After the battle with Herder, we spent another three days in the demon world.

For these three days, we were basically in a state of cleaning.

I have to say that although the battle with Herder was very pleasant and the result was not bad, the damage to the surrounding terrain was also fatal.

There are ruined walls, chaotic rocks and sand, within a hundred meters, the vegetation is broken, and it looks like ruins.

Otherwise, it won't take three days to clean up.

Packing things is a very monotonous work, and the naughty Becky is lazy in the room every day, citing his weakness.

The blue witch was also lazy in the room on the grounds of taking care of Becky.

Only me and Tuo Tuo, this person and dog, faced a huge ruin within a hundred meters, and choked silently.

In order not to let the boring cleaning life, "pollute" my adventurous heart, so I choose to be amused during the cleaning, or to talk to the family, or with Heroes chatting.

On the day I fought with Herder, Heroes and the others successfully invaded Herder's mansion and fought fiercely with another Herder.

Of course, Heroes didn't participate in the war. With her strength, she lay down as soon as she met her face.

Therefore, she played the role of the commander, commanded the adventurers, and entangled Herder's guards.

I have to say that Heloise, who was born in the ‘General’, really inherited her father’s commanding talent.

Under the command of Heroes, those adventurers with incompetent strength actually entangled Herder's guards and greatly restrained the action of the guards.

Although it still suffered heavy losses in the end and sacrificed nearly two-thirds of the adventurers, it was a feat to be able to entangle a group of elite adventurers who were at least level twelve and third with a strength of about ten levels.

However, I think most of these are Herder releasing water.

Otherwise, just relying on the strength of Juggernaut Barn under Helder's hand, it would be enough to destroy the opponent group.

According to Herois, I did see a handsome male adventurer who was different from other people in the demon world in magic fluctuations, and the opponent did use a short sword, but his strength seemed to be only slightly stronger than what she brought. Adventurer.

After hearing this, I am sure that Herder must have given the order to release the water, which is beyond doubt.

You know, when he was in Hefeng Continent, Barn was already a strong man who was able to meet with Xilan. After conquering the maker Luke, it is said that he has drawn Luke’s power again. Now his strength has long surpassed. Xilan.

Besides Xilan, he is already a strong man, and he has gained so many years of experience. In fact, the experience and vision of warfare are no longer the same.

In other words, ordinary national power is no longer his opponent.

I was fortunate to learn from him, and I knew it well.

Finally, let’s talk about the group of Heroes’ subordinates. If my perception is correct, the group of people is just a little higher than other adventurers, and they have more actual combat experience. They can be regarded as not much actual combat if they are placed on the Hefeng continent. Experienced rookie.

Why can such a group of adventurers stop the guards that Held has assembled from all over the world?

So, Herder had already known all this, and Herder, who had already known all of this, decided to make a joke with these little guys to entertain her long and boring time.

As for Xi Lan, she didn't take it seriously. After all, she had fought so many times and had already eaten his routines to death. Even if she fights with her eyes closed, Xi Lan may not be able to hurt Herder. Opportunity.

On the contrary, I belonged to a variable that was beyond Herder's expectations, coupled with Casillas' appreciation, made her curious about me.

The final result is to come here and fight me.

Said it is a battle, in fact, it has a tentative meaning. Except for the last few moves, the other moves are basically of no lethality. They are of the type that can hurt you, hurt you, but are not fatal.

But in order to verify the extent of my strength, I asked Casillas after cleaning.

Casillas was not perfunctory, and told me very seriously that when he fought with Herder that day, Herder played a bit and to what extent it forced Herder.

Casilla Stein said that Herder that day was not a clone, but the real Herder, but only possessed 70% of Herder's total strength. It is estimated that there is still 30% of the strength. She was arranged as a clone. To other places.

Herder, who was 70% strong, used only 30% of the strength in the early stage of the battle with me. It was not until I was serious and released the power of the goblin that she used 40% of the strength to respond.

In the end, she used 90% of her strength to withstand the power of the raging goblin.

This is exactly why she let us go on condition of my flesh and blood.

Because she was a little scared.

Not afraid of me, but afraid of this weird power.

Herder has walked the world for hundreds of millions of years, and has seen countless strong people, but on that day, when she saw that strange and powerful force, how could she not shock her?

It's just that her performance has always been calm and calm, which is not surprising.

When I learned that Herder only left a three-point avatar to deal with Xi Lan, I was very curious about the final result of the battle between Xi Lan and Herder.

Ever since, I called Heloise again.

Heloise told me that she didn't know the specific battle process, and she didn't even know who won and who lost. She only saw that Xilan came out from the main entrance. When she came out, she was wounded on her body. With blood.

I asked her, what was Xilan's expression at the time?

Heloise said that Xilan's expression was complicated and unrecognizable.

I heard that it was a complicated expression. I guessed it. In this battle, Xilan mostly didn't win, or he might have won, but found that the opponent was only a clone of Herder, who had 30% of the strength, so he was both angry and frustrated. Not out of the feeling.

I was somewhat interested in the situation of Xilan described by Heroes, so I decided to meet Xilan again before leaving.

The reason for this is twofold. One is to ask Xilan if he plans to return to the Hefeng Continent together. After all, Alice is still waiting for him there. The other is to look at Xilan's current state and guess a little. In battle, Xilan wins or loses.

Of course, I’m not going to watch Xilan’s jokes. After all, he is considered my half-master. If I can comfort, I will definitely comfort. If I can’t, I will be with you for a while before leaving and have a drink together. Do my best.

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