Who doesn't like to listen nicely?

So when Seren changed Faer’s praise to me, my expression was brilliant.

Speaking of it, Seren doesn't work against me all the time. When it's time to praise, he never hesitates to praise.

"By the way, where have you been these days?"

I asked curiously.

In the past few days, I can't see Seren's shadow almost every day. I thought it was dissatisfied because of the lack of hospitality, so I ran away from home.

But it does not seem to be the case.

"I went to Dragon Island" Sairen grinned, his smile was not good at all, even a bit hideous: "It's well built."

"That's it." I sighed and said, "You have been away from home for several days?"

"No way," Sairen said: "The sea here is much wider than the Demon Realm, and it is also much more dangerous. I have to be on guard at all times."

That's right, even its majesty, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar will lose his life in a daze at sea, not to mention it is far weaker than Bakar.

"How have you been in Longdao these days?" I asked again.

"It's okay, but the food is less variety and the taste is not satisfactory. I have to say that Florence's cooking is better."

"Of course" I raised my chest, and I proudly said: "She is the royal chef of the Fearless Guild."

"By the way, what is Spitz doing lately?"

"Master Spitz is overseeing the construction of the castle," Seren said: "At present, the castle has just been built to the most important place, so we can't neglect it at all."

"That's too much," I said: "The craftsmen I sent are all the craftsmen with the most craftsmanship. Even if they don't supervise, they can guarantee that they will complete the task beautifully."

"I believe this," Seren said, "I believe His Highness Spitz also believes it, but we dragons are suspicious of this matter. I think you should have heard it slightly."

"Say your race is suspicious, if you get this to Bakar, believe it or not he swallowed you?"

"No" Sairen said lightly: "Your Majesty will not execute me for this little thing, not to mention that I am talking about a fact that even your Majesty admits."

"Okay, you're right." I said with a curl of my lips. "However, whether it is Bakar, Spitz, or you, it seems that they are not defending me. I really can't think of the fact that the dragons are suspicious. Where did it come from?"

"If you don't fortify you, it doesn't mean that you won't fortify other humans." Sairen explained: "We don't fortify you because you are an ally of our dragon clan, and from your majesty to me, you have chosen to trust you absolutely. This is the rarest thing in the world. You have to be proud of the honor."

"Well, I'm proud."

Nodded solemnly.

Unexpectedly, Seren snorted: "Forget it, your expression doesn't look serious."

"What do you mean by not being serious?" I asked, "I'm serious!"

"Come on," Salen said: "I have seen you when you are serious. Apart from being unsmiling, your attitude and temperament are also different from the moment."

"Then you are telling me, what is my temperament like at the moment?"

"Uh...a bit...cynic."


A week passed in a flash.

During this period, several major events occurred.

One of the things that surprised me the most was that there was a spontaneously organized non-governmental team in Dasai City that paraded in the capital and clashed with the defensive team.

The conflict was fierce and even caused many casualties.

It can be called the worst civil unrest in Dasai City in a century.

However, this is just the beginning.

It is said that non-governmental organizations have begun planning, focusing on two aspects. One is to establish a civilian army and come to a vigorous Qing Dynasty side to kill the old duke and his factions; second, to directly establish a non-governmental organization to replace the Fergus family.

The first aspect has received a lot of responses from private individuals, but the second aspect has caused great disagreements among the people.

Most people believe that the Fergus family to which Destiny belongs is still very friendly to the people, and no unfriendly royal family members such as Eri City have appeared.

Even Fergus Illidan, the most overbearing and arrogant person in the day, has a very tolerant attitude towards the people, and this tolerance is from the sincerity.

A few people think that the emperor will take turns to do it. When he comes to my house next year, why does the Fergus family rule Dasai City for thousands of years? Because his family’s ancestors first proposed to establish Dasai City, the Fergus family will have permanent control of Dasai City. Is the city qualified?

Don’t forget, apart from the Fergus family, the people who built Dasai City have also worked together by nearly a hundred families. Why these nearly one hundred families have to be covered by the dust of history. Only the Fergus family can The glorious side of history lasts forever?

As a result, people secretly slogans like ‘princes and generals, I would rather have a kindness’, and continue to accumulate manpower and material resources, wanting to do something big.

But their behavior is not favored by most people.

But these people don't care. The so-called truth is in the hands of a few people. Those who claim to have the truth should turn the truth into a sharp edge and cut off injustice.

But anyone who listens to this slogan doesn't feel enthusiastic, on the contrary, they feel that this slogan is simply a bullshit.

The reason is very simple. Under the rule of the orc king, most of the environment in Dasai City is fair, and basically everyone has food, clothes and clothes, and everyone has money.

If such a regime were to be overthrown, then the only two countries left in Hefeng Continent, Moonlight City and Fort Witch, would barely survive.

In addition to these two countries, in the other three countries, there are both civilians and poor people, but there are more poor people in Ai Rui City and York Seoul, while there are fewer people in Dasai City.

But those passionate careerists don't think so. What they see in their eyes are the shortcomings of this country. In their eyes, this country is simply a representative of the miasma and needs to be cleaned up and purified.

And they happen to have the ability to purify this country.

What a self-righteous idea!

When I got this information, I couldn't help being shocked by this theory.

It's too narcissistic!

However, think about it, if a rebellious organization does not have a similar slogan, it will not have the charm of soliciting fellow people.

Second only to the civil strife in Darcy, is the matter of the noble cliques in Ere City and York City.

Due to the ban on business, the noble group lost tens of thousands of gold coins in its source of income in just one week.

This is a huge amount of money, and it is a sustainable fund. It was suddenly banned, and it is not clear how long it will be banned. This incident directly dealt a major blow to the noble group.

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