Early the next morning, Master Dewey led a group of staff, many of whom were nobles, to the beach to prepare for the submarine test.

During the test, Master Dewey did not look at me, but I knew that he had noticed that I didn't have any abnormal expressions, so he decided to test directly.

To be honest, it is really tiring to be able to do this.

Last night, President Aoli and President Steel Hammer conducted inspections on the submarine’s test sea area and its nearby locations. After confirming that there was no danger, they led their troops back home. In this way, they also left hundreds of adventurers who have experienced many battles to guard the place.

At the same time, my assassination department is intensively sending people to eavesdrop on the conversations of all the royal nobles living in the capital.

It can be said that one night last night, I mobilized all the forces that I could mobilize, and sat at home alone, waiting for the report from the Assassin’s department, and from the thick pile of reports, I analyzed who might be disadvantageous to Master Dewey and who There may be trouble during the test.

After confirming that there was no obvious information about the murder of Master Dewey for the time being, I reluctantly put my heart back in my stomach, leaned on the sofa and took a nap for an hour, and then started preparing for today's submarine test.

At this moment, my eyes must be red and red.

Everything was proceeding according to the normal procedure until Master Dewey entered the submarine and through the porthole signaled to the staff that he was ready to dive, I suddenly sensed a few strange auras, and suddenly became alert.

The submarine test dive is not a secret to the emperor, but to the people, it is a secret.

And before setting off, Master Dewey had already determined the number of people allowed to travel with him. I can feel the breath of these people, even if they are not familiar, they are not unfamiliar.

What happened to these strange breaths?

Thinking of this, I can't help but frown.

At the same time, he looked at the members of the assassination squad who were masquerading as staff in the crowd, and gave them winks.

The assassination squad members walked towards my gaze very tacitly, and within a short time, locked the target.

There are ten people in total, all of whom are unfamiliar.

And this is an individual dressed in brocade silk and satin, which is no different from the emperor, and it is very confusing.

Or in other words, these people are actually noble members of the emperor at all, but they were arranged in the trial team halfway through, waiting for the opportunity to be detrimental to Master Dewey.

This group of guys are always thinking about putting Master Dewey to death, so that they can sell the contraband and make another windfall.

They don't care whether Master Dewey's life is good for Fort Witch, or how miserable the civilians who are entrapped by the contraband will lead.

What they know is that only if they have a good life can everything be well, and only if they have gained benefits are real benefits.

I can't help being a little angry, and I really want to take this opportunity to get rid of all these guys who don't know their importance.

But I cannot do this.

The corrupt generations of the royal family are hateful, but they want the normal operation of the entire country, but they need the help of the children of the royal family and aristocrats.

And the only thing that poses a fatal threat to this group of profit-seeking people is probably the only power to appoint royals and nobles.

But as long as people enter the circle of the emperor and noble, they may be taken badly.

Even the pure, innocent, and kind-hearted people who have spent a long time in the polluted quagmire will inevitably wear mud.

"Damn", clenching my fist, I whispered.

After determining the target candidates, the assassination team began to talk to ten strangers, trying to lure them out.

As long as you cheat out, you can be sure to subdue them all without knowing it.

But the problem is that people in this area are not stupid, nor stupid, so they won’t leave you stupidly. Besides, the guy who dares to take over the task that is not good for Master Dewey must also be the guy who has already pinned his head to his belt. Such a guy is ready to die at any time.

The only thing I'm worried about right now is that these guys can't hold back their anger and just start doing it, which is really bad.

Most of the entourage team dispatched today are the royals and nobles who have no ambitions and just want to live in peace. If this group of **** launch a ruthless attack, they will be the first to attack them. If someone is injured, this will be extremely A big blow to the prestige of the royal family and aristocracy of Fort Witch.

"Can't let this happen!"

I gritted my teeth and ordered the commander-in-chief of the assassination squad who had been hiding on the side: "If those ten guys dare to make any unreasonable actions, it's not a matter of killing them."


The commander in chief responded, turned around, and quickly made a simple gesture to his subordinates.

At the same time, everyone in the assassination squad stopped their persuasion behavior, and instead used the dagger hidden under the wrist together to reach the vital point of a stranger.

In an instant, the ten strangers ceased, neither talking nor moving, but standing stiffly in place.

"Very good" I said: "Let them stay and interrogate until the result is asked."


The commander in chief responded, followed by another obscure gesture, assassinating the members of the squad, with one hand, and taking away the stiff stranger.

At this moment, a large-looking nobleman with big ears approached me and asked, "Your Highness, what happened to those people?"

Following his direction, I glanced at the stranger who was being held hostage by the assassination squad, and gradually moved away from the back, and said lightly: "I don't know too well, probably because of discomfort. I left these guys early."

"Even if you feel unwell, you should leave it until the end of the test," the fat nobleman said: "This is what the nobleman understands."

"There are many aristocratic etiquettes, but eating and drinking Lazard is by nature. We all know that etiquette cannot restrain nature. After all, no matter how strict regulations are, it is impossible to restrict a baby from wetting the bed. What do you think?"

"This... what your Highness taught is."

"But there is a saying that you are right." I smiled and said, "That is etiquette, which needs to be observed. Like you and me, must be followed, right?"

"I have always been very understanding, Your Highness."

The fat nobleman explained.

"I believe you are telling the truth" I smiled and responded: "But should you return to where you should be?"

The fat noble's complexion tightened, and he smiled quickly to beg for mercy, and walked towards his original position with a staggering step.

Seeing this scene, I looked slightly cold, and calmly waved to another assassination team member who was on standby not far away. He quickly came to the front and bowed slightly.

"Investigate that fat man" coldly looking at the fat nobleman, I said: "I want all his information."


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