The power of the apostle does not lie in the destructive power after use, but in the deterrence when not used.

Therefore, Master Dewey with the friendship of two apostles and the friendship of a dragon is equivalent to setting up a protective net for his business empire and Fort Witch.

As long as Lotters, Luke, and Spitz did not leave the Zephyr continent for a day, this protection net would remain effective.

After spending a few days in Fort Witch, I took the airship back home.

Before I entered the door, someone called me. I turned around and saw that it was a staff member of the Adventurer Base who asked about the situation, and then I realized that someone called me.

After picking up the call, it turned out that it was the Lord of York City, Simmons Rock.

When I asked for details, I found out that it turned out to be a ruin unearthed in York City.

It is precisely because it is an unknown text that Simmons Locke thinks of me. After all, his family's learning origins, and there are only two texts that can really stump him. One is the official text during the era of the fairy rule, and the other is, It is the ancient characters.

The ancient characters here are different from the ancient characters on my left arm. The ancient characters on my left arm, also known as ancient characters, fairy characters, and wizard characters, are said to have been created and are the oldest characters.

The purpose of this kind of writing is not to write, but to create.

According to legend, the embryonic form of Hefeng Continent was created with this kind of writing.

Although it sounds incredible, thinking about the infinite energy of a magic airship, isn't it just relying on an ancient text to continuously charge it?

The ancient characters mentioned by Simmons Locke are only the official characters of the ancient times, or, in other words, the vehicles that the God of Creation bestowed on human communication.

In addition to being able to communicate, it does not possess any other strange energy.

However, Simmons Locke still felt that this thing might have something to do with me. After all, I am a fairy in the world, and so far, they are one of the only pure-blooded fairy.

Simmons Rock knows that Lizi is also a pureblood fairy, but he believes that Lizi is different from me. After all, she is a pureblood fairy abandoned in the slums of Erri City, whether it is behavior or knowledge. Thoughts are closer to humans.

But I was completely different from her.

Although I also live in the human world, I was born in an unknown village in York City, and even Simmons Locke once searched for that village according to the address I gave, but finally returned to no avail.

This means that this village is not as simple as imagined.

It should be closely related to the ancient fairy clan, but because of the vast magical powers of the ancient fairy clan, he couldn't figure out the key points, so he had to give up.

But because of this, he felt that I should have also received some ancient fairy knowledge inheritance, at least more reliable than Lizi.

Furthermore, I am his grand-nephew and son-in-law. Some things may be more straightforward to talk to me.

I am satisfied with what Simmons Locke has done.

Although he wanted me to help me analyze the meaning, no matter how he did it, or the words when chatting with me, he seemed quite cordial. Many words were discussed. How can such an elder not be loved by the younger generation?

So I agreed, and the next morning, I took an airship to York Seoul.

Together with Simmons Rock, we came to the ruins.

Standing on the edge of the pit, looking down, it was really a cylindrical table.

Jumping into the pit, watching at the desk, I suddenly realized that I actually knew every word on it.

But I remember clearly that before this, I had never touched the words on it.

Just when I was puzzled, Odachi's voice sounded in my mind: "Isn't it your memory, brat?"

The memory of the body?

This reminder, like Hong Zhong drum, woke me up.

Don't say, it is really possible.

My predecessor, the true descendant of the ancient fairy, after being taken away by the power of the left arm, his soul has actually been in this body, coexisting with my soul, but I never noticed it. His existence.

It wasn't until I went to the Demon Realm that he separated the soul from this body and said goodbye to me. When he said goodbye, he gave me the little fairy power he had mastered.

But how magical is the power of the goblin, and how can human beings detect it?

In addition to being used for battle, it is estimated that the power of the fairy also contains memory.

And this memory is exactly the memory of the descendant of the last ancient fairy.

In other words, our memories are shared.

After possessing his memory and power, I can barely be regarded as a true descendant of the ancient fairy.

The descendants of the ancient fairies who have been passed on are naturally very proficient in ancient characters.

Naturally, it can be recognized clearly.

"The above said that this is a temporary military base in ancient times, and its ownership is not indicated."

"Military base?" Simmons Lock frowned: "Are there military facilities inside?"

"Maybe." I thought about it, and then said, "or maybe not."

"What's the above?"

"The above only said that this was a temporary military base, which was used to resist foreign invasion, and there were some names, but they were all strange. I guess it was the names of the generals or soldiers who fought here at that time."

"Did you say how to open the entrance to this military base?"

Simmons Lock asked again.

"I didn't say" I shook my head: "But I suggest that you can try to force it open."

"Forcibly break open?" Simmons Locke's eyes flashed: "Is it dangerous?"

"I don't know this anymore" Tan Tanshou, I said: "Nothing is mentioned above, but according to common sense, since it is a military base, there should be military facilities, and there should be... Danger, I guess. After all, this is an ancient weapon. Who knows if there will be any weapons of mass destruction inside."

"It's like... the weapon of the Celestial Clan?"

Simmons Locke asked tentatively.

"Maybe, after all, this is not said to be the military base of that country."

After a moment of contemplation, Simmons Lock called the secretary and explained his thoughts.

An hour later, a group of rags were brought over.

Don't look at this group of people in ragged clothes, but all of them have extraordinary temperaments, or hideous faces, or show fierce looks, or have chills on their bodies, in short, there is no good match.

"they are?"

"Death prisoner" Simmons Locke said: "All these wicked people, if they die here, they can still give their families a large pension, and if they survive, they will be commuted."

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