Does it hurt?

It's not painful.

At least it was much lighter than when it was beaten by a tauren boss.

But this feeling is unusually uncomfortable, as if I have lost control of my body.

I hate this feeling, but I want to get rid of it, but I can't do anything about it.

The powerful electric current applied to my body is pulling my body like a thin thread pulling a puppet.

Makes me constantly make all kinds of strange movements, like a dance.

"This, this, this... feelings, feelings... it's really bad!"

I yelled the last word, and the moment I yelled the last word, the killing intent flowing in my body was released uncontrollably.

Suddenly, an indescribable thing formed by killing intent appeared on this piece of land.

Looking at the indescribable thing that seems to be real and lifelike, but cannot be named, I don't know how to speak.

And that huge indescribable, it should be said that it was my killing intent, and it came alive the moment I looked at it.

A bunch of weird pupils with red and black, shining with mysterious and weird light, meet my eyes.

At the moment when my eyes met, I didn't feel any discomfort. On the contrary, I felt very kind and familiar, just like an old friend.

Subconsciously, I stretched my hand slowly towards the indescribable thing.

And with the action of raising my hand, the indescribable thing also extended a long black and red tentacle.

After a few seconds, my hand connected with the tentacles.

After a few breaths, the indescribable thing made an ethereal and mysterious sound, and then disappeared out of thin air at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

But I can clearly feel that it still exists, but in a very short period of time, it slipped back into my body.

All this happened so quickly and so strangely that neither Casillas nor Prey had reacted yet.

In the past more than a minute, Casillas and Prey all recovered. They recovered, did not ask me for the first time, but took a breath.

A few more minutes passed before Prey murmured: "What was that... just now?"

Casillas looked solemn and responded in a very low tone: "I don't know."

Later, he added: "But I feel that its life level is higher than ours by an unknown number of levels. That is... the most fundamental difference."

Having said this, he paused and looked at me with confusion and caution in his eyes.

"Goblin...what kind of existence is it?"

"Huh?" Prey suddenly looked at Casillas: "What did you say?"

"Fairy" Casillas said: "That kid, he said he is a fairy."


Prey's gaze suddenly changed from surprise to shock, and he subconsciously made a backing gesture.

Casillas noticed Prey’s reaction and asked curiously: "You know fairies?"


After a long silence, Prey murmured: "I don't know."

"Do you know or not?" Casillas frowned.

"I only know that there is such a legend in Taples..."

Pray told a story about his hometown of Taples, which he had heard when he was a child, in an undecided posture.

The former Tebos was a barren planet.

The cracked Gobi is like a spider web, spread all over the planet.

The reason for this is said to be because there was only a small sea lake at the time, and the amount of evaporated water was not enough to form a large area of ​​cumulonimbus. Over time, except for the small sea lake and its nearby areas, Most of the ground is dry and waterless.

The aboriginal people living in Tapels endure the heat and drought, endure hunger and helplessness, and live day after day, year after year.

What changed all of this was the guy called the first sky overlord of Taples. His appearance was very similar to Pray, and he could never stop flying in the sky.

It is said that before he became the savior of Tapels, his strength was not unprecedented, but similar to the current Pray.

The reason why he suddenly became stronger than ever, and became the savior of Tapers, because of an opportunity.


The first Sky Overlord had a kind heart similar to Pray, and he was willing to do everything in order to improve the native life of Taples.

But the power he has is not enough to change the environment of Tapels, so he soars in the sky. In addition to thinking about ways to change the environment of Tapels, he just keeps praying, praying to the great will, and praying every day. It can come here, change and save Tippers.

The great will does not know whether it has heard his prayer, only knows that it has never appeared.

However, although the great will never appeared, a guy who claimed to be a traveler appeared. He had exactly the same face as a human. The only difference was that he had a pair of dexterous and slender ears and a silver-white hair. .

This guy who looked very young, but didn't know his age, smiled and said to the first Sky Overlord that he just happened to travel up to this point. Hearing his appeal, he thought the appeal was sincere, so he decided to help.

Suddenly a stranger came and said he wanted to help you fulfill your wish. Can you believe it?

I don't believe me either.

The first Sky Overlord had the same idea.

He doesn't think this young man has the ability to change the ecological environment of Taples.

But in fact, it was like a big slap, slapped him hard.

And opened his eyes.

The use of magical elements is like an ambassador for young people, and the power of each magic is unprecedented.

After evacuating the people to the high mountains, the young man opened his hands and chanted a mantra to the small lake and sea. Then, the shallow water level of the lake and sea rose rapidly, and within a few seconds, it rose several times. Meters high.

Within a day, almost the entire planet was trapped in a barren state, and it became a planet rich in water.

Such behavior can no longer be described by magic, but a miracle!

But the young man was not satisfied. He believed that this planet was too barren and needed something full of vitality.

So, with a chant, plants grew out of the cracks in the ground, first flowers and plants, then shrubs, and finally towering giant trees.

After doing this, he felt that the ecosystem of the planet was too barren, so he created countless birds, beasts and insects out of thin air.


Along with the occurrence of miracles, Tapels also changed from a barren planet in the beginning to the most vibrant planet in the universe, and was even called the "golden planet" by other planets.

The young man who completed the miracle nodded in satisfaction and left.

Before leaving, the first Sky Overlord asked the other party's name and race. The youth's name is no longer known, but his race was engraved on the largest and hardest stone tablet by the tribe.

His race is exactly the fairy.

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