The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3297: Heroes' urgent call

As usual, I rest in the yard after dinner.

When I was closing my eyes to rest my mind, the door was opened, and the blue witch's voice sounded beside me.

"Here, Heloise is calling you again."

Opening my eyes, I took a look at the blue witch's unhappy expression, and I smiled slightly: "You can pick it up for me."

"I don't bother to care about it!"

The blue witch casually threw her phone into my arms and left with a hum.

After answering the call, Heroes' anxious voice came from the phone: "Xiaoyi, is this An Xiaoyi?"

"Well, it's me."

"I'm Heroes."

"I heard it" I said: "What, something?"

"Yes" Heloise said: "During this period of time, a lot of weird monsters have come to the Demon Realm, all with hideous faces, and they kill people when they see it..."


Hearing this, I was taken aback.

If you want to say that there are murderers in the Demon Realm, I believe that. If you want to say that there are strange-looking creatures in the Demon Realm, I also believe that, but if you say that there are monsters in the Demon Realm, I cannot agree with it.

The Demon Realm is not like the Hefeng Continent, and there is no dungeon. How can there be monsters?

"Can you describe in detail, what the monsters you know look like?"

"At present, there are three kinds of monsters in the information we have. The first is something that looks like a building, but it is alive, blooming like a flower. After blooming, each petal has an eye and it blooms. After that, a few firearms will extend from the stamens, which can shoot bullets continuously. The bullets are very powerful, even the high-grade fine iron cannot withstand a few bullets!"

"The second type is a reptile monster that looks like a pillar. After stopping, it will release a mental attack, which is difficult to resist, and once it is hit, it will fall into a negative state such as vomiting and dizziness."

"The third type is a spherical monster, which looks like a mechanical eyeball, but according to expert analysis, it is definitely not a machine, but a puppet-like monster that can release laser rays, and its power is not comparable to the first type of monster. up and down."


I responded: "Are there other types of monsters?"

"I haven't encountered it yet" Heloise's anxious tone still did not diminish: "But I heard from my father and they said that these are probably not all monsters, and there are more terrifying monsters on their way to the devil. ."

"What to do, Xiao Yi?"

I was a little dazed by Heroes' question: "What should I do?"

"Monsters!" Herois said: "So many terrible monsters are killing humans, do you have any good solutions?"

"How could I have a way?" I was ashamed and helpless, said: "Besides, aren't there many strong men in the Demon Realm, such as the apostles."

"The apostle has sent an army to help clean up. Although the effect is not bad, but the monsters are coming fiercely..."

Understand, that is to say, the army sent by the apostles did not play a key role.

"Where is Xilan?" I asked curiously: "At this time, you should discuss with him."

"He also went into the war, but..."

"But what?"

"But he can't beat four hands alone, there are too many opponents."

"To be honest, you like Xilan very much, right?"

"...I, I like him."

"Your family doesn't object to you being with Xilan, right?"


"In this case, I advise you to persuade Xilan to marry you as soon as possible. In this way, you have a reason to give him the military power. Let me tell you that Xilan has led the soldiers to fight, and More than once, and a considerable part of the war he participated in was a fierce battle to expel disasters. Xilan, who was able to fight a fierce battle, would be able to deal with the past when he encountered a battle of the same level."

"...I understand what you think, but Xi Lan..."

"Xilan doesn't like you?" I asked back.

"I can't say that I don't like it, but it's a bit far from love..."

"A bit far?" I snorted in my heart: "I'm afraid it is far away. Although you look extraordinary, but in terms of temperament, you are more than a little bit worse than Alice. Xilan didn't even plan to marry Alice. Might marry you?"

I think so, but I can't say that.

"Come on, girl, the future is in your hands, as long as you work hard and fight for it, you will definitely see the rainbow!"

Heloise didn't believe this kind of nutritious bullshit.

She just paused, and then said, "Xiaoyi, can you come to the Demon Realm?"

"Me? Go to the Demon World? What are you doing?"

"Come and help me" Heloise said: "Really, I need your help."

"But I can't walk away now" I said: "My family also needs me."

"Then...what can I do about this?" Heloise was gone: "I'm too difficult."

"At this time, you should really ask Xilan for help, even if he doesn't intend to marry you, but in the Demon Realm, he always has to do something for the Demon Realm."

"But, Xilan has already gone to help."

"It's not enough" I said: "If it's just to help, he's just independent of the demon world. At this time, he needs to lead the battle."

"But there is no army that can be used by him" Herois said helplessly: "After all, he is not a member of the Oathguard Organization."

"Forgot, didn't you form an army during the crusade against Held?"

"But that is an army organized by the Oathkeeper..."

"But it is also loyal to your army, isn't it?" I asked rhetorically.

"This...this is."

"That's right," I said: "Since you are effectively loyal to your army, you don't need it at this time. When will you wait?"

"But this army is not very large..."

"Is this important?" I asked, "To form an army, do you look at its strength or its number?"


"Yes, strength is the most important thing. As long as you have strength, the army will do no harm, but if you don’t have strength and only quantity, it’s just a mob. Think about it, those adventurers will dare to follow you. Crusade against the apostles, what else they dare not do?"

"But this is my last capital..."

"Yes, you are right" I said: "But if this battle is fought beautifully, your position in the Oath Guards organization will be raised to a higher level. By then, even your father may not be able to suppress you. At that time, you can continue to organize a new army that only obeys your orders. As long as the leaders of the army are you and Xilan, your father can't control it."

"But, he can freeze my money..."

"You just have to fight back the monsters with integrity and make it clear at the organization meeting. Even if your father wants to freeze your money, there will be many people who will come forward to coordinate. After all, the Oath Guardian organization wants to grow. , You need a strong enough viable force, and you can do exactly this, and this is exactly what other high-level leaders in the Oathguard organization want to see."

"Of course, besides that, there is a more important reason."

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