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As Socia said, national power is a clingy organization.

As long as the dignity of the organization is touched, they will come one after another. Unless they are defeated, there will be no end.

Looking at the assassin adventurer in leather armor standing in front of my eyes, I feel a little headache.

Rubbing my temples and sighing, I waved my hand and said, "Lead the way ahead."

It is still the second arena.

It seems that this national power is also of noble origin.

Standing on the ring, facing the assassin who exuded the strange and unpredictable temperament, I didn't feel any tension at all.

It's not that I despise the assassin. It is that the assassins who have been cleansed by blood have been assassinated so many times that when facing the assassins, instead of being nervous, I have an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Feeling the long-lost intimacy, I smiled and said, "Do you take the first step, or I take the first step?"

In the face of my politeness, the national power did not hesitate at all, and directly drew a dagger.

A flash of cold light flashed, and came straight to my point, but was blocked by the sword in the middle.

With a soft snort, the assassin didn't stop at all, his body flashed and disappeared in front of me.

When it reappeared, it was already five meters away from me.

She has such a beautiful body and quick action. If she assassinates me half a year ago, she will definitely die.

But at the same time I played against him, I also discovered one of his weaknesses, that is, he was too cautious, or in other words, had little actual combat experience, and could only use caution to fill in the missing experience.

Although it was very concealed in doing so, it still missed the battle against an adventurer like me who has rich experience in fighting with assassins.

Now that I have leaked, I basically know how to deal with him.

To be honest, if he were to be replaced by the boss of Rennes, it would really take the boss a while and a lot of physical energy to defeat the opponent.

It's really not because of the strength of the boss of Rennes, his hard power is very average, and when combined with the weakest national power, it is a big difference.

But his old man's actual combat experience is extremely rich, even to a heinous level.

Think about it, he dared to plan the assassination of Carter Horton, and his assassination would have been successful without Achilles' obstruction.

Think about it, assassinating a country's monarch, such a thing, a mere national power or something, can it be done?

Don't talk about the power of a country, that is, three or five, which may not be successful.

But Boss Renn almost succeeded.

From this point, it can be judged that Boss Rennes is far stronger than general national power in terms of overall strength.

I, who often learn about assassins with him, naturally understand themselves better than ordinary assassins.

Therefore, when the national power performed the second move, I was not surprised by the sudden disappearance of the other party. On the contrary, I calmly raised the demon sword and faced it to one side, slashing into the void.


There was a crisp sound.

A short blade first appeared out of thin air, followed by the slender body of national power.

Seeing that the move was accepted by me, he snorted and jumped away again.

The two consecutive attacks failed, and the national power was a little angry, and his body was tight, like a clockwork that was twisted to the extreme, ready to burst out a powerful attack at any time.

Unlike his tense attitude, I looked at him in my spare time, as if looking at a passerby.


With a low cry, the power of the country rushed towards me like an off-string arrow.

"If this is the case, you can't defeat me."

I whispered.

However, the national power seemed to have not heard my voice at all, and rushed forward indefinitely.

"Say you still don't believe it."

Shaking my head, I turned the Demon Sword in my hand, aimed at the track he was about to pass, and greeted him.

The Demon Saber had just moved halfway, and I couldn't help being stunned, because the changes happening in front of me were beyond my imagination.

The national power in the air suddenly turned into a giant shuriken, spinning at an extremely fast speed, whistling, and hacking at me.

"If I didn't have any precautions, I would really be caught off guard." Looking at the spinning shuriken, I said lightly, and at the same time I quickly charged up and aimed at the sky, which was a slash.

The sword gang was fierce and hit a metal edge of the shuriken severely. The next second, the shuriken appeared and transformed back into national power, and the edge that was cut by the sword gang happened to be the one in his hand. Handle dagger.

Through the sound of the collision between the knife and the dagger, I have determined that the material of this dagger is Mithril, and it is made by smelting a whole piece of Mithril.

If you want to successfully forge this dagger, the total amount of Mithril needed is not very large, but at least a thousand gold coins can be exchanged into gold coins.

It's really generous.

I secretly said in my heart, and at the same time I also have a certain understanding of the family of the assassins in front of me.

This assassin's family is at least a middle-level nobleman, otherwise it is impossible to spend thousands of gold coins to build a mithril dagger.

Of course, there is another possibility that this dagger is from his family's ancestors, but this is rare.

Especially the assassin family, it is rare.

You know, every assassin has his own weapons, and these weapons are not obtained through inheritance.

After all, the only thing that can be passed on from generation to generation is the assassin's ideas and actual combat experience. As for weapons, it is better to use your own.

Just as I was thinking about it, the national power attacked again.

This time the attack was obviously more powerful than the previous one, and it was also faster.

When he was two meters away from me, he moved and spun at a very fast speed.

While spinning, I saw the outer edge of the whirlpool, and there seemed to be countless blades passing by.

I have seen this trick before. It is a basic combat technique taught to his disciples by boss Rennes, called Blade Storm.

The practical effect of this combat technique is not very good, the only purpose is to be able to use the power of magic wave to make a blade around the spiral, and use the blade to resist attacks.

But obviously, this national force does not intend to use it as a defensive combat technique, but as an offensive combat technique.

To be honest, the actual effect of using Blade Storm as an offensive combat technique is far from the actual effect of acting as a defensive combat technique.

Unless, the blade can fly out as a hidden weapon.

But this is a very high challenge for most adventurers.

Just like I want to change a combat technique without authorization, I have to spend a lot of energy, and after the change, I still need to continuously polish it before it will have a result.

Otherwise, the modified combat technique is an abolished combat technique.

Seeing the storm of sword blades approaching me step by step, I walked aside unhurriedly.

Sure enough, as I expected, the blade storm of national power can't release the blade, it can only float around the body like a shield.

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