Fat monsters.

Very weird.

It's also against common sense.

But it is not worth our surprise for too long, because there are already too many puzzling existences in Hefeng Continent.

Continue to dissect the goblin, and soon, I found an abnormality.

The internal structure of these goblins is completely different from that of human beings. I have never seen almost every body organ.

This really surprised me.

If I remember correctly, apart from being slightly lower in intelligence, goblins are not very different from humans in other aspects, especially in terms of body structure.

On the side, Simmons Locke couldn't help falling into silence after seeing this situation.

After a while, he murmured: "Except for the appearance, this goblin seems to be a completely different species from other goblins."

"Do you suspect it is an alien visitor?"

"Not in doubt" Simmons Rock shook his head and said: "Its body structure is completely different from other goblins, but its appearance is almost the same as that of goblins. Apart from alien visitors, there are other theories to prove this. Situation?"

"You can't say that." I said: "You think about how many similar creatures in Hefeng Continent, but with completely different shapes and internal structures?"

"For example, baby fish and the overlord of the deep sea."

At the beginning, I lost a blockbuster: "I once had the privilege of seeing the descendants of the overlord of the deep sea. This sea monster is so huge that it can almost swallow the city of Light for half a month with its big mouth. However, its appearance is It is no different from the baby fish. Can you say that they are the same species because of their similar appearance? Or conclude that it is an alien?"

After thinking about it, I added: "I think you must know better than me, how long the legend of the Deep Sea Overlord left on the Hefeng Continent... If I remember correctly, it should be from ancient times. Period, right?"

"It's true" Simmons Locke nodded and said: "The legend of the overlord of the deep sea can be traced back to before humans, but this is only the interpretation of ancient documents by archaeologists. You can't help but believe it, but you can't believe it all."

"Of course" I agreed: "I also just take the Deep Sea Overlord as an example to prove that this kind of goblins are likely to be natives of the Zephyr continent, but they are a special species."

This time, Simmons Locke did not refute my words, but acquiesced to my views.

Perhaps in his opinion, there is no point in continuing to argue about this.

After all, neither of us is a professional biologist, nor an archaeologist, and we have a shallow understanding of the origin of species.

Soon, I completely peeled off the skin of the goblin, leaving only a hideous corpse full of blood vessels and muscles.

Immediately after that, I carefully cut open the muscles and avoided the internal organs as much as possible.

After a short while, the muscles were completely peeled off by me, and the rest were internal organs and bones.

Simmons Locke summoned a professional biologist, removed a small piece of bone that I had removed with a scalpel from my hand, and took it for research.

About an hour later, just as I was about to finish studying the appearance of the goblin's internal organs, the biologist supported a document on the ground, clearly recording the composition of the bone fragments.

After reading the data, I was not surprised at all, because I found that the bone structure of this goblin is almost the same as that of other ordinary goblins.

In other words, the only difference between the two goblins is the internal organs.

"Only the internal organs are different, and everything else is exactly the same. Could it be because of being sealed underground all year round?"

I asked the biologist curiously.

The result is that there is no direct relationship, not even an indirect relationship.

Biologists explained that due to changes in the living environment, organisms may evolve, but this is a long process, and only functional changes will occur, and appearance will basically not change.

In other words, the internal organs of this goblin may have been like this from the beginning.

After analyzing by professionals, I have a little understanding of this kind of goblins.

After staying in the city lord’s mansion for two days, I went home.

After returning to Moonlight City, I found Boss Ren the first time and explained to him the general situation of the goblins.

After hearing this, Boss Rennes was also curious about this kind of goblin, but because he was not a biologist, but a killer, Boss Rennes did not give any conjecture or analysis.

At dusk, I got up and went home, just in time for a crowd of people to come out of the bathroom after washing up.

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful fiancees, my vanity is greatly satisfied.

In other words, I would be happier if they were not chattering like magpies.

Soon, various delicacies were brought to the table.

A crowd of people waited eagerly to eat.

It was the blue witch who was eating while curiously asked me: "Why didn't they ask where you were and what did you do?"

I smiled and said, "Because everyone knows that I will not do bad things to myself."

"Isn't it?" Barbara said with a strange air: "But except for one thing, you always bring some suspicious guys back, as your fiancée!"

While talking, she also glanced at the Blue Witch with an unfriendly look.

But to my surprise, the Blue Witch was indifferent to Barbara's provocation!

I remember that in the first two days, they almost had their heads beaten into dog heads.

Is it because of getting used to it?

I curiously said in my heart.

After the meal, I lay on the sofa to rest.

Bai Yunying suddenly leaned over, squinted, in a state of half-sleep, but still able to speak to me clearly: "Have you been to York Seoul?"

"How did you know?" I asked rhetorically.

"I can smell it."

"Are you a canine?" I was surprised: "You have such a sensitive sense of smell?"

"Definitely not," Bai Yunying muttered softly.

I became more curious: "Then how do you smell it?"

"It's very simple" Bai Yunying said: "I can smell the perfume my uncle often uses."

"Perfume?" I was stunned, and then suddenly said: "No wonder, I think the smell of the lord of the city is a little special, it turns out to be perfume."

"Quickly, what did you find him for?"

Seeing her look of expectation, I couldn't help but laughed: "Why, my little Bai Yunying is also curious?"

"Hate!" Bai Yunying gave me a punch while muttering.

The little limp fist hits his chest without pain at all.

But I still tell her all my experiences.

After hearing this, Bai Yunying mumbled a boring sentence, then lay on my lap and fell asleep.

This girl!

I shook my head dumbly.

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