Under the guidance of Odachi, I became more and more curious about killing intent.

But in the current situation, it is not suitable to ask too much. Let's solve the current dilemma first.

Facing the black hole that seemed to swallow everything, I followed Odachi's suggestion, and no longer hesitated, swiping the large sword and slashed straight towards the black hole.

The knife gang with the killing intent and the power of the fairy is like a sharp blade for cutting tofu, and it cuts the black hole in two without any hindrance.

This scene was somewhat beyond my expectations, but it was far beyond Herder's expectations.

She never seemed to think that a black hole could even be split.

But the actual situation in front of her had to convince her.

The black hole was really split.


Held murmured, and at the same time, the corners of his lips curled up with an imperceptible curve.

However, the imperceptible curvature of Herder's lips was still noticed by me.

Although this smile looks beautiful, I don't think it is a friendly or appreciative smile.

In my opinion, it looks like a devil's smile.

After cutting the black hole, I took a step forward and swiped the knife again.

The second knife not only split the black hole into four segments, but also caused it to completely collapse.

Although this is a black hole created through magical waves by the power of the apostle, its essence is no different from a real black hole.

Black holes are celestial bodies that contain extreme energy. When they erupt, what they can release is also extreme energy.

As a result, hurricane-like energy waves raged in all directions.

At this time, not only Casillas and I were not calm, even the Second Apostle, the crying eye Herder, could not continue to be calm.

This is not to say that Herder is afraid of the energy when the black hole erupts. As an apostle, her strength is not only the king and hegemony in the devil world, even in the universe, she is still a rare powerhouse.

Since it can be so powerful, it naturally ignores the constraints of celestial energy such as black holes, otherwise it would be impossible to use such moves as black holes.

The reason why Herder was afraid of this raging energy was not because of the explosive shock wave contained in the black hole, or the violent and unstable magical fluctuations. What she was afraid of was the accompanying killing intent and the power of the goblin. .

The weirdness of these two forces, the intense frequency fluctuations, and the terrible destructive power they cause are far more shocking than the unstable magical fluctuations.

If Herder was like this, Casillas was even more frightened. He was not afraid of the impact and destructive power that this force could bring.

What he was horrified was whether his mansion could survive the baptism of this power. Don't impact wherever he went, everything would be turned into ruins.

Especially this is his mansion. It is the place where he has the most memories. Once it is destroyed, where will he cry?

Immediately, Casillas also broke out. The power of Casillas broke out like a war ghost. Two knives were swung at the same time, and countless knives were danced, and they were killed by the energy shock wave that swept through.

Casillas has the way Casillas resists, and Herder also has the low-grade way belonging to Herder. I saw her chanting magic continuously, and the waves of magic mixed with the power of the apostle, gathered together into a sphere. , Wrap her tightly from head to toe.

In this way, she would no longer face the impact directly, but replaced it with a circular magic barrier that wrapped her.

On the contrary, I became the worst one among the three people present.

Although I have a protective body with killing intent, I don't have to think about it. The protective effect of killing intent on the body is almost negligible. On the contrary, the power of the fairy has played a big role.

Although the power of the fairy is extremely scarce, it can spread out like a liquid.

In just a few tens of seconds, it enveloped me solidly.

My body, which had just been devastated by the impact, was immediately cushioned, and the damaged skin and muscles began to be automatically repaired continuously, and physical strength was gradually accumulated.

However, my state is still embarrassed.

The strong impact blew me away. First I lifted Lao Gao, then fell heavily to the ground, and then rolled, rolled, rolled, rolled out in one breath.

After the impact was completely subdued, I just got up from the ground in disgrace.

First, he wiped his face to remove the dirt from his face, then squinted his eyes and looked around.

At this time, Herder had dissipated the magic shield and landed smoothly on the ground.

Casillas is still guarding the gate, his clothes are damaged in several places, but fortunately, there is no damage to the mansion behind him.

Looking further back, I saw that in the garden between the gate and the mansion, the Blue Witch and Becky were looking at me with their heads. They saw me crawling up from the soil with a disgusting face, but it seemed that there was no harm. It looked like he was relieved and waved to my side.

I patted the dirt on my face and then vomited the dirt in my mouth cleanly. Then I said in a somewhat hoarse voice: "Continue? Or continue in another place?"

Herder looked at me faintly, and after a long while, said: "I think there is no need to continue."

"Huh?" I wondered: "Why?"

"I take back what I said earlier. You are not an ant, but a funny little guy. For funny little guys, I don't plan to kill them. Then, if you stay, I can let them go."

While speaking, she raised her hand and pointed at the blue witch and Becky in the distance.

Without thinking about it, I shook my head and refused, "Thank you for your appreciation, but I don't intend to stay in the devil world."

"Do you think the Demon Realm is not good?"

"Of course not" I shook my head and said, "The Devil Realm is very good. There are mountains and rivers and acquaintances."

"Then why go?"

"Because this is not a home," I said: "In Hefeng Mainland, I have a home, a family, and a group of fiancees are waiting for me."

"You can bring them all together" Herder said generously: "If you can go further, I can also make you an apostle of equal status to us."

"Apostle?" After a second of silence, I smiled and shook my head: "Sorry, I am not interested in the apostle's seat."

"In this case, you can leave, they want to stay."

"No." I shook my head again and said, "If you insist on insisting, Master Apostle, then you should see the truth under your hand."

"You are not my opponent" Held looked at me calmly and said lightly: "You can see it from the previous match."

"Although you can't beat it, you're just as bad, isn't it?" I asked with a smile, "Why can't you take a step back instead of being unhappy? Everyone is happy ending, isn't it?"

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