Berserker, the reason for the word "crazy" in the name is because the adventurer who chooses this profession has the nature of "crazy" in his bones.

Arrogance, arrogance, madness...All vocabulary related to arrogance and unruly can be reflected in this profession.

Because of this, when facing the strong, the frenzied energy in their bones makes them not retreat, but will counterattack in a more ferocious way.

This is the case with the national power facing me.

In the face of the fierce Raptor Duankong, the berserker swung up his sword, facing up to the combat skills, without retreat in his eyes.


The Raptor Duankong Slash slammed into the berserker's great sword with extreme might, and the loud noise echoed in the arena.

The berserker is worthy of being a strong man in terms of strength. He actually resisted the Raptors Duankong for a few seconds, but then he was knocked into the air by a huge impact and landed on the edge of the ring, sturdy and strong. The tough body even smashed a corner of the ring slightly.

Uh puff!

With a muffled hum, the Berserker's face looked pained.

You know, the basic material for building the ring is top-grade fine iron, and the thick layer of countertop that comes into contact with the body is made of top-grade fine steel.

Although the physical strength of the national power is indeed strong enough, and the Berserker is still a profession that focuses on the physical body, the physical strength is stronger than other national strengths of the same level and different professions.

This is the case, the solid metal arena was collapsed directly with the flesh, and one can imagine how exaggerated the power of the Raptor's collision attack is.

This is what I thought of when I saw the slightly collapsed arena afterwards. Before that, I had never thought that the Raptors Duankong Slash would have such a powerful impact.

The trembling national power climbed up from the ground, wiped the ray of blood that had just dripped from the corner of his mouth, and stared at me with a grinning grin.

"Huh?" I was a little surprised, how could the national power that has been hit so hard still get up?

Should he praise his physical strength?

Or should he praise his strong willpower?

"It's an adventurer who dared to challenge the national power organization face to face." The Berserker grinned and said, "I am not your opponent even after being famous for a while, hum, but that's it."

After speaking, he slowly raised his left hand, and the blood mist slowly flowed and condensed. After a while, a blood-colored giant sword took shape.

Double knife! Also known as violent blood, this is the berserker's life-saving skill.

According to rumors, during the melee period, a long-established berserker, in order to repel the enemy army that offended his country, turned on his violent blood to fight against it, and defeated three armies with his own strength and became the hero of the country.

But it was also because the violent blood was on for too long, which caused the blood in his body to lose too much, and eventually he died of exhaustion.

But what I want to talk about here is the strength of the power after the violent blood is turned on, and the magnitude of the increase in strength is evident.

After a grinning, the opposing national power rushed over, and when I was less than three meters away, the swords danced wildly, like a madman.

Accompanied by the flurry of double knives, bursts of harsh and wild laughter sounded. The laughter was terrible, and the surrounding adventurers stepped back.

"Condensing the heart of killing with the blood mist, um, nice little guy."

The old voice sounded, you don't need to look at it to know that it must have been said by the grandfather who had been sitting by the ring just now drinking tea.

It seemed like a sigh, but it reminded me.

The state of the other party is the congealing of the heart of killing and the blood fog. I have heard of this state. It is a bit similar to my killing intent. The difference is that my killing intent is purer and stronger.

Humph, do you want to fight me hard?


Facing the terrifying berserker, I was not afraid, sneered, raised my sword, and faced the sword.


There were several crisp sounds in succession, and the national power and I took a step back, paused for a while, and continued to bully ourselves, fighting with single swords against double swords.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" The old man clapped his palms and cheered.

When other people saw this, they also cheered.

Those who stay out of the matter naturally watch the excitement and the excitement. Only those who are fighting will understand the danger.

The swords and the shadows crossed at an extremely fast speed. The surrounding adventurers couldn't even see the trajectory of the weapon swings. Only the elf exclaimed: "So fast, I can't see it at all!"

Many other adventurers echoed one after another, saying that it was indeed almost beyond their visual limits.

Even so, the battle between the two of us continues to heat up, and while increasing the attack speed, the power of slashing is also increasing.

Not long after, the weapon in the hand of the Berserker screamed.

Obviously, the strength of his original weapon and the auxiliary weapon condensed with blood mist is far less than Xilan's demon sword.

It’s no wonder that in the era when Xilan was in, his knife was the proud work of a certain master. Although the soul is contained in the blade, it often hooks up the user’s most primitive desires, but it still cannot Cover the sharpness and tenacity of the demon sword.

Compared with the ancient times when there were secret techniques for smelting, the quality of the best weapons produced by the master forging masters today is a bit insufficient.

Of course, except for magic weapons.

The quality of magic weapons is almost the same in all dynasties and periods.

The reason for this is that the forging conditions of magic weapons are extremely strict. Once they are met and forged, they must be qualified magic weapons, and there is no difference between qualified magic weapons.

The only difference between magic weapons is their purpose.

This principle also applies to magic equipment.

In addition to magic weapons, even enchanted weapons have high and low strengths, and their span is large, and there may even be situations where sophisticated enchanted weapons can destroy inferior enchanted weapons in one blow.

However, under normal circumstances, few people would use enchanted weapons to do this kind of thing. After all, any enchanted weapon, even the most inferior one, is priceless.

As for the better ones, there is no market at all.

Closer to home.

The two great swords of the Berserker screamed one after another.

The difference is that the real giant sword's wailing sound is relatively short, and after the wailing, there is no abnormal situation, but the giant sword made of blood mist, after the wailing, it collapsed directly.

First, cracks appeared, and then there was a crisp sound, which turned into countless pieces and fell to the ground.

But soon, those fragments turned into blood fog and were taken back into the Berserker body.

The berserker who had supplemented the blood mist, his face became a little better, and at the same time, his strength seemed to be stronger.

But there is only one point, and it can't control the battle.

"Hehe, your knife is really surprising to me, elder!"

The berserker grinned grinningly.

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