When I recounted the whole process in a plain tone, it was rare for Sharan not to frustrate me, but fell into silence.

Alice remained silent, but her finger that had been plucking the strings stopped on a certain string.

But Socia, still tasting wine indifferently.

After a while, she whispered: "It's very rude."

"Right" I said: "So I decided to ignore the Darcy City matter."

"Even if there is no such thing, you will not care about Darcy City." Aside, Shalan couldn't help saying: "As you are, it is impossible to participate in the national war."

"Bingo" snapped his fingers, and I drank a sip: "You are right, even if there is no such incident, I cannot participate in the national war, but this does not affect my decision to sway Your Majesty."

"Oh?" Shalan looked at me up and down several times, and suddenly smiled: "Are you going to decide your Majesty's decision?"

"I originally had this plan." Scratching my hair, I said, "After all, not only the army suffers in the national war, but the citizens suffer the same, and it suffers more than the army."

Sharan pouted her lips: "When have you been so compassionate?"

"This is not my idea," I said, "It was my fiancée."

Sharan thought for a while and asked, "Princess Dasai City?"

"Yes." I nodded and said, "It's her."

"What do you mean?" Socia asked, "If there is no such thing, are you going to persuade your Majesty to send troops, or to persuade your Majesty to stop the troops?"

"What I mean" I chuckled and said, "I originally planned to call your Majesty to stop the soldiers."


The three women looked at me together, all looking puzzled.

"I'm very curious, obviously I have said it. I don't want to see the people suffer the pain of war, but I chose to prevent your majesty from sending troops to support. Is it inconsistent?"

Having said that, I shook my head and said with a smile: "Actually, my intention is very simple. In this national war, only if we don’t send troops, will Fort Witch dispatch troops to support. Once we intervene on the battlefield, Fort Witch The support will stop immediately and return to the station."

"Do you mean that the combat effectiveness of our Moonlight City army is far less than Fort Vitch?"

Shalan squinted her eyes and asked me in an unceremonious tone.

"Of course not." I waved my hand and said: "If Moonlight City’s army is not an opponent of Fort Vitch’s army, I believe it, but that refers to the overall strength comparison. During the national war, Moonlight City sent troops. The combat power must be close to or slightly inferior to Fort Witch."

"Huh?" Shalan stared at me, and then asked, "Why did you say this?"

"Because of the overall strength of the Rose Legion, it is slightly inferior to the Dwarf Guild" I said lightly: "And Moonlight City can dispatch the most during the National War. The strongest combat power must be selected from the Rose Legion."

Shalan frowned and murmured, "Go on."

"Although the combat power of the troops sent by Moonlight City is only inferior to Fort Witch, it is stronger than the combat power of conventional troops sent by other countries. If everyone is willing to fight against the enemy with normal strength, it will naturally be over in the shortest time. This war."

"But here comes the problem" I sneered, "Is your Majesty really willing to end this war like this?"

"What...what do you mean?" Alice asked softly.

"What I mean is very simple. If you don't see rabbits or scatter eagles, since your Majesty has not reaped any benefits from Darcy City, it is naturally impossible to send troops willingly. There are only two possibilities for her old man to send troops. One is that the orc king regains power In terms of righteousness, His Majesty has to keep his promise and give him a helping hand. Secondly, he has given enough benefits that even his Majesty cannot refuse."

"Obviously, these two conditions are not met in Dasai City, how can your majesty actively prepare for war?"

"I dare to guarantee that once the Moonlight City army enters the mainland where Dasai City is located, it will set up camp nearby and become an audience."

"Humph" Shalan grinned and said, "It seems that you have already figured out your majesty's behavior patterns."

"That's not the case." I shook my head: "I can only tell these things. No matter how many, it won't work."

"Enough already" Sharan said.

Socia put down his glass, stared at me, and suddenly asked: "If the Dasay City messenger does not despise you, how can you persuade your Majesty not to send troops?"

"You don't need to persuade, just clarify the current situation." I said: "At the moment, the national war is escalating. The dispatch of troops during this period will definitely cause heavy losses to the troops on the Moonlight City side. The loss account will definitely be Those who are unwilling to pay, and will never admit it, because it is not the old duke who signed the covenant with Dasai City, but the orc king."

"I can even foresee that when the Moonlight City messenger asks the old duke for reimbursement with a loss slip, he will sneer and say, the covenant signed by the orc king and you, what does the old duke do?"

"What's more, the old duke will only put out a small part of the resources to symbolically support Moonlight City, and he must also beat your majesty out of conversation, so that your majesty will not forget this debt."

"I believe your Majesty will think of this, and use this as an opportunity to refuse to increase the number of people to Saicheng. In this way, I hope that Fort Vitch, who has a balanced situation on the mainland, will definitely send troops to help reach Saicheng."

"Well, it's justified and convincing."

Saran tasting wine while leisurely speaking.

"Regardless of whether it is justified or not, your majesty will believe it anyway." I smiled and said: "First of all, your majesty’s character, which is a lot of doubts by outsiders. Second, I am Xiao Lemi’s fiancé and her grandson-in-law, not among outsiders. Column, therefore, my words are far more effective than others."

"It seems that this time, Dasai City will suffer," Shalan sneered.

"Why do they despise me so much?" I also sneered, and disdainfully said: "It was so stupid to let them go bankrupt in a business that was supposed to be won."

"I don't think it is foolishness at work, on the contrary, I think they are too smart and think too much."

Socia said lightly.

"Huh?" With a raised eyebrow, I asked curiously: "What do you mean?"

"Before coming, the messenger must have investigated your relationship with Dasai City, and received an oral statement from the old duke, knowing that you are in the same position as the current power in Dasai City. Maybe when the national war just started, you He will speak to the two sires, not to reinforce Dasai City."

"Since there is such a possibility, it is better to contact the other elders and nobles first, tell them the pros and cons of the matter, and ask them to help in the operation, and the reason why you will send lobbyists to lobby you is mostly because other elders and nobles have nowhere to go. I have no choice but to come to you."

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