Herder knew about Xilan's sword technique once the stone hammer meant that as long as the Xilan sword technique was used, no matter what kind of change, it would not be able to cause even the slightest threat to her.

Even if Xi Lan himself plays, it won't work.

Thinking of this, I turned my blade and my moves immediately changed.

In an instant, the sword technique became no longer gorgeous, no longer beautiful, but more elegant and more elusive.

This is my own knife method derived from the Xilan knife method.

The sudden change of the knife technique made Herder's expression suddenly stiff, and then he became somewhat powerless.

At first, she was able to resist my attacks with a magic shield, but as my speed increased, she found that the reaction speed of her eyes and brain was not enough.

Thus, the first vacillating gap appeared.


There was a muffled sound.

The great cloak behind Herder was cut to pieces.


There was another muffled noise.

The fluff on Herder's other cuff was chopped off.


There was still a muffled noise.

Herder's side cloak was completely cut down.


With more and more injuries and more and more embarrassed, Herder finally broke out.

She had a trick, a magic wand more than one meter long appeared in her hands out of thin air.

After a brief and rapid chant, a wave of violent magic raged.

Accompanied by the magic wave raging along with it, there were also extremely violent air waves.

The Blue Witch and Tuo Tuo, as well as the naughty Becky, had already been sent back to the castle by Casillas, and he himself stood at the gate watching the battle.

Seeing this, Casillas did not hesitate to condense the power of the apostle and the sword, facing the billowing air wave and the powerful magic wave, it is a sword.

Dao Gang only split about one meter, but split the air wave into two.

The air waves and magic waves eroded by the sword gang only moved forward for about half a meter, and the strength was suddenly reduced and turned into an invisible breeze.

Casillas sighed slightly, the castle was finally saved.

But at the center of the battle, I had to face the powerful magic wave and the impact of the billowing air waves that Herder broke out.

Faced with a powerful force of this level, I no longer hide my personal secrets, and directly transfer the magical power that is in my blood to fight against it.

The sudden eruption of the power of the goblin instantly dispelled all the magic waves and air waves that rushed over, and even the apostle power contained in it was also dissolved.


Until this moment, Herder finally found something wrong.

This terrible force...

"You helped Prey and defeated Isis?"

Herder's voice was very serious.

"Yes, Master Apostle" I faintly responded, condensing the power of the goblin to the tip of the knife, and stab Helder straight away: "I didn't want to oppose you, but you have repeatedly forced I."

"Hmph" Held snorted coldly, "Do you think that if you help Prey defeat Isis, you can also defeat me?"

"A delusion!"

With a violent shout, the power of countless apostles was like a flood and landslide, spreading out from Herder's body, instantly crushing the marble floor into slag.

I suddenly opened my eyes and said in surprise: "This is... the power of the apostle?"

"Damn it!" Faced with the apostle's power that rushed to me quickly, I slapped my claws.

The so-called apostle power is the original power of the apostle.

This is a very special power. According to Rotes' explanation, the power of the apostle is the original power of Beyana.

The main reason why the power of the apostle is so powerful is that the power of the apostle contains the original power of the great will.

In other words, when the demon people of the year were sheltered by the great will, they also stole part of the energy of the great will and poured it into the core of the artificial man, creating the God of Beyana.

That is, the final version of the final battle with the great will, Beyana Fighting God.

The great will is the **** of creation who created the world. His power, even if it is only a small part, is strong enough to make everything kneel down.

It is conceivable that the blow of Herder, who burst out of the power of the apostle, would be such an unsolvable blow!

When I was helpless, the voice of Odachi sounded in my mind.

"Don't be silly, fight back!"

"Counterattack?" I smiled bitterly: "What kind of counterattack? Do you think the current demon sword can withstand this level of attack?"

"The demon sword can't do it, I can do it!" Odachi roared, "It's been a long time since you've been fighting with me, brat!"

"Yeah!" I was struck by lightning, and I was stunned in the same place for an instant, and in an instant, I came back to my senses: "Meow, I always treat you as a human being, and I forget that you are a knife! "

"Huh? Why does this sound like scolding me?"

Odachi suspiciously.

"I didn't scold you, don't worry!" I responded casually, and I immediately threw the demon sword aside, and at the same time pulled out the Odachi that had been on my back.

The black blade, at the moment it was unsheathed, burst out a strange light that was heart-palpiting.

As the light dissipated, I only felt that I and Daidachi seemed to merge into one.

"This is... how does it feel?"

"A sense of tacit understanding, you stupid" Datadao said, "Although you haven't used me for a long time, you have never forgotten. Carrying me on your back, accumulating over time, our souls have already reached the level of resonance. Naturally, when you use me, you can reach the realm of the unity of man and knife."

"But before..."

"I know what you want to say. The situation was not in crisis before, even the one against Casillas, it was not in crisis, because ah, Casillas never really broke out to you from beginning to end. Killing intent, but the woman in front of me is different, she seems to really want to kill you, and this power...tsk."

"What happened to this power?"

"If I expected it well, this power should not be complete."

"What's the explanation for this?"

"Simple, in other words, this woman should not be a complete ontology, but an existence like a clone."

"Clone?!" I was surprised.

"But it's not necessarily. It is possible that she is the ontology, but only the ontology with a part of the power."

"Why can you tell this?" I wondered.

"Because the weird power contained in this attack is very powerful, but it is not stable, or it is not stable enough, and a complete power must be stable, otherwise it will not be easily used unless The other party is not afraid of death, or has enough life."

"Difficult, could it be said that Herder in front of me, she..."

"This is not the time for cranky thinking, brat, hurry up and get you active and fight heartily!"

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