Obviously, I can't do what they want.

It is shameful to steal military secrets. Moreover, the vast majority of Fort Witch's high-level officials and ordinary people respect me so much. How can I do such a foolish thing?

However, the Moonlight City executives obviously did not think so.

They always feel that since I have become a foreign elder, I have to do something, and this effect is not limited to being responsible for my position, but also including my contribution to the unspoken rules of the country.

And the so-called unspoken rule contribution, as the name suggests, is to take advantage of me to steal all the secrets of other countries that can be stolen, and give them to the high-levels of Moonlight City for safekeeping.

After learning this explanation, I immediately found Her Majesty the Fairy Queen and checked with her.

Fortunately, Her Majesty's answer was slightly different from that of the high-level Moonlight City, at least he did not admit that the hidden rule contributed.

I just returned home with peace of mind.

Although I also know that the contribution of the unspoken rule must have passed the acquiescence of Her Majesty the Fairy Queen, but as long as her old man does not recognize this one day, I believe her one day, otherwise, I really can’t take the post of the foreign elder. .

Speaking of it, from the very beginning, I was not very interested in the position of foreign tribe elder.

At most, at first I felt that this position was quite free and had a certain degree of authority, but as I held it for longer, I found that some things were not as satisfactory as I imagined.

Although freedom is also freedom, before the so-called large conferences, I have to apply for participation.

In addition, if there are incidents involving foreign citizens committing crimes in Moonlight City, I have to rush forward immediately and sentence the matter.

In addition, the severity of the sentence has to be taken as a reference to the hatred of the local people.

Generally speaking, 60% of foreigners who commit crimes in Moonlight City are traffickers, 39% are poachers, and 1% are miscellaneous.

As long as it does not involve human life, or cause injuries, the most serious offenders are deportation, and the least verbal punishment.

The remaining 99% of offenders, without exception, are death sentences.

This directly aroused the dissatisfaction of several other countries, especially the people of Moonlight City and York City, they all regarded me as a traitor.

What is a traitor?

Own people who have betrayed.

I admit that the heavy punishment of the criminals is a kind of betrayal to the people of the same tribe, but I and the tribes of Ai Ruicheng and York Seoul are not our own.

To be more precise, they never regarded me as their own.

As far as the days I lived in Ai Ruicheng, I was so dirty that, due to injury and hunger, I was lying weakly next to the small pond in the park. People, I would rather throw the bread in your hand into the trash can, or feed the wild cats and dogs to the pigeons than to give me half.

When I think of this past, I have no affection for Ai Ruicheng.

Thinking you are treating me like this, I didn't retaliate. When I punished the criminals, I said I was a traitor?

It's nonsense!

Although I don't care whether they treat me as a traitor, or whether they treat me as an evil and filthy model when discussing in the streets, but they often say behind me, I am also very upset.

But at that time, Moonlight City was the victim, and the overall wind was fair. There were not so many messy unspoken rules or unspoken rules, but I didn't find the right time to tell me.

Now that the time has been found, they naturally did not hesitate to preach to me.

This also directly led to a sharp drop in my favorability for the post of foreign tribe elder.

After returning home, Father Taylor gave me a bottle of wine without asking anything.

Because of the killing intent, I can't taste the pleasure of getting drunk and relieving a thousand sorrows, but I can pretend to be a little bit.

Pretending to be drunk is a technical job. First of all, it cannot arouse other people's disgust. Secondly, in the name of being drunk, without being tossed by naughty little loli such as Xiao Lemi, you can finally enjoy Phoenix's massage service.

It has to be said that although Phoenix has great strength, the massage technique is very good. This may be related to her martial arts practice since she was a child. After all, martial arts practitioners are very proficient in human body structure and acupuncture point functions, coupled with good finger flexibility and force skills. Naturally, the techniques of masseurs on the market are much better.

After the massage, she was ecstatic.

I finally got a good night's sleep.

When I woke up, I was refreshed, and even the pressure accumulated in the previous days was swept away.

Leave all the baggage behind, and with the family, continue to hunt monsters in the dungeon.

Although I have reached the fourteenth level, I still feel powerless when dealing with a group of snake priests.

It's not because of my weak strength, but the negative buff of the snake priest is too disturbing.

Blindness, weakness, deceleration and other debuffs are not an adventurer with absolute strength, and they simply cannot resist.

I can only find the way blindly, use all kinds of tyrannical methods, push all the way, and cut a blood path on the 26th floor.

However, my approach was not endorsed by Yura and others. They felt that my fighting style was only suitable for me, and not for others.

Think about it, my way of fighting can almost be called injury-for-injury, purely relying on self-healing ability in exchange for killing monsters.

If anyone other than me uses this method, if there is no strong pastor behind them, they will definitely die on the spot.

So I asked Yula and others to come together to discuss countermeasures, and when the countermeasures were discussed, I would demonstrate by myself to verify whether it was feasible.

This suggestion has been affirmed by the family, and for the sake of their discussion, I will continue to blame and contribute experience to everyone.

Contributing experience is nothing to say, but other people are sitting on the ground and discussing things, but I have to fight with the snake-man priests, and I always feel that something is wrong.

When the high-intensity mobs were spawned, time flies quickly. Just after I killed dozens of snake-man priests, Yula greeted me.

I thought they had researched something famous, but they told me that it was time to go home for dinner.

Reluctantly, I had to go home with them. On the way, I still turned a corner and came to the palace to have a good discussion with Emily.

Now that my strength is advancing rapidly, although I am not Emily's opponent yet, I can fight her back and forth.

After about a few hundred rounds, the two of us had a victory and defeat. It was still Emily who won and I lost, but now I, although still defeated, are not too embarrassed.

In response, Emily finally showed a relieved smile, although only a small smile.

On the way home, I asked Emily how to defeat the strong against the snake-man priest.

Emily's answer surprised me.

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