The relationship between elders and younger generations is very complicated.

I can't see it, I want to die, I really want to see it, and get along day and night, but it's too annoying.

Especially this child is still a bear child who is desperately hunting, and it is even more annoying.

Obviously, this is the relationship between Luke and Becky.

In those days when he couldn't see Becky, Luke thought about her, wishing to rescue Becky from the devil and bring him by his side.

But it only took a few days to get along, and he got bored.

Betsy is really too ambitious, just like it was back then.

In the face of the paper **** flying in the sky, I was really unable to complain.

This thing is not lethal at all, but it keeps smashing my head all the time, which is terribly annoying!

Fortunately, she lives in Luke's territory. If this comes to my house, she will not be able to destroy Lily and other well-behaved little Lori, and she is more likely to be with Xiao Lemi. The little princess Analeta gathered together to form the three evils of the Fearless Guild, which would surely upset the entire Moonlight City Capital.

The ball of paper next to it could be more than five meters high, and Becky finally stopped attacking, not because she felt bored, but because she had no bullets.

Leaning on the hill of paper balls, I smiled bitterly at Luke: "It's not easy for you."

Luke grinned blankly.

After a short pause, I said again: "This time I'm here to talk about compensation, and bring back Becky's compensation."

"What do you want?" Luke asked muffledly, still staring at the busy ants.

"I want to ask you to do two things."

"what's up?"

"First, I hope you can become an honorary expert of Fort Witchcraft. You don't need to be an honorary expert at Fort Witchcraft every moment, as long as you can answer questions for them when you encounter problems in Fort Witchcraft."

"no problem."

Luke didn't look up, and muttered.

"Second, I may establish a small country in the future. I hope you can be the chief scientist of my country."

When Luke heard the words, he trembled slightly, slowly raised his head, looked at me, and said: "I am the Ninth Apostle Luke, the lord of Hebron!"

"I know, I know all" I nodded and said, "But this does not prevent you from becoming my chief scientist."

Luke was startled when he heard the words.

"Whether it is the Ninth Apostle, or the monarch of Hyperion, or the owner of this island, these identities do not conflict with your identity as the chief scientist of my country?" I explained: "It's not that after you become my chief scientist, all these things you own will belong to me. To put it bluntly, we are just the relationship between employment and employment."

After listening, Luke fell into deep thought. After a long time, he said: "If it's just an employment relationship, I can promise you."

I grinned and expressed satisfaction with Luke's answer.

As a result, the smile just bloomed for less than five seconds, and another paper ball flew over and hit my head accurately.

"Becky, you naughty guy!" I roared, furious.

"Why! Do you want to teach me?" Becky mocked at me without fear.

I really want to rush up and beat her up.

However, her loli appearance and cheerful personality really make me unable to take a hand.

That's it, my grown-up has a lot, so I don't care about your little loli.

So he spit out, said goodbye to Luke, got on the magic airship and left.

Through the window, I saw that one by one paper ball was shot into the sky by Becky again, and then fell precisely on Luke's head, just like I was attacked by the paper ball.

The airship drove on the sea for about two hours and finally found the destination of the next stop-Anthun.

At this moment, Anthun is leaning against another island, not far from him, there is a giant orange head with spikes, it is Rotes!

The two ambassadors got together, are they going to get involved?

This was the first thought that came to my mind.

No wonder I think so. The concept of being an apostle is still terrifying to me.

"Yeah, two!"

Pulling the floating ladder, I jumped down from mid-air and landed steadily on the ground, leaving a pair of deep footprints on the island along the way.

"Why are you little guy here?" Anthun asked first.

"I was just hanging out, and I happened to ran into you two. By the way, how did you two get together?"

"This is a daily greeting between the apostles," Rotes said: "You don't want to stay here, don't disturb us."

"Oh, Rotes, what you said is boring!" I said displeased: "Your group was brought back from the Demon Realm by Baha's painstaking effort. By now, you are not Thank me, you dare to talk to me in this tone?"

"Who asked you to bring them?" Rotes asked suddenly.

"They asked for it."

"If they ask, you will bring them here?" Rotes slammed a tentacles on the sea, startled countless splashes: "Do you know, this one of your actions is very likely to let that woman know," I am not dead yet!"

"If this is what you are worried about," I spread my hands: "I don't think you have to do this at all, because Herder and the others seem to know from the beginning that you didn't really die."

Rotes and Antoun: (ΩДΩ)

"Don't be surprised" I said: "This is what Casillas told me."

"Casillas..." Rotes said with a weird face, tangled up, "He will tell you these things!"

"Of course" I said: "But before that, I had a fight with him. That guy was quite good, especially the last knife, almost killed me in seconds. Fortunately, I reacted in time and had a blood vessel protector. This was spared. In difficulty."

This time, the expressions of Rotes and Antoun became weird at the same time: "You fought with Casillas and survived?"

"Are you surprised?" I wondered: "Although he is indeed very strong, I am not a weak one!"

Rotes and Antoun looked at me with weird eyes at the same time: "Not a weak chicken?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" I dissatisfied: "Am I so unbearable in your eyes?"

Antoun skimmed the tortoise's head, and Lotters also looked away.

"Damn!" I couldn't bear it anymore and shouted angrily.

It wasn't until the power of the goblin was revealed that Anthun and Lottus were finally willing to face me.

"Did you really have a fight with Casillas?" Antuen asked the letter.

"I've said it all. I fought a fight. Although I lost, he finally recognized my strength."

Rotes shook his tentacles, thought for a while, and said solemnly: "If you look at the power he just released, it's possible."

"I am very curious now, what have you experienced in the Demon Realm?"

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