The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3369: Meat Shield Adventurer

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The national power organization, which is the sword of the ruler, ignores the civil strife in the country.

Recruiting talents, looking for potential new people to join the organization, this is a very good job, and even confronts the elders of a country.

Thinking about it carefully, the current situation of Moonlight City is really developing as Socia said-the trouble has long been out, and the current Majesty is thinking about how to stop the loss.

Therefore, there is a saying that there is a risk in stopping loss, and people need to be cautious.

But thinking about it, Her Majesty the Fairy Queen must have a deep understanding now.

Thinking of this, I seemed to understand the meaning of what Her Majesty the Fairy Queen had said to me. She told me that I would do it myself.

The meaning is very simple, just do what you want.

Or in other words, just do what you should do.

According to my personality, what would I do when encountering an unreasonable national power organization?

Haha, there is no need to think about it at all, just one sentence, hit him!

Put down the cup, walked out of the tavern, and met a bad-faced elf. If you want to come, he is the national power who came to me to fight today.

I was too lazy to greet and asked bluntly: "Which arena to go?"

"The second arena."


Coming to the second arena, there is still a group of adventurers fighting.

However, there is no alternative.

The second arena is mainly used by adventurers of the noble class.

Compared with the royal family, the number of aristocratic children is significantly more than dozens of times more. This refers to the children of the great aristocrats, and the children of the middle aristocrats and small aristocrats are not included.

As for the children of the nobles, although their status is not as good as that of the children of the royal family, Jingui, they also don't need to work. They can be well-fed by the shadow of their ancestors.

Apart from the warmth, what they can think of is nothing more than eating, drinking and having fun. Of course, this does not include those noble children who are wealthy and motivated.

Although the ancestral shade looks bright and beautiful, it is necessary to live tightly to feed a large family for several generations.

In order not to make the family life tight, the heads of the family began to consider how to allocate the children of the family so that they can continue their well-fed life and strengthen their heads.

Being a politician is not easy. Although many family children seem to be deep in the city, in fact they can only play tricks within the family, and they really don't have the slightest political mind.

Therefore, being a politician eliminated a group of bosses.

If you can't be a politician, you can still consider other careers, such as business.

Relying on family connections and power, it is still very easy to start a small family business and make a little money.

As a result, this idea was so real that many aristocratic family owners thought of it. Within a few days, various small family businesses sprang out like weeds after the rain.

It is not terrible to have many family businesses. What is terrible is that many industries are repeated, which directly leads to the collapse of either a chain of stores, or only one or two dominant stores, and the other stores have closed down.

After the shop collapsed, a large number of noble children were discouraged and chose to go home and continue to sit and eat.

The remaining aristocratic children still burned their ambitions and continued to prepare for the next shop.

Among them, only a small number of noble children, after spending countless efforts, revitalized the shop.

Most of the remaining children failed again.

Fortunately, the discouraged son of the nobleman after the failure was to go home and sit in the air.

Those children who have been defeated and defeated are the most deceptive.

They are like a bottomless pit, constantly drawing money from the family treasury.

Seeing that the family assets were about to be sucked up by this group of vampire-like children, the heads of the family made a painful decision to summon this group of vampire-like noble children back home. Let's all sit and eat together.

At exactly this time, the gaze of the Patriarch noticed the adventurer in the family again.

Regardless of the adventurers' daily life, and their parents, elders, wives and daughters are worried about their safety, but they do make a lot of money.

If you have less money, you can support your family. If you have more money, you can live a life of fine clothes and food.

Suddenly, the patriarchs were blessed to their hearts and minds-Hefeng Continent is a country dominated by adventurers. As long as they have the strength, they will never worry about food and drink. If they have connections, they will become a bureaucrat with real power.

Ten thousand steps back, even if it is not a bureaucrat, as long as you join a guild with sufficient influence, you can still shine.

After thinking about this, the noble family leaders either guided or forced the children of the family to enter the Adventurer Academy.

If you want to be a qualified adventurer, theoretical practice is not enough, you have to practice it.

The students who have not graduated from the Adventurer Academy are not allowed to enter the dungeon without authorization.

So this group of young teenagers with hormonal outbreaks came to the arena to vent their vigorous energy.

This directly caused the arena to be crowded and very noisy.

As for human beings, the most favorite thing is gossip.

Today, the most popular gossip in Moonlight City is the contradiction between me and the national power organization.

That's why I and the national power that came to challenge me today has just stepped into the gate of the second arena and was strongly watched by a group of noble children.

I don't like the feeling of being watched by a strong crowd, like a rare animal in a zoo.

But there is no way, since you live in this environment, you have to adapt.

Board the ring and stand against the power of the country.

After a moment of silence, I asked, "Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"This is not a blind date show," the national power said with a serious face.

"Sorry" I said: "Let's start then."

The national power turned around and took a shield and a knight sword from the audience.

It seems that he is a meat shield adventurer.

Speaking of it, I rarely fight against flesh-shield adventurers.

Not because they are hard to fight, but because it is troublesome.

Meat shield adventurers have a unified feature, that is, thick skin and high blood volume.

If you want to cause substantial damage to this type of adventurer, you can only break his (her) shield and his (her) outer armor.

There is no other way.

Since shields and armor are the life-saving artifacts and main tools of this type of adventurer, they naturally don't hesitate to spend a lot of money. Experts are asked to forge high-strength shields and armors, first to save their lives, and second to increase the team's success rate of spawning monsters.

The same is true for ordinary adventurers, not to mention national power.

So I dared to conclude that the other party's shield must not be forged with ordinary materials, maybe it was mixed with things like mithril and fine gold.

If you want to break open the fine gold and mithril armor, only relying on the pure killing intent and the sharpness of the demon sword, it may be difficult to do so.

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