Of course, the dwarf king would not just cut diamonds with an adamantine knife.

After all, this is the diamond he dug out by himself, so he naturally has to process it himself.

Listen, it is processed ‘in person’!

The so-called personal processing does not only mean that he does it alone, but also includes the meaning that he does not use any cutting tools.

This is also what I learned when I witnessed the process of making a diamond necklace by the Dwarf King.

The diamond that was so hot as a pigeon egg was crushed by the Dwarf King with two fingers.

It's like pinching walnuts.

This scene shocked me to the outside and the inside.

On the way home, in the airship, I also tried it, but it turned out that there was no way to smash the diamonds like the dwarf king did. At most, I could only pinch cracks.

Rao is so, I also have a certain understanding of my own strength.

As for Mi Lulu's jade bracelet, it is carefully carved by the master goblin craftsman, and the material is also an expensive ore-corundum.

The corundum of the Zephyr continent and the corundum of the blue planet are not the same substance.

The latter is an artificial ore, while the former is a natural ore with properties similar to jade.

Corundum is harder than diamond, is more expensive, and is more difficult to mine.

In the words of experts, corundum is one of the most expensive ore second only to Mithril in hardness.

The reason why the Goblin King went so hard to give Mi Lulu such a bracelet was mainly because he felt guilty.

The object of his guilt was Mi Lulu's uncle, Old Paqi.

Many years ago, Old Pachi was also a great noble of Fort Witch, and he was a descendant of great nobles who were related to the royal family.

Once the old Paige, as long as he does not treason, even if he is rebellious, he is at least a prince.

However, an accident dragged him from the position of the eldest son of the aristocratic eldest son into the abyss and stepped deep into the soil.

And the fuse of this change is the two majesty of Fort Witch.

Although I don’t know the specific reason, I have some understanding of the general situation. It is nothing more than Old Pachi who helped them with the pot, and because of this matter, he became the party that the royal family wanted to eradicate. However, he was fate and escaped, but his wife almost became the victim of the emperor. Fortunately, he was cured by a magical doctor and finally survived.

The two sires and Master Dewey have always regarded this matter as the biggest knot in their hearts, and they could never untie it.

Even Master Dewey was too guilty to kill him.

However, his intent to kill was not aimed at the old Paqis, but at those royal nobles who were cold-hearted.

During his time in power, dozens of noble families and several royal branches were secretly slaughtered.

The total number of imperial nobles who died during this period even reached thousands.

This inadvertently increased the deterrent power of Master Dewey, and made the arrogant nobles who were before them shudder.

However, even so, Master Dewey still cannot let go.

He even insisted on traveling around the world in a magic airship, with only one purpose, to find Old Paqi and untie this knot of heart.

It's a pity that the old Paige, who lives in Erie City, didn't want to see him, and even went incognito, even if his wife was deeply poisoned, he didn't ask for help from Fort Witch.

On the one hand, I hate the ruthlessness of Fort Witchcraft. On the other hand, I don’t know how to face these little brothers.

It wasn’t until I mentioned Old Paige in front of Master Dewey that this finally rounded up the biggest knot of Master Dewey’s heart. Although Old Paige still didn’t know how to face him, and was still very respectful of Fort Vitch. He was full of hatred, but at least, Master Dewey, until Old Paige, did not hate him.

The two sires who knew the news of Old Paige also sneaked out of Fort Witch and met Old Paige, but the final result was the same as Master Dewey.

Old Paige didn't express anything. He was still as indifferent as he was years ago. The only difference was his hatred for the Fort Witchcraft group.

The two majesty thought, or cut the vast majority of the royal family and the nobles across the board.

However, after discussing it in private, this resolution was rejected.

Because they are too clear about the importance of royalty and nobility.

It can be said that if you want to support a huge country like Fort Witch, royalty and nobility are indispensable.

The former determines the lifeblood of the country, while the latter maintains national operations.

The lifeline determines the survival of the country, and the operation determines the strength of the country.

Although they desperately want to avenge old Paqi, they know their position better.

They are the monarchs of Fort Witch, and they shoulder the responsibility of Fort Witch.

As long as this burden is not lifted for a day, they will not be able to move those royals and nobles.

As the real powerhouse of Fort Witchc, Master Dewey, he can't act recklessly.

Because he has a heavier burden than the two of them, and his responsibilities are greater.

The reason why he dared to punish so many royal nobles before was because the hands of those royal nobles stretched too long, controlled too broadly, and overstepped.

The class status of Fort Witch is extremely strict. You should manage it yourself, you should manage it, what you shouldn't be, leave it alone. Once you manage it, you must bear corresponding responsibilities.

This so-called responsibility is to forgive sins.

The simplest example is the secret office of Master Dewey and the two sires. I can enter at will, and I don’t need to bear any responsibilities, because my class status in Fort Witch has reached this level, and it can even be said that the entire Fort Witch For me, there are no secrets.

But in the same situation, any imperial child, even the children of two majesty, is not allowed. Once you dare to set foot in it, you will definitely be subject to family law.

If this situation were to be placed on any noble child, even the heir of the most lofty Grand Duke, or the Grand Duke himself, he would receive the most severe punishment.

It is very likely that the Grand Duke and his heirs will be sentenced to death.

If the Grand Duke is like this, the others are even harsher.

And what Master Dewey killed was those families who took care of things they shouldn't.

But even after killing so many families, the guilt in the three hearts is still not fully resolved, so they consider what to do in order to get forgiveness from Old Paige.

Thinking about it, they chose to send Mi Lulu things.

Mi Lulu is the niece of old Paige, otherwise how could she be Princess Aurora's best friend and personal guard?

That is the little princess that the Dwarf King loves most!

At the same time, she is also the hottest future candidate for Fort Witch.

Even her brothers repeatedly agreed, saying that Aurora had more talents to become monarchs than them.

Can get close to so many auras in one girl, and become her best friend, personal guard, can the housework of such a person be simple?

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