But among these thousands of ancient words, only less than a hundred have been discovered and deciphered by humans.

The rest was lost in the melee.

And those official families who had copied ancient texts and detailed explanations for the fairy royal family were also dissipated by wars time after time, or disappeared into the dust of history together with the entire family.

To this day, only Master Dewey has sorted out dozens of ancient texts, deciphered and copied these texts, and then put them into the Fort Witchburg secret room.

Relying on these dozens of ancient characters alone, Master Dewey has been known as the expert who has studied ancient characters most since the legendary hero period.

At the same time, thanks to the help of these dozens of ancient words, the technological level of Fort Vitch jumped to the peak of the Hefeng Continent, and it was known as the entire Hefeng Continent, the only country that had the opportunity to reshape the splendid science and technology under the rule of the fairy.

Although everyone in the world calls Fort Witch and Master Dewey this way, in fact, if you want to truly reproduce the level of science and technology during the era of the goblin rule, you have to force the development of science and technology regardless of the consequences, maybe it can reach a very close degree in a hundred years, but It will also completely destroy the ecological environment of the Hefeng Continent within a century.

Another method is to find a sufficient number of ancient characters and borrow the power of ancient characters to complete the improvement of technological level.

Currently, the second method is the method that Master Dewey likes and yearns for.

The only problem is that in the fragments of ancient characters found by Master Dewey, only dozens of characters' fonts and annotations are complete, and the rest of the pages have been damaged to a very high degree.

This is not man-made destruction, but the erosion of time and sea water-this historical document was salvaged from the sea by the goblin tribe at the end of the goblin rule. Once out of the sea, most of the words on the page were blurred.

"If you can find all the ancient writings, maybe the foster father's scientific research career will go to a higher level, and the safety will be higher."

Leaning on the recliner, I murmured: "After all, the defense system established by ancient words is the apostle and the like. They can only stare at them, trying to break the defense, unless the overlord of the deep sea and his heirs come. Otherwise it's just wishful thinking."

And if I have mastered the full set of ancient characters, maybe I can unravel the meaning of the dense ancient characters on my arm.

As I spoke, I took off my handguards, removed the bandages, and stared at the increasing number of ancient characters. I couldn't help feeling a bit chilly in my back. There were so many ancient characters that I was scared of intensive phobia.

After a day of flying, the airship arrived at the capital of Moonlight City and landed slowly.

After getting off the airship, I did not go home directly, but went to the Fairy Forest first.

Many small animals greeted me very familiarly after they saw me.

When passing by a big tree, something fell on my shoulder.

Turning his head and looking around, it was a little squirrel.

Although I haven't seen this squirrel, it is obvious that it has seen me and knows me.

The squirrel squeaked twice, and then danced, as if dancing.

I looked at it dumbfounded, not understanding what it was doing.

"You are..."


The squirrel danced once again, making me even more confused.

Think about it carefully, maybe I can understand its intention by learning how it looks like and doing its actions?

So I also learned to look like a squirrel and danced all kinds of hands.

As a result, my actions, instead of understanding the squirrel's intentions, the angry squirrel squeaked and took a mouthful at me, which made me breathe in pain.

"Hey, kid, what are you doing!"

I stared at it angrily.

The squirrel did not fear my imposing manner at all, but stood up, with his front paws akimbo, squeaking non-stop.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

The squirrel raised one of its front paws and waved it forward.

I held my chin and thought about it for a moment, and I suddenly understood: "You mean, is there anything over there?"

This time, the squirrel was no longer angry, but kept lighting his head.

"What will it be?" I thought for a moment, and then asked, "The mausoleum?"

The squirrel shook his head.


Squirrel shook his head again.

"Is it a human?" I asked again.


The squirrel nodded busy.

"In terms of humans, it's nothing unusual," I murmured: "Adventurers of the Rose Legion, don't you often patrol around here?"


The squirrel barked again.

"Isn't it from the Rose Legion?"

Seeing the squirrel nod, my brows frowned: "Is it a stranger?"

It nodded again.

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

The squirrel nodded again, and the frequency of nodding was so high this time that the big ears almost flew out.

"Okay, I understand" nodded, and put the squirrel back on the tree, I said: "Go ahead with your business, I'll take a look over there."


Squirrel had a serious face, clenched his front paws, and made a gesture of strength.

"Roger that!"

I laughed and made a gesture of strength.

Strangers, who dare to enter the Fairy Forest, are they poachers, or tomb thief?

Well, the former is far less likely than the latter. After all, once a poacher is discovered, it is a capital punishment. If a tomb thief is found, his property is usually confiscated and sent back to the country.

The reason for this judgment is mainly because for Moonlight City, living animals are far more valued than the Underworld.

However, it cannot be ruled out that a few vicious poachers sneak into the Fairy Forest and hunt and kill rare species for the sake of wealth and excitement.

Generally, when encountering this kind of person, the way of the Rose Legion is to hand it over to the judiciary to impose capital punishment, but I am different. I will directly kill the opponent and then bury the soil as fertilizer.

Although this approach bypassed the judicial process, the two queens were very pertinent to my approach.

Even when Elder Jennifer impeached me on this matter, Her Majesty the Fairy Queen smiled and said to her: "Young people, there are always some impulses. When we reach our age, we will become more stable."

Elder Jennifer was so angry that he was speechless.

After all, she has no ability to disobey Her Majesty the Fairy Queen.

As I walked towards the depths of the forest, I slowed my breathing, trying to keep my breathing to a level that only I could hear. At the same time, I also kept slowing down, trying to keep the sound under my feet as low as possible.

In this way, when he reached one hundred meters, a figure suddenly appeared not far away.

The figure did not look burly, nor thin, not short, but not tall. He could not see what he was holding, but judging from personal experience, it should not be a weapon.

Since it is probably not a weapon, that is to say, this person is probably not a poacher.

Will it be a tomb thief?

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