Don't think the dragons live longer than humans, but humans have better cooking methods than dragons.

The reason is simple: Compared with cooking, dragons love to delve into how to improve their strength.

Humans are different from dragons. Some are naturally good at fighting, and some are naturally not good at fighting.

Those who are not good at fighting can only choose industries other than adventurers.

And the chef happens to be a good way.

In the beginning, the level of human chefs was far lower than that of the dragons, but because the human base was too large, the various ideas that came into being were naturally more than those of the dragons.

Naturally, the number of chefs experimenting with these unbelievable new dishes is naturally greater.

Some chefs became heroic during this period. After all, not every dish is absolutely delicious and safe.

But there are also more chefs who continue to move forward firmly on this road.

With the continuous hard work of generations, finally, the chef industry has begun to shine and climb one peak after another.

Because I sighed for the greatness of the ancestors, I was too fascinated, and then I forgot to water-treat the fish and boiled a pot of salty fish soup.

I only took two mouthfuls of this pot of fish soup, and I felt my tongue numb.

Fortunately, due to the huge size of the dragons, the sense of taste is relatively slow. After repeated confirmation, he picked up the pot and smelled the fragrance, drank the salty fish soup, drank it cleanly, then smashed his mouth, and did not notice any abnormality. Come.

I began to concentrate on cooking the grilled fish.

Barbecue is my specialty. As for soup cooking, let’s leave it to professionals.

Eating sweet and delicious grilled fish, my taste buds have been greatly satisfied.

The three dragons are also full of praise for my grilled fish, although I don't think they can really taste it.

After eating and drinking, surrounded by the blazing bonfire, I asked Spitz: "I heard from Bakar that there are two dragon ancestors, one is freedom and the other is power. It seems that your power is not in the dragon family. It’s so outstanding, have you never considered a way to strengthen yourself?"

"Wisdom is also a kind of power, but many people don't think so." Spitz's huge dragon head looked at the sky and muttered: "Moreover, items that can give dragons power often require a considerable price. I This dragon is more suspicious and never believes that there will be a free lunch in the world."

"You can ask Luke for information about the black nightmare."

"What do you do with that?" Spitz tilted his head, puzzled.

"I think that since Luke can be alive after the black nightmare injection, and preserve a certain sense of reason, it is enough to prove how deep he has studied in this area. I guess he must have tried different doses of black The nightmare is injected into the body. Observe and record the various reactions after the black nightmare enters the body. If you ask him for help, maybe he can come up with the dose of the black nightmare suitable for your injection."

"Don't even think about it," Spitz resisted: "Not to mention the grievances between your Majesty and him, just talking about the black nightmare substance, even if the organism can be transformed into an existence beyond the limit, I will not easily Try, the scene of the burst of power after Luke injected the black nightmare is still fresh in my memory."

"Have you seen the scene after the black nightmare got out of control?" With curiosity and anticipation, I couldn't wait to ask: "Tell me."

"I only used magic to get a rough idea. Only His Majesty knows the details. After all, only his magic can see Luke's state up close."

Spitz paused and continued to say in a deep voice: "The scene at the time was like this. The black mist that obscured the sky turned into a huge and hideous head, and the dark eyes stared at everyone present. I don't Knowing what kind of aura and oppression Herder and those adventurers experienced at the time, I only know that there are an unknown number of planets apart, and I watched that scene through magic. The moment I was caught by the black pupils, I almost suffocated."

"Fuck... exaggerated, right?" I tentatively asked.

"It's not an exaggeration at all," Spitz said: "The terrifying coercion does not come from warfare or momentum, but...instinct."

"Instinct?" I looked dazed.

"It is the suppression at the level of life" Spitz said: "The energy contained in the stone is not at the same level as us creatures."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked in amazement: "The existence higher than the dragon's life level is actually the energy contained in a pile of rubble? Do you think anyone will believe this?"

"What if no one will believe it?" Spitz still looked at the sky faintly, and said lightly: "I don't need to consult others for how I feel."

"But having said that, Spitz, although I don't think the energy contained in the black stone is at a different level from you, I agree with you that the black nightmare is a scourge."

"It seems that this topic can continue to talk."

Spitz turned his head, grinning, two rows of teeth.

"I think so."

After that, we started talking about the power of the black nightmare.

Spitz felt that if the black nightmare continued to be used by people, one day it would break the boundaries of power balance.

I behaved disapprovingly of his worried speech.

Although I also agree that the black nightmare is indeed a curse, it should not be as exaggerated as he imagined.

First of all, after the stone containing the black nightmare came into contact with me, it quickly merged into my body and turned into my power, but I didn’t notice it, which meant that the strength of this power was similar to that of the fairy blood. Ratio is simply a drop in the ocean.

I believe that as long as there is a Mori fairy who has awakened the bloodline power in this world, and the guy who has mastered the black nightmare power, he will not be able to turn the sky.

Why don’t I mention pure blood elves and pure blood elves?

That's because the only pure-blooded fairies I know so far are me and Lizi, and neither of our bloodlines show signs of awakening.

There are only two pure blood elves I know, Icenas and Yadyan, and similarly, they have no signs of awakening.

And so far, in the forest fairy circles I have been in contact with, only the Fairy Queen, Saran and Socia have awakened their bloodline power, and the bloodline power of these three is not fully awakened, or that they only Awakened less than a tenth of the bloodline power.

I only know one person who is awakening the power of blood, and that is my fiancée, Celia.

However, according to Celia's own description, her awakened bloodline power is likely to be an auxiliary type, which is similar to the prophecy of the high priest.

But as long as her bloodline can be awakened smoothly, it can crush any human, or apostle, or any other creature that has digested the black nightmare for the last time.

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