Geboga is a big pain point for the dragons.

If someone else asked this question, Spitz would probably slap him into the sea.

But it was me who asked this question.

The good friendship with the dragons made Spitz not think too much about this issue.

He was silent for a long time, and said: "Fine Gold, Mithril, Enchanted Steel."

"Yes," I said: "That's why it has the ability to hurt Bakar. If there is no fine gold and mithril and only use enchanted steel, I dare say that Bakar can break it down in minutes. "

Spitz thought a little, then smiled suddenly: "This is reasonable."

I nodded and continued: "If you use fine gold and mithril to build the Hua of the Destroyer Legion, do you think it is possible to build a Destroyer Legion that can subvert the regime of the Demon Realm?"

"This... still doesn't work" Spitz said, shaking his head.

"Why?" I wondered: "Isn't the fine gold and mithril not strong enough?"

"This is not a matter of whether the fine gold and mithril are strong enough, but the apostle's attacks will often penetrate through the body, and there will often be cases where the body is safe, but the core has been shattered."

"Then wrap the core with fine gold and mithril, so that all problems will be solved?"

"You are too naive to think" Spitz said: "Adamant gold and mithril are indeed the best conductors of magic, but at the same time, they are also the best magic insulators. If only used as a channel for transmission, fine gold and mithril can In the shortest time, the magic wave is transported to the destination, but once the core is wrapped, it will be like the strongest protective film to completely preserve the energy in the core, and stop energy leakage. The core of the energy is just like a decoration. Even if it is installed in the core, it cannot transfer energy."

"Hiss" I poked the tooth flower, and said with a headache: "This is a problem."

"Is there a solution?"

"Not for the time being" Spitz said: "Anyway, fine gold and mithril are the most mysterious and scarce metal in the universe, and its dense structure cannot even be destroyed by your Majesty..."

"Wait" I interrupted aloud: "You said it cannot be destroyed? This is impossible. If it cannot be destroyed, how can you forge it?"

"Forging and destroying the intermolecular structure are different. Although Mithril and Adamantite cannot destroy the internal structure, the physical form can still be changed. They can naturally be used as forging equipment, but the required flame temperature is a little too high."

"How much does it take?" I wondered.

"I don't know the specifics" Spitz said: "However, one million degrees is definitely not able to melt it. Your Majesty once sprayed a mithril sword with dragon's breath for half an hour. In the end, your Majesty was exhausted. Enough, but the Mithril Sword was unharmed."

"Mythril is still like this, fine gold is so exaggerated!" I couldn't help sighing: "Hey, how do the dwarves forge fine gold and mythril?"

"I don't know about this," Spitz said, "They may have secrets, but these are their heirlooms, and outsiders have no right to intervene."

While talking, he turned to me and smirked: "But you can try to ask, after all, you have a relationship with the dwarves, and it is not an exaggeration to say that you are your own."

I scratched my head and thought for a while, but shook my head and refused: "Forget it, I am not interested in inquiring about this aspect. I am an adventurer, not a forger."

"An adventurer can also be a blacksmith."

"But I don't want to be a blacksmith."

A trace of disappointment flashed in Spitz's eyes.

After that, we started a second topic around Geboga.

Mecha is a man's romance.

I have always wanted to get a mecha to play with, especially the assault freedom Gundam that Kira Yamato drives.

Soaring in the sky, looking down on the earth, waving hands, killing the enemy invisible...

Pulled away.

In fact, I just want to build a mecha.

Spitz was very cooperative and told me everything he knew about Geboga.

After listening to it, I simply benefited...

I didn't understand a word of those technical terms.

Interlaced like a mountain!

Fortunately, Spitz decided to help me write a piece of information he knew about the Geboga mecha and sent it to me.

I am curious about this. Isn't Geboga a secret weapon of the killer level?

Why can I send it at hand?

Spitz shook his head and said, "Geboga is indeed a strategic fighter armor, but it is not something you can make if you want to. The manpower and material resources required can be said to be extremely large. To make Gaboga, the elytra of the Seven Gods has almost exhausted all the precious resources of the Celestial Clan."

"Exhausted a country's resources?" I exclaimed: "This is too exaggerated."

So the conversation turned, I shook my head and said: "Then I don't want it anymore. This thing might exhaust all the resources of Fort Vitch.

"You look too high at the Celestial Clan." Spitz showed disdain and said, "They are just a group of self-righteous frogs at the bottom of the well. If it is not for your majesty kindness, give them the side of Geboga's design plan, and even force them to gather together. The materials needed, as a result, it took nearly a hundred years for this group of idiots to finally produce Geboga."

"I have always been curious, why did Bakar do this?"

"Now that you have been to the Demon Realm, I have nothing to hide from," Spitz said solemnly, "To fight the Second Apostle Herder."

"Second Apostle Herder?" I became more curious: "She is quite dangerous, but it doesn't seem to be as terrible as I thought, right?"

"You are wrong about this," Spitz said: "Aside from Herder's own strength, she still has a killer in her hand that can drive other apostles to do things for her, and this is not the most terrifying place. What is really frightening is her deep scheming."

Thinking of Herder's twinkling eyes and unexplained smile, I can't help nodding, and agreeing: "The scheming is quite deep, so she is indeed terrible."

"Because Herder is the ancestor of magic, so magic is ineffective to her. If you want to defeat her, you can only use physical attacks," Spitz said: "But ordinary physical attacks can't even defeat Herder. Magic shield, at this time, a powerful physical attack method is needed, so Gaboga was born."

"Unfortunately, the born Geboga did not attack Helder, but attacked Bakar, did he?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes" Spitz said: "The reason why this happened is all because of the woman Herder!"

"Huh?" I was at a loss again.

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