In front of me, the black stones were piled up like hills, with hundreds or thousands of them.

"There are so many...Why don't you make more super adventurers out?"

When the fairy queen heard the words, she smiled bitterly: "Not every adventurer can withstand the transformation. To complete the transformation, the first thing that needs to be matched is the wave of magic, then the strong body, and then the tough heart, and finally It is absolute loyalty."

Having said that, she paused, sighed slightly, and continued: "There are hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of adventurers who can meet these conditions at the same time."

"Is it so harsh?"

I was surprised, and then asked: "What is the process of transformation?"

"Naturally through some devices, if you want to watch, I can take you there later."

"Oh, I'll talk about it later, there is another question, I want to ask you."

"You said."

"What happens if the conversion fails?"

"The light ones have no effect, the heavy ones die on the spot."

I nodded and said, "If you just pick up the black stone like this, there shouldn't be any transformation phenomenon, right?"

"Yes" the fairy queen heard the words, nodded, and said: "The energy in the original stone cannot be absorbed, it can only be transformed..."

Suddenly, her voice stopped, and the next second, she exclaimed in disbelief: " is this possible?!"

I saw a black stone that I placed in the palm of my hand, gradually melting and disappearing in the palm of my hand.

At the same time, the color of the ancient text all over the palm of my left hand seemed to be darker than before.

When the Elf Queen saw this, she was so frightened that she couldn't speak.

"Don't be so surprised, grandma, Anasta." After the black stone was completely eliminated, I said lightly: "This phenomenon has happened more than once or twice. To me, this is just a basic operation."

When the stone disappeared completely, the Elf Queen stepped forward, first checked my palm, and then carefully observed my face and checked my body. After a long time, she worried: "Are you okay?"

"Nothing." Spreading my hands, I turned around and chuckled: "It's exactly the same as before."

"But I clearly witnessed the black stone blending into your body!"

"Silly girl" I smiled and squeezed Anasta's worried face.

Behind "He is a fairy", a faint voice sounded, and the fairy queen who remained silent, suddenly said: "Because he is a fairy, a true ancient fairy, and a descendant of a pure-blood fairy, his physical fitness , Even the way it is constructed, is completely different from that of human beings."

"Grandma, what do you mean by this?" the elf queen asked puzzled.

"You haven't read all the historical documents, so you don't know the key points. Speaking of which, you must blame me and your grandma."

The fairy queen sighed, and told an unknown story.

It was when she was young, not long after she had just given birth, and she was browsing historical documents in the secret room with the Elf Queen.

She loves books and history and culture. She should have wandered happily in the sea of ​​books, but she was upset by the contents of a volume of historical documents that she had forgotten for a long time.

Feeling the change in the mood of her best friend, the Elf Queen leaned forward and asked why.

To her best friend, the fairy queen has never kept a secret, so she passed the volume of historical documents to her.

After reading the contents of the document, the face of the Elf Queen was also slightly solemn.

The literature records a period of history, which may even shake the Moonlight City and even the history of the peaceful continent.

The content of this period of history is related to the cause of the Hefeng Continent.

According to the literature, the planet to which the Hefeng Continent belongs is not created by the **** of creation, but the **** of creation after having this planet.

The existence of the God of Creation lies in the creation of countless creatures, including human beings.

After creating the creatures, the God of Creation bestows different knowledge to the creatures of different races, and at the same time uses the power of God to wake up the sleeping spirit of the creatures, awaken the imprisoned thinking, let them begin to think, begin to imagine, and begin to develop. .....

This period of history, from beginning to end, only mentioned human beings and most of the creatures living on Hefeng Continent, and even underground cities.

However, from beginning to end, the two races of fairies and elves have not been mentioned.

At first, the two queens thought that this historical document was too old, and maybe the content of the fairy and elves had been damaged.

But with the results of the identification of the masters of historical relics they found, the hearts of the two queens suddenly sank to the bottom.

This historical document should be an object from ancient times, and due to the suitable environment and an unresolvable magic film attached to it, this historical document is extremely well preserved.

In other words, this is not an incomplete historical document, but a complete one!

Then, the two queens began to consider whether there is not only one such historical document, but many, and the content of this book is only one of them. The content of the two major races of fairies and elves is still in other documents.

So they told the master of cultural relics of this conjecture. The latter thought about it for a while and said that there should be no such possibility, because the ending content of this document has been recorded to the end of the ancient period. As for the content afterwards, who I don't know, I only know that it may be because of a catastrophe that caused the ecological system of the Hefeng Continent to be completely overturned.

After hearing this, the two queens looked pale. At this moment, what they thought was not to judge whether the document was true or not, but that the news must never be spread.

Fortunately, this master of cultural relics was from the elf royal family of Moonlight City, so he was released after being warned not to confide even one word of the content to outsiders. If he were replaced by someone else, he might be killed at that time.

Afterwards, in order to keep this secret, the two queens discussed and concealed this historical document. Only when the future generations' thinking is absolutely mature, they are allowed to look through this document.

The reason for being so cautious is that the two queens have been preaching on the Hefeng Continent. They are the two major races of Moonlight City, which are the most orthodox and oldest races. The other races are from Moonlight City. A derivative race created by the two big races of fairies and elves.

At the beginning, this kind of speech was not recognized by people. After all, no matter which race, they hope that they are the oldest and the most orthodox, because only in this way can they take the lead in many aspects.

However, with the unearth of some historical documents, as well as the investigation and analysis of archaeological experts, a result they did not want to believe was made public. The two races of fairies and elves seem to be the ancestors of human beings.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( Those who walk in dungeons are not normal, and the literature is updated the fastest.

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