The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3302: Kagali's kindness

After seeing this scene, I suddenly remembered that Barbara has the habit of turning my pockets.

When she first met, Barbara didn't have this kind of habit, but with the appearance of Phoenix and Kagali, she began to change, becoming a bit neurotic and becoming more cautious.

From time to time, she would put her hand in my pocket and touch it, as long as there is something, she would take a look.

If it’s gold coins or something, she will put it back quietly, but if it’s gadgets like jewelry, she will immediately become alert and start thinking about who it is for, and if it’s a piece of paper, she will Unfold quietly. After opening the content, if she is interested in something, she will keep it in her mind, or like this time, give the note to the relevant person. If it is not of interest, she will keep it as it is Fold it back and put it back, and then pretended to be as if nothing had happened-or, in other words, didn't take it seriously at all, turned around and just forgot about it.

If I dared to hold on to this matter, she would be arrogant at first, then cried, cried, and hanged herself. When these routines didn't work, she would expose her nature and start to become fierce.

Until I confessed my mistake, or the boss’s wife said “Enough is enough, stop messing around”.

At first, I was not quite used to her changes.

But over time, I gradually got used to all this.

Sometimes, when I saw Barbara rummaging in my pocket, I just didn't see it.

Unexpectedly, this time, Barbara would kindly hand over the note to Kagali, which I did not expect.

It stands to reason that Barbara and Kagali should be at odds with each other!

Is it possible that after seeing the note, Barbara also felt that something was wrong?

It's no wonder that this is a major event in the country, so why would she hide it by herself without knowing the truth?

I honestly followed Kagali to the backyard, feeling the sensation of Xixi's cool breeze on my cheeks, and I couldn't help but stretch out comfortably.

"Xiaoyi" Kagali interrupted my time to enjoy the breeze at night and let my thoughts go, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter with this note?"

"It's my dark thread in Ai Rui City, a letter to me."

"Is the above content true?"


"Why don't you tell me directly?"

She looked at me with reproach and doubt in her eyes.

"Because I don't want you to know."

"Why?" Kagali's eyes widened, puzzled.

"If you know it, you might act irrationally."

"What is irrational behavior?" She angrily said: "This is my hometown, my country, and you will be baptized by national war when you look at it, but you think I will act irrationally? Then tell me , What should I do to be sensible?"

Fortunately, the sound insulation of the windows is good, otherwise Kagali's questioning voice will definitely attract the attention of others.

"Don't worry, listen to me," I said: "You also know who owns the power of Dasai City now, right?"

"In the hands of the old duke, so what?" Kagali embraced her arms and looked at me seriously: "I am concerned about the country, but he is not alone."

"So, do you think he can manage the entire country?" I asked, "Or, can he win this national war with his means and abilities?"

"How could it be possible to win!" Kagali blurted out: "He and his family are completely influential."

"That's right" I explained: "If you lose at the beginning of this national war, then I ask you, is this a devastating blow to the old duke's governance?"

"Yes," Kagali said: "It was a devastating blow, but so what?"

"Since it was a devastating blow, is it possible that after this battle, there will be a large-scale uprising movement, similar to the movement of the Qing Dynasty, which is to eliminate the treacherous ministers from the monarch's side, and also reach the kind of large-scale sunny day in Saicheng procession?"

Kagali thought for a while and nodded: "There is such a possibility."

"Since it is possible, why do you want to intervene in this national war?" I asked back: "You have to know that as long as you sacrifice one or two war victories, your family can regain control of Dasai City. ."

"But that was one, or even several wars!" Kagali said: "While wars are deadly, when I think of so many adventurers dying because of my family, when I think of those families who lost adventurers, I......"

As soon as he said this, Kagali's heart began to soften.

I know that she is a kind girl, and I also know that she is a type of outer rigidity and inner softness, but I know better that under the rule of the old duke, Dasai City is going through hardships again and again.

The old duke is a respectable military strategist, but he is not a good politician, nor is he a good monarch.

He can command the army, can make the army order and prohibit, can be invincible on the battlefield, but can not solve even the simplest civil dispute.

As for the orc king, although the commanding force is not as good as the old duke, he knows what the people of Dasai City need, what Dasai City needs, and how to use the emperor's technique.

As long as the rule of Dasai City can be returned to the orc king, Dasai City will return to its original strength in a very short time.

At least when one country fights two countries, there will be no chance of winning.

Thinking of this, I was silent for a few seconds and asked: "If that's the case, how do you do it?"

"I will report to Father Ming and let him find a solution to all this."

"What if His Majesty the Orc King says he can't manage this matter?" I asked again.

"Then I will notify the old duke of this."

"Have you forgotten that the old duke took away the rights and status of your family?"

"I haven't forgotten" Kagali clenched a fist firmly: "One day, I will personally punish him!"

After thinking for a while, I asked again: "Kagali, tell me, how much do you know about the livelihood of Dasai City?"

"People's livelihood?" Kagali was startled and shook her head: "I don't understand."

"Since you don't understand, how do you know what kind of situation is Dasai City under the leadership of the old duke?"

"But what does this have to do with war?" Kagali asked rhetorically.

"Of course it is relevant" I said: "If the people now live a life of dire straits, would you still think that the old duke's rule is very good?"

Kagali was silent when she heard the words, she didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Only after you have a thorough understanding of the people's livelihood, will you have the right to speak and decide whether to notify the old duke of this matter, are you right?"

"But those adventurers..."

"The things you should consider now are not this, but how to strengthen yourself and how to lead the Fearless Guild. Only when the Fearless Guild becomes stronger and your strength becomes stronger, will your foundation be strong, and you will be qualified to challenge any forces. ,What do you think?"

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