Out of sympathy for her close friends, Socia's resentment towards Xilan is still quite sufficient.

Driven by resentment, Socia's words were full of resentment, and most of what he said naturally was irrational.

If you are irrational, map guns are easy to appear.

For example, her last mocking remark: Humph, man.

Fortunately, it was me who heard her say this, and I, basically immune to map guns, would not have any negative emotions towards Socia.

On the contrary, I sympathize with Alice.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Xilan scum is a little bit. People are possessive. It is understandable that men like beautiful women and women like handsome guys.

As long as it does not destroy the harmony of the family and cause conflicts, it is okay to marry one more or one more.

However, there is one thing that requires special attention, that is-why not marry?

Since Xi Lan had no plans to marry Alice, why did she bother her?

It's good now, I have taken refuge in the Escape World.

If you have the next generation, and you don’t need to be responsible, then just stay in the Demon Realm!

However, no, he still can't get rid of the habit of teasing sisters, and is still a happy teasing sister.

Let’s not talk about the girls in the custom shop. They live in the custom shop and are picked up by many men every day. After all, this is their job. If they don’t want to be unemployed, they must do it.

But what about the girls other than the custom shop, how much did Xilan tease?

I haven't counted this problem, nor thought about it. First of all, it is not good to count. Second, this is the privacy of Xilan. Statistics on this always feel that it will hurt Xilan.

But judging from the fact that Heroes was so fascinated by Xi Lan, he has always hooked up little girls during these years in the Demon Realm.

You said that you are in the Hefeng Continent, and you already have a wife, a son, and a family, and a literary girl who missed you all day and almost turned white. As a result, you were not satisfied, and you went to the Demon Realm to be unrestrained. People who can do this kind of thing? !

Even if you taught me the Xilan Sword Technique, I still have to stand on Alice's side from a moral standpoint.

Although I am bothered, I have one married and treat them all.

"Since Xilan makes you angry, then we don't want to talk about Xilan anymore and talk about other, happy things."

I suggested.

"Okay" Socia smiled while holding a wine glass, "Go ahead, what are you going to talk about?"

"Uh... it's up to you." I scratched my head and said awkwardly: "Because I am happy every day here, so I want to hear about your happiness."

"My happiness here?" Socia thought for a while, and said, "I also have a lot of happy things here every day."

"for example?"

"Tarakuta's daily income today is tens of thousands of gold coins. Is this a happy thing?"

"Count" I said: "Of course it counts, and it's a great thing, but is there any more?"

"Today, another adventurer passed the national power level test, and the organizational strength has greatly increased. Is this a good thing?"

"Forget it!" I affirmed: "This is a bigger good thing. The addition of a strong player means that Talakuta's strength will be further improved, and its position in the seven organizations will also be further improved."


Socia smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" I wondered.

"I laugh that you know nothing, but you have been pretending to be here."

"Huh?" I was slightly stunned and frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything." Socia smiled and waved his hand, and said: "You are a person living in the earth world. You don't really understand our underground world, whether it is the rules or the organization, and you don't care, just for the princess. Your Highness, just bite the bullet and came over to talk to me. If so, why can't you be more honest?"


"Yes, it's frank" Socia said: "If you are just for the business of the princess, you can speak to me face to face. There is no need to talk about Alice and others, let alone talk for words, although our underground world People, it seems that the camp is different from the world on earth, but in fact, we all have to accept the leadership of your majesty, and the princess is the only heir of your majesty. She has been threatened. As the courtiers, we shall do our best to help her follow To be free from trouble is not only our duty, but also our mission."

"That's it" I nodded: "Since this is the case, I won't talk about things related to the reward order anymore. Let's talk about personal matters."

After all, I started to smirk.

"What are you going to talk about?"

Socia's bangs move slightly, with a variety of styles.

I smiled: "Can you be my girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" Socia was startled slightly, and then came back to her senses: "What you want to say, fiancée?"

"Hmm, that's correct."

"Yes," Socia said, "As long as you can make Tarakuta a national organization in Moonlight City, I, Saran, and Alice, can all become your fiancées, how about it, just a national organization, you can get three Beauty, don't you lose?"

"Uh... this, or... forget it."

Tan Tan Shou, I helplessly said.

If you want Tara Kuda to become the national organization of Moonlight City, unless Xiao Lemi succeeds to the Datong and becomes the emperor of the goblin clan, it will be useless.

But now, although the fairy queen seems to be quite young, judging from the age group of the Hefeng Continent, she is still in her prime of life and can rule Moonlight City for decades.

This is still on the premise that the bloodline power of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen has not been fully awakened. If her bloodline power is fully awakened, it is very likely that she will have a long time like the Inferior Ikky.

In this way, the length of her old man’s rule will probably be...forever.

Of course, she does not rule out the possibility that she feels tired and gives up the throne and hides behind the scenes.

But no matter what the calculation is, she will definitely not get tired of it in the next hundred years.

Even if she could, she still wanted to unify the Hefeng Continent and regain its former glory.

In order to achieve this, in addition to the powerful force, more time is needed. If you count it, it is estimated that for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years, she will not give up the throne until she completes the unification.

Thinking of this makes me feel a headache.

Seeing me collapsed, the corners of Socia's lips curled up again, smiling without saying a word.

After drinking a few more bottles of wine, Socia became a little drunk, and went back to the room to rest.

I wandered out of the pub and returned home.

When I returned home, it was midnight and the family had gone to sleep. Only Xiao Leimi stared at the direction of the door.

Seeing me back, she cheered, pounced and plunged into my arms.

When I put her on the sofa, changed clothes, took a shower, and came out again, she was already asleep.

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