Charging is a kind of precursor, which means that the accumulating unit is accumulating strength and is about to release a powerful move.

This is a common spellcasting process for both humans and apostles.

Even if Casillas is a swordsman who loves instant moves, he also knows the truth.

So Casillas didn't ask more, and said that if I was done with energy, I could say hello to him directly, and he could send me up.

I glanced at Casillas, who was full of tendons and didn't bring any casting tools. I doubted how he would send me up there?

But I didn't ask, nor did I have the time and energy to ask.

While gathering the killing intent, I began to try to mobilize the power of the goblin in my body.

This fairy power is a gift left to me by the former me, and it is in the blood, cannot be deprived, and is inexhaustible, an inexhaustible gift.

The only shortcoming might be that the power of this goblin seems too meager, and when faced with a strong like an apostle, it appears to be inadequate.

But this is my most powerful killer so far.

When looking for the power of the fairy, the blade of the monster blade was already completely covered by the black and red killing intent.

The whole knife was flowing with a weird halo, like a **** flower blooming in the dark night.

On the side, Casillas was attracted by the depth of field before him.

He is the most admired combatant in the devil world. No one loves fighting more than him, just as no one knows how to use magic better than Herder.

And the more you love fighting, the more you like melee techniques that have weird powers, even capable of destroying the world.

Even if he felt that the weirdness of this power had already exceeded the limit he could accept, but he just couldn't refuse it.

It's as if the moth cannot resist the pursuit of light and the temptation from the flame.

Subconsciously, Casillas wanted to reach out and touch the demon sword, but when he was only an inch away from the sword, he stopped.

Immediately, filled with reluctance, he hesitated and withdrew his hand.

I have already noticed Casillas's series of actions, but I didn't say anything from beginning to end, not thinking, but unable.

Although I can mobilize my mind and observe everything around me, most of my attention is attracted by the power of the goblin in my body. I can't distract him until I mobilize it from the body.

For some reason, after using it once, the power of the goblin that wanders through my body is like a magnet, tightly sucked in the blood, and it is even more difficult to transfer away from the body.

If it weren't for my spiritual power to be strong enough and absolute control over the bloodline, it would be impossible to extract it.

But even so, I still took a lot of effort to pull it out and pour it on the knife.

At the moment when the power of the goblin merged with the sword gang, a wave of terrible magic that could not be expressed was transmitted from the sword gang, and in an instant, it reached the sky.

The gloomy sky that was originally dark, the moment when the wave was transmitted, it seemed to be split by a sharp blade, opening a striking gap.

A ray of sunlight passed through the gap and fell on the earth.

The originally dull messy ground, like a sacred light, has become no longer messy, no longer messy, but like a holy land that has been baptized for thousands of years.

Staring blankly at Dao Gang, Casillas' eyes burst with enthusiasm.

This is the power he dreams of.

However, dreaming is not a must.

Casillas is very enthusiastic about fighting, but his head is clear.

He knows very well that some power is not something that he can use if he wants to.

Just like it is difficult for him to defeat the first apostle in martial arts.

So, if the power of the goblin is gained, is it possible to defeat the first apostle?

Thinking of this, Casillas looked even hotter, wishing to take away the magical power from the boy in front of him.

Constantly mobilizing, condensing, mobilizing, and then condensing the power of the goblin, my physical condition at this moment has still reached its peak.

With the nourishment of the killing intent, the watering of the power of the goblin, and the raging intent to fight, at this moment, I have an illusion, as if I have become an omnipotent existence!

"It's now!" I shouted, "Casillas, send me up!"

After hesitating for a second, Casillas took a step forward, grabbed my neck, and threw me in the air.


I secretly said in my heart: "How could Casillas, who is not good at using magic, use a series of more complicated methods such as aerosol? There is only one method he can think of and can use. That is, I Throw it to heaven."

Looking at Casillas getting smaller and smaller under me, and the ground further and further away from me, I fell into a semi-collapsed state.

"Ahhhhh! It seems I am still a little afraid of heights! Bastard!"

While roaring, Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "Don't look down if you are afraid of heights, look up."

Following Odachi's instructions, I raised my head and met Isis in the sky.

The latter's eyes were full of horror, staring at me and the demon knife in his hand, especially the demon knife. In his opinion, this was a terrifying object that could destroy him.

Pree also felt the huge magic wave, and this wave of magic brought him a slightly familiar feeling. Almost instantly, he understood what was going on, so he entangled Isis even harder.

Although Isis has a strength that surpasses Pray after absorbing a considerable amount of negative energy, but they are both of the same one. There is no way to tell the winner within time.

Of course, there is no way to get rid of each other's entanglement in a short time.

This made Isis extremely anxious. He wanted to use the power of thunder to blow Pray into ashes, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Isis's helplessness made Pley more comfortable, and gradually gained an advantage in hand-to-hand combat.

As the knife gang got closer, Isis's face became more hideous, and at the same time, the sense of fear in his eyes became stronger and heavier.

"Go away! Go away!" Isis roared, completely bewildered.

His struggle is more intense, his anger is more monstrous, but the more he struggles, the more difficult it is to break free.

Finally, Dao Gang has arrived, and it is hard to be sharp.

With a muffled sound, the knife gang pierced Isis's body, blood spurted, and electricity flowed.

Isis was particularly hideous, grinning, wishing to swallow me a bite, but because of the killing intent and the destruction of the power of the goblin, he became weaker and weaker.

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