. The apostles who can destroy the world with one blow, they can only break a large island into broken sand with one blow, but your body should not be that weak and fragile, right?"

Casillas stared at me and said seriously: "The physical fitness of an adventurer who can hold so many knives for me will never be that weak."

"Furthermore, since you can carry me so many attacks without dying, you can already prove that you can also carry the attacks of the Third Apostle."

"Wait!" I grasped the key point of the dialogue: "You said the attack of the third apostle? The third apostle... why is the third apostle again? Are you asking me to join the third apostle, or Attack the third apostle?"

"How did you know?" Casillas asked puzzledly.

"Please, your words are very clear, isn't it?" I explained, "You said that I can also carry the attack of the third apostle, and you said that I need my help to the third apostle, which sounds contradictory. In his words, I concluded that you want me to assist the third apostle and face the third apostle. In other words, there are not only one third apostle in your demon world, but two, right?"

"No" Casillas shook his head: "It's still one."

Thinking that I had caught the correct answer, but I was denied, I was completely confused by this set of contradictory words: "How is it possible?"

"Nothing is impossible," Casillas said slowly: "As you can guess, there are indeed two third apostles, but they are not aliens, but the same."

"...What do you mean?"

"This incident originated from the beginning of the Demon World. If you agree to help, I can tell you this history."

Casillas offered a condition that was not tempting.

To be honest, I am not interested in this period of history...Well, I am only interested in it, just a millimeter.

"Casillas" my eyes suddenly became serious: "You know, I am not a native of the Demon Realm, and I am only entrusted by others."

"I know" Casillas said: "You said this before."

"Then you should also be able to guess that before completing the commission I received, other things are trivial chores."

"I know."

When Casillas answered, he didn't even have an expression or even his eyebrows trembling. It seemed that he had already figured it out and thought of this step.

Thinking of this, I sighed: "Well, I promised your request, but you have to do things for me."

"Two things...no, three things!"

"what's up?"

"First thing, help me save someone."


Casillas's calm attitude seems perfunctory, but I know very well that the more calm he is, the less perfunctory he is, but the more confident.

Because he is an apostle.

"You know, naughty Becky?"

Casillas pondered for a few seconds, then asked, "Is that Luke's assistant?"

"Yes, it's her" I said, "I need you to rescue her."

"Where is she?"

"Ancient library, headquarters."

Casillas was silent.

This was the first time he had such a serious silence. Obviously, the headquarters of the ancient library was not a place where he said he could break through.

After a long while, he raised his head, stared at me, and said solemnly: "If Ikki the Infinite will not stop him, I can promise you."

"If Inferior Ikky tries to stop her, you can tell her my name."

"Say your name, is it all right?" Casillas stared at me for a moment, and slowly said, "Who are you?"

"I told you before that I am a fairy, and I also said that I am a human being. As for belief or unbelief, it is up to you to judge, and" I said: "These are not important, are they?"

Casillas stared deeply into my eyes, and then said seriously: "I promise you."

"The second thing" I said: "protect the Blue Witch for me, and treat her well, don't let her be wronged."


When Casillas answered, his expression was slightly tangled.

It seems that for a fighting freak, having to curb the heart of killing and protect someone, this behavior is more difficult than shutting him in a small black room.

But fortunately, he agreed.

"The third thing" I said: "When you took away Becky, if a sea clan rashly attacked you, don't kill them. You only need to explain to them that I made you do this. And let them follow you until I come back, okay?"

Casillas was silent for a few seconds, and said in a rather dissatisfied tone: "I am not a nanny."

I didn't shrink back, looked at him, and said, "I'm not from the devil."

"......I promise you."

"In that case, give me some time and I'll talk to the blue witch."

Casillas waved his hand: "Go and come back quickly."

Leaping down the tall building, ignoring the awkward expressions of the surrounding people, I rushed to the hotel as quickly as possible.

How fast is my fastest speed?

Regarding this, I don't know, I only know that when I rushed, everything around seemed to become slow.

At the same time, I also felt an invisible obstacle, which is an obstacle from the air.

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