The defensive facilities of the submarine are indeed very powerful, even if it is a full blow from the national power, it may not be completely destroyed.

However, no matter how strong the submarine's defense facilities are, it does not mean that its internal personnel must be safe and sound.

Under violent shaking, even if Master Dewey and internal staff have seat belts bound to the body, and the seat is extremely firm, they are likely to be injured due to sudden weightlessness and overweight.

A minor injury is fine, but if it is a serious injury, it will be fatal.

But the question is, how can the submarine ocean currents be so big without monsters?

Therefore, most ocean currents are only very weak ones, which at most will affect fish schools or certain underwater creatures.

For a submarine that is fairly solid and not too small in weight and horsepower, it has no effect. At most, it feels that the hull shakes slightly, nothing more.

But these are not the most critical ones. The reason I want to mention these is just to prove that the fat aristocrat has been talking nonsense, or that his goal from the beginning is not to care about Master Dewey, but to care about my hands. File bag.

He wanted to see what was written in the file pocket.

But the more he is, the less I can make him do what I want.

Because, I very much suspect that the fat noble is most likely one of the nobles who want to plot against Master Dewey.

The fat nobleman continued to talk around me, always trying to sort out my file bag, but I ignored him and kept paying attention to the staff.

Just when the fat nobles bothered me too much, there was another commotion among the staff.

With this excuse, I quickly left the fat nobleman and walked quickly to the staff group to inquire about the situation.

The staff in charge of the sub-projects told me that the submarine was attacked by sea monsters again. Fortunately, the defense facilities were strong enough to cause no harm. However, it seemed that some of the staff were injured because of the shaking of the ship.

I immediately asked who was on the injured list.

The staff told me that it was not Master Dewey, but a staff member who was responsible for observing the hull power system. On the way to the toilet, he fell to the ground due to a strong earthquake and suffered some injuries, but not serious.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and continue to stay here, waiting for the follow-up report.

Not far away, the fat nobleman kept aiming at me with his small eyes. At the same time, he kept winking with the surrounding noblemen and talking in a low voice pretending to be relaxed.

These are all in my eyes, but I don't want to bother them.

Not long after, another lanky nobleman walked in my direction, but he was stopped by the dwarf adventurer just when he reached the edge of the circle drawn by the staff.

"The front is a scientific research center, idlers stop!"

"I'm not an idler," the nobleman arrogantly said, "I have something to ask your Highness."

"If you have anything, just say it" standing among the staff, I said calmly.

"Can you take a step to talk?" the lanky nobleman said.

"You want to talk about personal matters?" I asked.

"Also... not that it is."

The thin and tall nobleman kept his word.

"Since it's not a private matter, let's make it public," I said.

Seeing the lanky nobleman looking embarrassed, I said, "If it's something that can't be made public, just wait until later. I'm busy."

"This..." He hesitated for a moment before he said again: "Well, your Highness, can you give me the data of the submarine for a while?"


I directly denied.

"His Royal Highness" said the thin and tall nobleman: "I am..."

Before he finished speaking, I waved my hand and said, "No one except Master Dewey can be an exception."

"You..." The thin and tall nobleman suddenly became a little annoyed when I saw that I was unable to enter the oil and salt, "Are you too domineering?"

He said: "The submarine data is the crystallization of the development of Witchburg's scientific and technological career. You can't treat it as your private property.

"Why not?" I asked back: "And, when did I treat it as a private property?"

"If you refuse to make it public, don't you treat it as a private thing?" The lanky noble asked rhetorically: "This is the brainchild of Fort Witchcraft's scientific community. It should be disclosed to the people of Fort Witchcraft and be managed by Fort Witchcraft. , Is it wrong to do this?"

"Yes, you are absolutely correct" I said calmly.

"In that case, please make your data public first."

"I'm not" sneered, I disdain: "If you have the ability, you can come and get it by yourself. If you get it, you can make it public."

"You..." The thin and tall nobleman was mad at me.

If he really had the courage, he rushed into the restricted area to **** it. However, Master Dewey has already ordered that no one except me and the staff should enter the restricted area. Offenders should be imprisoned first and then convicted.

How could he dared to disobey the will of Master Dewey even if the royal family dared not set foot on the restricted zone line.

I sneered at the lanky nobleman a few times, and I continued to listen to the staff's report.

At this moment, Master Dewey had penetrated more than 60,000 meters under the sea and was attacked by three monsters, but fortunately, each time he passed without risk.

"How many meters are left to complete the task?" I asked in a low voice.

"More than 40,000 meters," the staff member said.

"Fortunately" I nodded: "It's almost done."

"His Royal Highness must not relax our vigilance in this way" The sub-project leader said to me with a serious look: "The remaining more than 40,000 meters is the most dangerous."

"What does this mean?"

"The deeper the sea, the more frequent the monsters will be, and the more terrifying the monsters. Now I can only pray that the legendary underwater monsters will not be encountered in the sea below 100,000 meters."

"The legendary submarine monster?" I curiously asked, and the shadow of the deep sea overlord appeared in my mind.

"Yes," the person in charge of the sub-project said: "As far as we know, there are a dozen kinds of legendary underwater monsters, all of which are terrifying existences that can swallow submarines in one bite."

"If so, isn't it dangerous?" I nervously said.

"Yes, Your Highness" he said with a serious face, "Now, I can only pray not to encounter those monsters."

"Or, come back now" I said: "Contact Master Dewey and persuade him to give up going deep into the ocean floor and return directly to the surface instead."

"Sorry, Your Highness" the person in charge of the sub-project bowed and said: "Master Dewey has already issued an order before, and the task is not allowed to be abandoned halfway, even if it is your order."

"What is this for?" I said angrily: "Knowing that there are sea monsters in the deep sea, but if you want to go deep into the bottom of the sea, are you not afraid of being taken away by the sea monster?"

The person in charge of the sub-project did not know what to say.

We just waited anxiously. Finally, the sensor made a soft beep and the submarine successfully reached the mission target.

"Do you want to return?" I couldn't wait to ask.

"Yes" the sub-project leader said: "As long as you return, you will complete this test dive."

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