Although the law of conservation of energy is not practical in Hefeng Continent, it also has its truth.

That is, the stronger the seal, the stronger the force needed to destroy it.

If the strength is insufficient, the energy will come together.

According to Rotes, the energy of the water of life should be the strongest in the entire Demon Realm, but it still cannot reach eternity. From this point, it can be determined that with the current ability of the Demon Realm, the power of my bloodline is simply Fantastic Nights.

Unless, she can have the rich resources of the Hefeng Continent in the ancient times, and master the technological core of the fairy and elves in the ancient times.

If I’m right, judging from the past that Yadyan and Bingnas mentioned to me about the forbidden areas of the fairies and the elves, these two races seem to have touched the creatures. The realm of the so-called God’s realm.

After all, the infinite universe, powerful giants, and the invisible gaze... these are all categories that cannot be touched by living things.

Therefore, I guess that even if Herder has mastered the core essentials, she still cannot unlock the power in that flesh and blood, because her existence is still limited to the biological category.

Thinking of this, I suddenly recalled the conversation between Lotters and me in the consciousness space not long ago, so I hurriedly asked: "By the way, the unidentified life fluctuations you mentioned are still flying here. Are you coming?"

"I thought you forgot about it," Rotes said, "I wonder if I should mention it to you later."

"Yes" Rotes said: "It still flies to this planet by telling it, but I have an intuition that it might turn around temporarily in the middle of the journey and stay in the devil world."

"Stay in the demon world?" I raised my brows: "Really?"

"Why should I lie to you?" Rotes asked rhetorically.

"Hey, you said, can the First Apostle stop it?"

"It's not easy to say" Rotes said: "Through my observations, the strength of this life fluctuation is comparable to me. If the opponent is like Antuen, it is only because it has swallowed too much energy. If there is a huge life fluctuation, then it is definitely not the opponent of the first apostle, and it may not even have beaten the angel-seeded Michelle."

"Hello, listening to you, it seems Michelle is weak?"

"Michelle is really not strong," Rotes said: "But he is really difficult to deal with. He always has some means of self-healing, and he can also summon angels to come and resurrect himself."

"Aren't you apostles all resurrected from the dead?" I wondered: "Just resurrecting, what clever means?"

"You don't understand this," Rotes said: "Our resurrection is a new body of the soul born out of the void through the power of the apostles. There will be a period of weakness, but Michelle is different. He It can trigger the resurrection mechanism at the moment of death, and while resurrecting instantly, it can also restore the full state. Therefore, fighting Michelle is equivalent to fighting two him at once, or two him in full state.

"Oh, that's amazing enough" I exclaimed: "If that's the case, why should he be listed as the weakest apostle?"

"Have I said he is the weakest apostle?" Rotes asked rhetorically.

"You just said it!" I frowned, repeating what Lotters said just now: "You said, it may not even beat the angel-seeded Michelle. If you don't believe it, you can ask Anton, he can prove!"

Hearing this, Antuen opened his mouth and suddenly plunged his head into the sea.

Me: -_-||

"Well, even if I mean that, it’s not wrong," Rotes explained: "Although Michel is an apostle, his attack methods are too few, and almost all of them are led by the Holy Light. The scope is too narrow, at most it can only cause deeper and more damage to the demon species. The damage to humans and other species is indeed greatly reduced. The attacks of other apostles are basically uniform and comprehensive, and it can be done no matter which one. Species are treated equally, so if you count it, do you think Michel's attack is considered the weakest of the apostles?"

"Uh...forget it."

I quickly recognized the reality and nodded helplessly.

Indeed, the strength of the apostle is calculated based on the destructive power. The higher the destructive power, the higher the apostle’s rank and the lower the countermeasure.

When I thought of this, I was suddenly horrified at the fact that Helder could rank second.

Why does Herder, who doesn't seem to have a strong attack method, rank second?

By the way, there is a more important question, that is-"Since the apostles are ranked according to their destructive power, why are you under Antun?"

"That's because Anthun's ground combat strength is stronger than mine" Rotes said: "I am only proficient in water warfare, leaving my main battlefield, even if your country's power swarms over, it can kill me. ."

"This is an exaggeration" I said: "Don't deceive me. If I remember correctly, at the beginning, the fairy emperor sent a whole army of the most elite regular army to destroy you, but I still let you run away. Tell me that the strength of that entire elite regular army is not as strong as the national strength."

"Speaking of which...there is also such a past," Rotes recalled, and said: "The last wave of adventurers with thousands of people, almost all of them are the only strong men I have seen in my life."

"However," Rotes said, "Even if the power of the state can't kill me, it will cause me a lot of trauma. There is no doubt about it."

"So, your level of land warfare is actually not weak, only slightly inferior to Anthun?"

"you could put it that way."

"Then if it is nautical miles, how should you rank?"

"The first throne is naturally mine!"

Rotes confidently said.

"Where is Anthun?" I curiously looked at the big turtle whose head was raised again.

"Antuen might be tied for second with the first apostle, right?" Rotes thought for a while, and continued: "Later Shilock, DiRigi...Herder will be in the bottom, but It must be ahead of Casillas, but in the end Michel and Ozma are still at the bottom."

"Ozma?" I looked dazed: "Who is that?"

Rotes said with an unexpected look: "Don't tell me, go to the Demon World, don't even know who Ozma is?"

"I don't know," I took it for granted: "Is there a problem?"

"There is a problem," Rotes said: "Since you have witnessed the chaos of the Demon Realm, you should think of why the Demon Realm is so confused."

"Well, I did think about this question, but I didn't want to understand it. I also ask Master Rotes to help me out."

"Children can be taught." Rotes nodded with satisfaction, and said: "The reason why the Demon Realm has such turmoil is not only because the Demon Realm has to shuffle the cards every few years to eliminate the inferior and the strong to survive. Because Ozma, who is hidden in the devil world, is constantly spreading out the chaotic will through various disguised identities."

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