Because she couldn't stand the busy life of the cafe, the Blue Witch had to return to the team obediently again, and go to the dungeon with us to fight monsters.

Due to the improvement of our overall strength, we crossed the 25th floor of Gidola and came to the 26th floor to fight a monster called the snake priest.

The snake-man priest is a half-man, half-snake, with vertical eyes and red hair, and a magical monster.

It's hard to get in with a scale armor and a pair of sharp claw armor.

The most terrifying thing is their magic.

The magic of the snake priest is not the magic missile that we usually see, or any five-attribute magic, but a curse magic that is directly applied to the human body and debuffs people.

This kind of magic is like a magician's auxiliary magic, but the effect is different, because the magician's auxiliary magic is mainly for weakening and slowness, but the magic of the snake priest mainly acts on the five senses, especially the sight and hearing.

Emily told me before leaving that there are two main types of curse magic used by snake priests, one is blindness and the other is auditory hallucinations.

Blindness, as the name implies, makes the cursed person blind for a short time.

Auditory hallucinations, as the name suggests, allow the cursed person to hear the voice that the caster wants him or her to hear in a short time.

Emily said that she was inadvertently hit by a blinding curse, which caused her to lose sight of things for half an hour.

But fortunately, she is very talented and has a good grasp of breath. Almost immediately, she mobilized her senses of hearing and whole body, and she rejoined the battle.

Fortunately, she was not subjected to auditory hallucinations, so that she could accurately kill the enemy without accidentally injuring her teammates.

After I heard that the snake-man priest had such a magical combat skill, I couldn't help but give birth to a heart of love. I felt that if the snake-man priest could be used for my own use, the strength of Moonlight City would definitely be strengthened.

However, this eager idea was met with cold water by Emily: "Snake priests will not surrender. Their wisdom is higher than that of human beings. They are only limited by the environment and rules. They dare not go out of the dungeon. limit."

"Wisdom is higher than human beings..."

This is the first time I heard that monsters in dungeons are more intelligent than humans.

But I am not surprised, because the dungeon is much larger and more mysterious than I thought. If it weren't for this, why would humanity be nearly wiped out at the end of the melee?

It can only be said that while the rules of the dungeon restricted the development of monsters, it also saved humans.

If the monster had no fear of the portal, it would have turned against the sky long ago.

Who rarely stays in a dungeon where birds don’t shit, and who doesn’t like the well-stocked Hefeng continent?

When I think about Xiao Zhi's expression of unlovable life when she passed the portal, I feel like laughing.

I have to say that this hand of the God of Creation has done a great job!

First tell the Phoenix and them to wait at the portal. I took the lead and stepped into the portal to the 26th floor.

The environment on the twenty-sixth floor was humid and dark, and the faint light fell from the roof and gathered together to finally make the line of sight normal.

But even so, there is no adventurer like me who can see things at night, it is very difficult to see the snake priest hiding in the horns.

With strong eyesight, I clearly saw all the snake priests who appeared in front of me.

They are not ugly in appearance, but they are too slippery, which will give people psychological resistance, especially if some people with cleanliness see it, they may feel sick and vomit.

And I also have to admit that the slime on their bodies is indeed dirty enough, all sticky is dirt and ash, and mud... There are also some disgusting things that cannot be named, in short, it is disgusting. .

But watching the adventurers around them fighting them without changing their faces, even the mucus splashed on their faces and bodies, and they didn’t even frown, I knew that they must have been battle-tested and were used to this environment. Adventurer old bird.

Just like when I fought with carrion puppets for the first time, even the disgusting juice and the foul-smelling carrion, I can still bear it.

Compared with carrion puppets, snake-man priests are already very clean. At least, their bodies are fresh and will not emit rancid odors, although they will emit fishy odors... but it is far more strange than that. The rancid smell is much stronger.

Suddenly, I was a little curious. I wanted to see what the blue witch would behave when she passed the level of the carrion puppet.

Since hitting the Hefeng Continent, the Blue Witch has been in the Forest of the Elves almost all day. She and the wife of the Forest King have long become best friends of different races. During this period, they stayed at the Forest King’s house several times, preventing the Forest King from continuing. Plan to make the next heir.

Although the forest king did not express any dissatisfaction, I could feel it from its helpless eyes that if the Blue Witch was not my fiancee, the forest king iron nail grabbed her by the neck and threw her into the fairy forest. In the deepest pool of water, so that she can be sober and sober, understand her identity and excessive behavior-you know, hindering the life of the husband and wife of the king of the forest is not a small matter, but a big matter!

Being greedy for such a big bear love, I can't say nothing, so I came forward and sent the most capable dwarven architect master to help the forest king family build a castle-a small wooden castle.

The castle is not for the forest king and his wife, because the forest king and his wife must live in the hole in the giant tree house in the center of the forest outside the forest of the spirits. This is the rule of the forest of the spirits.

The small castle is for the children of the Forest King, so that they don't disturb the Forest King and his wife in their husband and wife duties.

Later, I built a few small wooden villas near the castle for residents.

The King of the Forest was very satisfied with this, and showed a knowing smile that only the two of us could understand.

And the money needed for these actions comes from the pocket money of the Blue Witch.

This made the Blue Witch very upset.

"Why deduct my pocket money!"

She questioned me rightly and confidently.

"If you were asked to help with work when you were sleeping best, would you like it?"

"Not willing!"

"If you suddenly get busy while you are lazily eating snacks, are you happy?"


"If I deduct your white fish suddenly, and deduct it for several days, would you be willing?"

The blue witch gritted her teeth: "Whoever dares to move my white fish, who am I fighting!"

"That's not enough," I said: "You can go to the Fairy Forest, but you have lived there for a long time. Do you know that you have disturbed the normal life of the Forest King family?"

"Huh? Is there any?" The Blue Witch looked blank.

I had to shook my head with a smile, and said, "You are still young and don't understand."

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