In Hefeng Continent, some people may dare to challenge the nobles.

Perhaps some people dare to despise the imperial power.

Perhaps some people disdain to be with the prime minister of the empire or the elders.

Perhaps some people dare to despise the five guilds.

Even the threat of the apostle can be ignored.

But no one dared to challenge the majesty of Master Dewey.

If you take random interviews on the street, someone might say that Master Dewey is a respectable elder.

Or maybe Master Dewey is a business wizard.

In other words, Master Dewey is the most legendary figure in Hefeng Continent.

Or in other words, Master Dewey looks like a kind old man next door.

But no one dares to say that Master Dewey is a kind and generous elder.

No one dared to say that Master Dewey was soft-hearted.

Because except for the young children who are waiting to be fed, almost everyone knows that Master Dewey is the kind of cruel person who is hot outside and cold inside, and a knife hidden in a smile.

If it is not someone he absolutely trusts, maybe the moment before, Master Dewey still chatted with you with a smile, and the next moment, you and your family will disappear from the Hefeng Continent.

Therefore, there is also a saying among the people: You can despise the imperial power and challenge the aristocracy, but you must never disobey Master Dewey. He is more terrifying than the imperial power and cold-blooded than the aristocracy. He is like the most poisonous snake that has been hiding in In the grass, if you dare to be disrespectful to him, his fangs and venom will kill you in the next moment.

Such a dangerous person, the underground world will never let go of any clues when investigating him.

In this way, I naturally know the relationship between me and Master Dewey.

Therefore, although my reputation in the underground world is not well-known, any reward order related to me has been rejected by the reward order issuing office.

It's not that they don't want to pick it up, but they don't dare to pick it up.

To them, I am not a hot potato, I am a bomb that will detonate, and when it explodes, I am an entire underground world.

Don't think my words are exaggerated. If you look around the Hefeng Continent, there are people who are truly capable of destroying the entire underground world with their own power. There is only one person at the moment, that is, Master Dewey.

As long as he wants, he can do it casually to ensure that within a few months, the entire underground world's economy will face collapse, followed by bankruptcy and destruction.

Don't think that Master Dewey is just a mere businessman and scientist. When business and research science reaches his level, he has already affected the world.

Master Dewey once smiled to me after drinking, "If all my industries are closed for one year, the five great nations will cease to exist."

At that time, I only felt that he was bragging, but as I learned more about Master Dewey's industry, the idea became more deeply imprinted in my mind and deeper into my heart.

This also gave me a clearer understanding of the saying, ‘you can despise the imperial power, you can challenge the nobles, but never disobey Master Dewey’.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this relationship that the boss of the rewards release office will show awe of me.

The elf man's lips trembled and his whole body stiffened. After a while, he threatened with three points, and looked at me with seven points begging: "My elder, does it have to be like this?"

Quietly staring at him, I said indifferently: "Anyone who offends my family will be punished."

"You are trying to be a tough guy, you are using the fate of the underground world to persecute me!"

"You misunderstood, I did not persecute anyone" I said lightly: "I am just fulfilling a husband's obligation to protect his wife, just like you want to protect your family, I also want to protect my family."

"What about the underground world?" The elf man said with difficulty: "The number of people in the underground world is more than ten million. Your wanton and reckless killing will force them to desperately."

"If you don’t have that reward order, you will follow your Yangguan Road and I will walk my single-plank bridge, but now, I’m sorry, before punishing that person, I will continue the strategy and proceed unswervingly, even if No matter how much trouble I encounter, even if I am deeply trapped, I will not hesitate."

"Family is my bottom line."

The indisputable tone showed my determination and firm belief.

The elf man looked ugly, but couldn't say a word extra.

After a long silence, he lowered his head feebly: "I have seen your determination, and I hope you will be merciful. Our underground world does not want to be your enemy."

"Thank Yicha for friendship, I will stop attacking for one day."

After all, get up and leave.

After leaving, I immediately sent an order to boss Rennes to suspend their assassination mission for one day.

A day later, the assassination continued.

A week later, more than three hundred organizations in the underground world were forced to disband because the dragons had no leader.

Our side also suffered casualties. Twenty assassins were slightly injured, two assassins were seriously injured, and five assassins were killed in action.

At the same time, a new high reward order appeared in the underground world: 20,000 gold coins, offering a reward to capture the traitors Carter Rodney and Carter Eva in the city of Ai.

I believe that this is definitely not something that the people of Erri City did, because Carter Horton’s true feelings are that he hopes Carter Rodney can live well. These words are from the heart and cannot be faked.

Rodney’s two elder brothers hoped that Rodney would die, but now, Rodney is hiding in Moonlight City, and it seems that there is no intersection with Moonlight City. In this way, Rodney is not worth the two without threats. The older brother spent twenty thousand gold coins.

And except for the Carter family, who would have nothing to do with Rodney?

Therefore, this reward order was not issued by Eri City, but by people in the underground world.

As for whether it was done by the ruler of the underground world, it is unknown.

But what does it matter?

Regardless of whether it was done by the ruler of the underground world, I have to beat the underground world, and the provincial people think I am good at it.

Thinking of this, I contacted a few apostles directly and asked them to launch an attack on the nearest town. It would be better to eliminate some civil organizations.

The apostles were also idle and doing nothing, so they agreed.

Three more days passed.

The underground world fell into unprecedented chaos.

In just three days, thousands of civil organizations were destroyed.

This time, it was not the kind of assassination that harmed the family, but directly killed all the people of the civil organization, and the identity of the perpetrator was not hidden, it was the apostle.

All of a sudden, there were rumors in the underground world that the apostles rioted and wanted to rule the Hefeng Continent.

These rumors are used to scare the common people, to incite them to start chaos, some forces in the underground world can infiltrate in, and they can also take advantage of the situation to force me to withdraw the apostle.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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