The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3272: The troubles of foodie girls

Time flies, time flies.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed.

During this period, the Fearless Guild continued to follow the life of spawning monsters, going home, spawning monsters, and returning home every day. It seemed monotonous, but it was actually quite interesting.

Especially with the Blue Witch and Tuo Tuo, the team became more lively.

Don't look at the blue witch who is usually lazy and not talkative, but in fact she is also quite talkative, especially after getting acquainted with other people in the guild, except for eating and sleeping, her little mouth almost never stopped.

And Tuo Tuo, who was once a pet who depended on the Blue Witch for life, has now become a favorite pet with the same status as Xiao Zhi.

Follow the brigade to clean monsters together every day. Although the combat ability is not strong, but with a keen sense of smell, it acts as a guide for finding monsters in the team.

Several corners that are unknown but hidden a group of monsters were found by it, and Kagali repeatedly claimed to be reliable.

As for the others in the guild, nothing has changed. Perhaps the only difference is Kailan.

Since this girl got my approval, she will pick up a pound of golden honey from the processing factory for the first time every week, and then come back and divide the honey into several portions, the largest of which is reserved for her own consumption, and the rest is The younger half secretly gave it to Daphne and asked her to help sell it.

For the money sold, Kailan and Daphne are seven-three, Kailan takes seven, and Daphne takes three.

After hearing the news at first, I almost rushed to Kailan, pressed her on the sofa, and beat her on the ass.

But when my gaze met Daphne's slightly dodging gaze, I gave up this idea again.

Since Daphne and her father Mr. Mafro parted ways, almost all of her income was handed over to Kagali in the first place.

Although Kagali has repeatedly stated that you earned the money and you have the right to control it at will, she never left a copper coin.

Moreover, even if Kagali sends her pocket money every week, she will always save up pocket money, or buy some clothes that are moderate in appearance or price, or buy some favorite snacks, or Lend the money to Kailan for emergency... Anyway, she never mailed any copper coins to her father, Mr. Mafro.

This is a statement that as long as Mr. Mafro does not fully support my decision, she will not give her father any money.

Recently, I heard that Mr. Mafro’s fiscal revenue and expenditure have been in trouble, and his business has plummeted. Although he has not yet reached the point of debt, it is still barely enough.

In the meantime, although I asked Daphne to secretly support Mr. Mafro in the name of chatting, although Mr. Mafro was quite prejudiced with the suggestions I had made, and insisted that he was a great talent, with accurate vision and bright mind. Can be a winner in life, but he is my father-in-law after all. No matter how great the contradiction is, as long as the bottom line principle is not involved, I can't die.

However, Daphne shook her head firmly, saying that she would never use her hard-earned money to support her father unless he could recognize herself.

Just last week, I heard that Mr. Mafro's business was getting worse, and he was almost unable to make ends meet.

At this time, Daphne was finally anxious, but she still did not use the money she earned. Instead, at the instigation of Kailan, she sold a small part of the gold honey, and the sale price was divided into ten equal parts. Seven parts went to Kailan. The share belongs to her. She doesn't keep a share of these three shares, and all supports her father's business.

But this approach contradicted her promise to not support a copper coin of Mr. Mafro. Therefore, Daphne was a little embarrassed to look at me.

However, I don't care.

If it were not for the different positions, I would even like to personally take the money to visit Mr. Mafro’s current residence and leave him the money to overcome the difficulties.

For Daphne, I endured it.

Speaking of Daphne, I have to mention two other friends of mine who are also involved in doing great business.

A foodie girl, an Anna.

Not long ago, the foodie girl dialed my call crystal and complained severely to me.

The main content of her complaint is around tiredness and busyness.

The foodie girl said that since the opening of multinational restaurants, almost every day is full of friends. Although she is familiar with the business and can spare time to eat snacks, but other than that, she can no longer find a large amount of time to rest, except for sleeping. .

I am amused by the complaint of the foodie girl: "Doesn't it mean that being busy and tired means making more money? Isn't it good to make more money?"

The foodie girl hummed: "It's good to make money, but you have to have time to spend!"

She confessed that the money earned from the shares I have allocated here has now filled the basement. This is to convert all income into gold coins and store it. If it is converted into silver coins, it will take a hundred basements!

Then, she said that Anna’s situation is similar to her, but better than her. After all, Anna is in charge of jewelry, and the customer traffic is far less than one-thousandth of the number of restaurants in many countries, but she can’t stand the high level of consumption. As long as she can sell it every day If you go out for a set of jewellery, the profit you get is enough to pay other employees a month's salary.

But jewelry stores have never seen such a deserted situation. They can sell dozens of pieces of jewelry almost every day. Because of this, Anna's savings are now piled up in gold coins for more than half of the basement.

A lot of money is naturally a good thing. When these two girls have no money, they want to have all the gold coins in the world.

But now that I have a lot of gold coins, I am confused again.

Too much money, I don’t know how to spend it.

Or in other words, there is no time to spend money at all.

The girl who eats goods is really busy, while Anna, because she only wants to lead an ordinary life, doesn't like to be ostentatious, and she is not interested in spending money indiscriminately.

Moreover, the current Anna, in York City, is a very famous saint. Since she is called a saint, she naturally has the status and enjoyment that a saint should have.

In short, there is an endless stream of locals who give her various living materials every day, and the prices of these living materials are also high and low.

Anna repeatedly refused to be invalid, so she had to accept it all.

Think about it, you can receive tons of living supplies almost every day, and these are the ones that are relatively preferred regardless of quality or price. It is conceivable that Anna has never lacked the necessities of life.

Now, she has nowhere to spend her money.

After listening to the complaint, I smiled and dealt with a few words, and said that you can take a break, there is no need to work so hard, now that you have money, are you afraid of not having any idle time?

Just joked, the foodie girl sighed and said that the business was getting busy again, and she hung up the call.

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