The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 3385: The history of rebellion

Perhaps it was because even the good conqueror lost to me. Since that day, the overall strength of the country that came to me to challenge has gradually weakened.

At first, there were some national forces similar in strength to the conquerors who challenged me, but as the challenge continued to fail, in less than a week, the strength of the challenger had dropped from the upper middle level of national power to just entering the organization. It didn't take long for the entry-level strength.

This makes me especially fond of playing games in my previous life, especially ARPG.

To be honest, I always thought that the strength of the national power that challenged me would continue to increase until an adventurer whose strength reached a critical point in the upper middle level appeared.

However, things were counterproductive, and the state forces became more and more perfunctory about starting a contest against me.

I even wonder if there is any special force that is forcing the power of the country behind it, and is not allowed to chase me.

And this force is strong enough to make the entire national power organization bow down.

But the question is, does such an organization really exist?

Uh... it really exists.

Throughout the Hefeng Continent, there is one and only one organization that can contend with all national power organizations, and in some respects can step on all national powers.

It can even make them unable to bear the least resistance.

This organization is the business empire established by Master Dewey.

But the question is, will Master Dewey really do this?

When I thought about this question, I contacted Master Dewey and asked him directly.

Master Dewey’s answer is simple and direct: "It's not me."

Since Master Dewey said it was not him, it must not be him.

Since it is not Master Dewey, it will certainly not be done by a certain organization.

Since it is not the work of a certain organization, there is only another situation. There are differences within the national power organization.

I guess that the source of the disagreement is probably in Saran and Alice.

Now, the fact that Saran became my fiancee has been made public inside the Fearless Guild, and I have also been punished quite irritatingly-I was hung by Kagali and others outside the tree house for a hammer and hanged me for the whole night. .

As for Saran, who became my fiancee, naturally I don’t want to see me being entangled every day by powerful national power organizations with medium or right strength. Although I really don’t care about fighting with them every day, I still hope that they can Challenge me once in a while. Doing so will not only allow me to recognize my upper limit of strength, but also inspire me to keep moving forward.

However, it’s not bad to replace it with a group of weaker players in the national power to challenge me, because ordinary national power has no threat to me, and the challenge of the relatively weak national power in the organization is against me. In other words, it is as simple as usual practice.

This can also be regarded as a kind of rest in disguise.

However, because of their drag, I can't fix the blame with my family, which is a small regret.

But I can clearly feel that during the battle, not only my moves have become more sophisticated, even the experience bar has also been improved.

Moving from level 13 to level 14 is not a simple matter. The amount of experience points required can be described as massive. Moreover, the accumulation of experience points has different growth rates for different adventurers, and some adventurers have even spent their entire lives. , Also can't pass this hurdle, and some adventurers, such as Emily, can upgrade very quickly.

No one knows what the increase in experience value is related to. Even the old experts in the adventurer base can't study the relationship.

But one thing is certain, the better the adventurer, the greater the increase in experience points.

In this way, I am still quite good, but I am a little bit worse than Emily... and Bai Yunying.

Well, it may be a billion points.

Fighting makes me happy.

This is the latest thought I have come up with after constantly fighting against national forces these days.

At the same time, my understanding of the organization of national power has also slightly improved.

Listening to the name, combined with the introduction of the national power in the book, you will think that the national power is like the lone minister in the court, except for the monarch, they do not follow the orders and instructions of anyone.

In fact, Zeng Jin’s national power organization does exist in a similar way. They are arrogant, unruly, cold, and ruthless, and only obey the imperial power. However, as the organization power continues to grow, the leader of the national power gradually gives birth to the previous leader. We dare not give birth to ambition.

These careerists want to build national power into a real national power—power that only belongs to their own country.

The so-called power of their own country does not refer to the country they were in at the time, but the country within their jurisdiction.

In other words, they want to build a country within a country.

This kind of thinking is dangerous, but they still carry it out without hesitation.

The result of the implementation is that it has attracted the attention of those in power.

Those in power naturally did not want their dominance to be shaken in the slightest, so they began to suppress it.

Some countries have suppressed it, such as Fort Witch. On the one hand, the people of Fort Witch are strong and the number of national forces participating in the rebellion is small. On the other hand, the high-end forces of Fort Witch are all absolute supporters of imperial power. No matter how fierce your low-end combat power is, what's the point?

In the eyes of high-end combat power, you are a group of scum.

Dasai City also suppressed the rebellion of the national power organization. It still happened in the generation of the current orc king, great-great-great-grandfather. The situation at that time was very urgent. If you don’t pay attention, you will destroy the country. To the point.

If it is put to the present, it may really be the state power to subvert the regime.

However, people are not as good as the sky, and no matter how the group of national forces calculates, they should not put their rebellious mind on the head of the orc king.

Because, the great-great-great-grandfather of the current orc king is a complete fighting freak. He not only longs for battle, but even enjoys it.

Because of this, during the reign of the orc king, Eri City and York Seoul had never had even one military friction with Dasai City, which made the orc king very upset, and at exactly this time, the national power thought To disturb the situation, this is what he has been eager to see, because there is another battle to fight.

After that, things are simple.

The orc king secretly funded the national forces that wanted to rebel, and even gave them the green light all the way. After the rebels had grown to a certain level, he brazenly shot, with the power of thunder, the opponent was beaten from the sturdy army. Chihuahua dog.

Since then, the Dasai City National Power Organization has disappeared and completely surrendered.

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