Above the ring.

On the conqueror's side, the halberd flew like a butterfly, the afterimages continued, and every move and every style, there was a sound of rumbling through the sky.

In the face of the constant waves of moves, all I can do is to gather the killing intent and constantly resist with the demon knife in my hand.

The other party is from a regular adventurer academy. Every move and every style is open and well-formed. It is neither faulty nor surprising. It is just different from ordinary adventurers. Trick, each style, has his own understanding.

As opposed to him, I am a wandering adventurer. Every move and every style is a wild way that I learned from fighting monsters. Although the actions are weird and there are no rules, but every move and every style, All permeate my understanding of combat.

A well-being, a tricky trick is frequently used, and for a while it is equally unmatched.

The crowd of onlookers under the stage applauded the ring.

Of course, there are also many adventurers who saw that they were frightened and took a few steps back unconsciously, for fear that we would not be able to stop and hurt them by mistake.

If both sides use weapons such as halberds to fight, there may be accidental injuries due to a whim. After all, most of the moves of weapons like halberds are hard-to-play head-to-head moves, whether they are vigorous moves. , Or the surging and rigid fading power, it is not easy to converge.

However, one side is a halberd, and the other side is a halberd. In this case, there is generally no situation where the power of the fading cannot be converged, or the movement is too strong and leads to loss of control, unless the weight of the halberd is increased to make it match the halberd. At the same level, or increase the user's strength to make up for the lack of weight.

However, neither situation exists.

Compared with the halberd, the demon sword is too light, and my strength is slightly inferior to the conqueror. It is impossible to deliberately lose control.

The only thing to worry about is that when either of us is about to lose in the battle, we will release a trick, and this trick may spread around the ring.

The battle continued.

The two of us, who are in the midst of the battle, are constantly changing our moves, probing and fighting each other. Between our moves, we always retain a trace of maneuverability.

The reason for this is that we dare not rush to use our full strength. After all, he is a middle-to-higher existence in the national power, and I am a rising star of unknown strength, and I have already had an impressive record of losing consecutive national powers.

The consequence of no one dare to underestimate is that our moves are no longer as exciting and intense as before, on the contrary, they have begun to become conservative and strict.

This change gradually reduced the applause from the surrounding adventurers, and later, there was not even one applause.

But even so, we two continue to test each other.

After all, our fight is not to make people around us applaud.

"Your basic moves are very powerful," the conqueror exclaimed: "You can fight me with a sword until this time."

"Your strength is also good" I also admired: "One move, one move, thick and thin, elusive, several times, I almost got the move."

"It's time to end." He suddenly grinned and withdrew.

"I feel so too."

I also took a knife and withdrew, and said solemnly.

"The next move is to decide the outcome."

The conqueror took a deep breath, letting sweat drip down his cheeks to the ground, obviously, he was tired.

I also have this intention. Don't look at my sword, and the weight is far less than that of a halberd, but it takes a lot of energy to resolve the offensive of a halberd.

The physical strength I retain now is enough for me to go all out for another hour.

Seeing me nodded slightly, and once again raised the intent to fight and kill, the conqueror showed a satisfied smile.

With the halberd in his hand, the conqueror screamed in a low voice, and then the halberd stabbed at me like a sea swallow that shot out directly.

I have seen this trick, called a cold-blooded stab, and it is a must-have for conquerors when they rush forward.

During the stab, the halberd can cause multiple damage to the adventurer.

However, this move is not without weaknesses. Although the imposing force is like a rainbow and brave when stabs, the protection of the two wings is very weak and almost collapsed.

Therefore, in multiplayer battles, there is almost never seen any conqueror using this technique, and it is only used in one-on-one duels.

The indomitable conqueror, as if to destroy me with a halberd, came straight.

In the face of the deadly halberd, I was not afraid, and burst the killing intent to the extreme, staring at the flying halberd, ready to wait.

Until the halberd was less than one meter away from me, I suddenly exerted force, with a slash with a sword, suddenly came out, and looked precisely at the tip of the halberd.

There was a crisp sound of gold and iron, and I passed the conqueror.

A few seconds later, there was a soft clang, and a tip of the halberd fell to the ground.

At the same time, my left side placket also made a chuckle, and the nice placket tore a hole.


Ten seconds later, there was another low drink, and the halberd went idling and hit me with a beaten head.

Just in time, the cold-blooded time of drawing the sword was over, I resumed my action again, and at the moment when the halberd fell, I swung my sword to parry.

There was another crow of gold and iron, and the halberd was volleyed by me.

Immediately, the conqueror collected the halberd, then retreated two steps, and then jumped high and shouted: "Changhong goes through the sun!"

At the same time, countless fading powers seemed to flow into the sea like a stream, poured onto the halberd, setting off the entire halberd like a sun!

It is impossible to look directly.


Accompanied by a series of violent shouts, the halberd fell immediately, the momentum was so strong that it seemed to be able to crack the ground!

Looking up at the halberd that was smashing down, my blood boiled and I yelled, "Good come, look at the move! Phantom Sword Dance!"

In an instant, countless knives were born out of thin air and quickly accumulated in front of me. When the knives accumulated to a certain level, the brilliance that bloomed was no more than that of war halberds.

This is a typical case of quantitative changes causing qualitative changes.

When countless forces accumulate, the power that can be triggered is unprecedented.

This is similar to the magician's continuous accumulation of mana.

The halberd fell at an extremely fast speed and smashed accurately on the knife gang. The instant collision erupted with a strong impact, which drove a group of adventurers around the ring to the side, and many adventurers were affected. I couldn't help but fell to the ground.

No one screamed in the ring, but Ohong was already everywhere under the ring.

Not far away, an old man let out a chuckle: "Haha, wonderful, really wonderful!"

On the ring, the top made of hard top-grade stainless steel cracked because it couldn't stand the strength.

At the same time, the ticked blood dripped from above, one part fell on the smooth surface, and the other part dripped into the cracks.

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