The apostle is the boss of the demon world.

Anyone who dares to provoke them will be punished by the Thunder.

This also includes indirect provocation.

I always thought that the naughty Becky was nothing more than a plaything in the eyes of the Second Apostle·Crying Eye·Herder.

And there are many similar playthings, and even if one or two are taken away, she won't care.

But it seems that I guessed wrong.

Just when I was about to say goodbye to Casillas, go to the beach, open the portal, and leave the devil world with the blue witch, naughty Becky, and a group of sea people, Herder suddenly came here and stopped. my way.

She was tall, her clothes were exposed, her skin was fair, half of her face was very pretty, but she was cold, arrogant and frosty, domineering, and she had a temperament of empress, even if she confronted Her Majesty the Fairy Queen.

The silver hair is like snow, and the sharp ears are slender, similar to a fairy, but judging from the strong magical fluctuations and surging aura radiating from her body, she is only similar in appearance, but in essence, it is by no means a descendant of the fairy and the elves.

Raising her head, staring quietly at the mask covering half of her face, judging from the faintly flowing magical waves on the mask, it is made of fine gold, mithril and shan bronze.

These three kinds of metals are the most expensive and the most fluid in magic power. They are made into masks. It can only be said that Herder is worthy of the apostle in charge of the magic world, and he is really rich.

At the same time, another possibility is not ruled out-this mask should also be a weapon, and it is most likely Herder's killer.

After all, she is the ancestor of magic in the devil world.

Being able to use magic proficiently is simply natural, and using the fine gold, mithril, and occult alloy weapons that are most suitable for releasing magic is even more powerful.

"You are Casillas who bet on the name of the apostle, and you want to take away the little guy from Beck?"

Hearing this question, I looked at Casillas subconsciously, but saw him holding the knife indifferently, leaning against the wall, like a leisurely nap.

Presumably, his heart must be very contradictory.

Because it is certain from Herder's tone that Casillas paid some price for taking Becky away.

Possibly, the price is not great, but that is only for the apostle. It should be an unbearable burden to replace it with me.

Thinking of this, I could no longer maintain the indifferent expression, frowning, and my face became serious.

"Presumably, you are the Second Apostle·Crying Eye·Herder, right?"

"It's me" Herder lightly opened his lips and said coldly: "What about you?"

"Not so much, but, Becky is my friend, the granddaughter of Maker Luke, this time I was entrusted by others to come to the Demon Realm, the only purpose is to take Becky away, and please raise your hands and let go Pass us."


Herder said coldly, his voice like a twelfth lunar cold wind, bitingly cold.

Is this also a way of using magic?

When I was frightened, I guessed silently.

Really deserved to be the ancestor of magic in the devil world, it is incredible to develop magic to such an extent.

After pondering for a few seconds, I replied: "I don't rely on anything. To you, Becky is just a mere ant. Letting go of one will not affect you in any way. Of course, I don't take the shell away in vain. Odd, you can make a condition, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

Herder snorted when he heard the words: "Ant, how can you be qualified to make a request to me?"

"You woman is really annoying, my Xiaoyi asks you to ask for it, you just mention it, it's so annoying, it's so annoying!"

On the side, although the Blue Witch had already trembles twice by the Blue Witch's aura, she was also irritated by Herder's attitude, so she boldly shouted.

This sound was terrible. When Herder had suffered such humiliation, she glared at her beautiful eyes and exclaimed: "Who allowed you to speak!"

As he spoke, when he raised his index finger, a basketball-sized magic missile was created out of thin air, shot out, and hit the blue witch.

Just when I wanted to draw a knife to resist, the blue witch took a step ahead of me, chanted a spell, released a magic missile of the same size, went straight to the flying magic missile, and hit it.

With a bang, two groups of magic missiles exploded at the same time, and the aftermath lifted the grass clippings on the ground.

Herder narrowed her beautiful eyes and gave a sigh. Then, she seemed to have found a new toy, showing a playful expression, and said: "I didn't expect you, the only successful experimenter, to be alive."

The blue witch hated the word ‘test product’, and hated the laboratory back then.

Suddenly Herder pointed out the deepest pain in her heart. She immediately became furious, mobilizing the magic power of her body, condensing the power of fading, and accumulating a giant magic missile with a radius of more than one meter, and throwing it towards Herder. Past.

Herder sneered, and raised his right hand slightly to accumulate power. Within a few seconds, a magic missile of the same size was formed, and before the Blue Witch’s magic missile arrived, it shot out, collided with it, and happened again. For a violent explosion.

The air wave is overwhelming, sweeping everything around.

Just when this air wave was at its highest, I suddenly noticed that a terrifying aura was approaching the Blue Witch at a very fast speed.

Before I could think about it, I just drew my knife out of its sheath and hit the person with a knife.

Since the opponent's speed is quite fast, and the aura is strong, I dare not care about it, so I immediately condensed the killing intent.

This demon sword with a strong killing intent, like a blade of black lightning, smashed straight through with an unmatched aura.

The visitor was obviously startled, and then quickly retreated, but it was too late. After all, my knife was not given for nothing.

With a soft sneer, the corners of my mouth curled up, and I smiled slightly until I hit the guy. I only waited for the anger to dissipate, so I could see which guy who didn't open his eyes dared to harm my family.

However, the air wave hasn't subsided yet, but a rapid magic wave suddenly arrives and pierces me straight.

I don't know what it is, but I can feel that the person who came is not good, so I once again condensed the killing intent, aimed at the attack, and slashed fiercely.

There was a crisp sound, and at the same time a huge force came into my hand from the blade.

This force was so strong that it forced me to take a step back.

But at this moment, the wave of anger dissipated, and I could see that the person who attacked me was indeed the Second Apostle, Weeping Eye Herd.

Herder's face wasn't pretty at this moment. What's more, the fluffy wristband on her right arm, I don't know when, lost a small amount of fluff and turned into a half-bald fluffy wristband.

The remaining half of the fluff swayed awkwardly in the wind, adding a touch of weirdness to the atmosphere of tension.

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