The electric ball burst out with a dazzling brilliance like the sun, and crashed down towards the top of my head.

This scene resembles the reappearance of the scene when Isis encounters the sword gang!

Raising my eyes and gazing at the electric ball, I even forgot to avoid it, except for the shock that was in my heart, my remaining emotions are only surprise and admiration: what a beautiful brilliance!

"Stupid!" Prey's voice sounded in my ears like a thunderstorm: "Don't go away soon!"

Waking up by this sound like the bell of a bell, I just thought about the situation at this moment, and I couldn't help being shocked.

However, it was too late to run anymore at this time.

The electric ball is only two meters away from me. Even if it can be avoided and not directly bombarded by it, it will inevitably be affected by the shock wave and current.

For a moment, I stood there, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, another voice suddenly rang in my mind: "Smelly boy, have you been too comfortable, you can forget even the things like not being distracted in battle?"

This familiar voice, this familiar mockery, this is... the voice of Odachi!

For some reason, when I heard the sound of Odachi, my panicked heart suddenly quieted down.

"Hey, looking at what you said, how could I forget, it's just that the brilliance is so dazzling, it makes me dazzled for a while."

"Stubbornly, if you were really prepared, would you still panic like this?" Odachi teased: "Okay, I'm not prepared, just not prepared. Don't be arrogant. Think about how to solve the current dilemma. I don’t want to be buried with you on this **** planet where birds don’t shit."

"It's actually pretty good here, with mountains and waters, wind and light, and all kinds of small animals playing and playing around. After all, it's also a good geomantic place."

"Fart!" Odachi retorted my words mercilessly.

I sighed silently in my heart, and I helplessly said, "What do you want to do? This electric ball is so terrifying, I'm afraid I can't resist it."

"If you can't stop it, you won't be able to stop it?" Odachi mocked me in a playful tone: "You still call yourself an adventurer in vain. You don't even have this courage. I think you are not an adventurer or a coward. Of warriors."

"Hey, hey, I have a bad temper!"

For some reason, the calm emotions that had been maintained so well were instantly stirred up.

Without even thinking about it, I immediately opened my posture, condensed killing intent, and aimed at the crashing electric ball, which was a slash!

"Give me—broken!"

With a roar, the knife went out and slashed straight to the electric ball.

Stabbed, there was a dazzling sound, and Dao Gang went straight into the electric ball, but no matter how strong Dao Gang was, it was still not enough to break the apostle's full blow.

Just as I thought before, the almost infinite knife gang, when it only cut into about four inches, stopped its forward trend and turned to consume each other with the electric ball.

However, it didn't take long for the mutual consumption to disappear in the crackling sound of the electric ball.

The electric ball was no longer obstructed again, and blasted towards me fiercely.

This time, let alone running away, I didn't even have the strength to resist.

After all, the strongest blow used up my stamina, and in a short period of time, I couldn't condense more stamina.

Is it... really going to be badly hit?

I secretly said in my heart.

But just as the electric ball fell, a knife suddenly appeared, and it was...Casillas' knife!

"Casillas!" Isis's voice was furious: "As an apostle, are you planning to intervene in my affairs?"

"Humph" Casillas snorted coldly, "I don't care about you and Prey. I just can't bear your full attack on humans."

"Humans? Humph! Can humans really crack my full blow?" Isis snorted proudly: "Even if he is a human, he dares to stand in front of me and prevent me from defeating Prey, that's I Isis. Enemy of Sri Lanka!"

As he spoke, he burst out with a cry that shook the sky and the earth. With the echo of the voice, countless black lightnings were born out of thin air, covering his whole body.

Isis at this moment is like a black Thor!

"What about being your enemy?" Casillas was fearless. After blasting the electric ball, he blocked most of the impact.

At this moment, he shook his arm, not caring about his scorched body at all, and resolutely stood in front of Isis.

"Casillas, even if you are an enemy of me, you can't help Pray defeat me." Isis glanced at him indifferently and said: "There must be no life or death battle between the apostles. This is a great will. You have no power to break the rules."

"Who said I want to break?" Casillas snorted coldly: "I just need to block your attack."

"What's the use of blocking my attack?" Isis said with disdain: "Even if you can block my attack, the real decision of the battle still depends on the human being! As long as his attack, touch Without me, all your efforts will be in vain!"

"That's why I want to block your attack, Isis," Casillas said solemnly, "Moreover, you still look down on humans too much."

"Then wait until what he can do!"

Isis said coldly.

"Casillas, get out of the way, this is our battle, it has nothing to do with you."

Behind him, Prey's voice sounded.

This is not polite at all.

I was a little worried that Casillas would be angry, but the fact is that instead of being angry, Casillas really gave way.

"Isis" Prey said loudly, "Stop the collection of negative energy, merge with me, and become a real apostle of the devil again."

"Dreaming!" Isis said coldly and proudly: "You don't think you are a complete apostle, but I think you are! Want to merge with me? Yes, come up with your strength! If you really have that ability, even if you abandon me Ambition, aside from my dreams, I can also choose to become a subsidiary, but if you don’t have the ability, you will obediently dedicate your strength and achieve me. At that time, the name of Preisis will resound in the entire Devildom. sky!"

"If you can give up the absorption of negative energy, I can fulfill you!"

Prey again offered his conditions.

"Negative energy is inherent in human beings. As long as there are negative emotions, there will be a continuous influx of negative energy. Such convenient and huge energy, why don't I collect and use it?"


For some reason, I suddenly agreed with Isis.

Why can't it use such a huge amount of energy, and it's still a kind of unnecessary use?

But in the end, I couldn't say this, because at this moment, Prey's expression was both heartbroken and disappointed. There was a big discrepancy, so he fought.

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