Simmons Locke is not like Carter Horton. There is always something dark and inhumane. He acted openly and honestly, but his methods were too brutal, which caused many people to have an extremely bad impression of Simmons Locke. The geographical location of York, Seoul and Erie City always makes people mistakenly think that these two monarchs are a nest of snakes and rats.

In fact, Simmons Rock is not only open and upright, but he also hates the dark.

If it weren't for the natural border between York City and Ai Rui City, he would not even have a word with Carter Horton.

Unlike Carter Horton, Master Dewey is very temperamental towards Simmons Locke, and the concepts of these two are also very similar, that is, meritocracy.

They have never absorbed talents unconditionally and promoted them.

For them, the difference in race does not determine a person's achievement, nor can it determine whether a person is loyal or not.

This point of view is completely different from Carter Horton, the orc king, and the fairy queen and the former elf queen.

This is directly caused by the fact that at least one third of the guards of Simmons Locke’s palace are foreigners, and most of this group of foreigners are definitely finally Simmons Locke. As for The remaining small part was divided and bought by Simmons Locke's princes.

This was something Simmons Locke had acquiesced to, because he wanted to see if there was a prince who dared to only kill him.

Simmons Locke does not regard this kind of thing as a shame. On the contrary, he thinks this kind of thing is very interesting. Although it is not advocated, it is not forbidden. Even if a prince assassinates him, he will not condemn the prince.

It's not how tolerant he is, it's that life in the palace is boring, and he has to have some fun.

Master Dewey has only one child and I will inherit all his family property in the future. Naturally, there will be no contending for the throne.

Speaking of which, in fact, Master Dewey is also quite eager to see the controversy between his concubines, otherwise he would not encourage me to have more children so as to inherit his business empire.

Closer to home.

Because of this relationship, Simmons Locke and Master Dewey always make some unknown transactions.

Some are goods, some are contraband, and some are state secret transactions. For example, these weapons we see now.

In the eyes of the monarch, anything that can directly enhance national power is within the scope of state secrets, and belongs to the kind that ordinary people are not allowed to know, and once they know it, they will be punished.

However, these constraints have no binding force on me.

First of all, I know almost nothing about technology. Secondly, I don't rely on the power of technology to become stronger. Finally, my relationship with Master Dewey and Simmons Locke has reached this level. It can be said that there are no secrets in front of me.

Because of this, many times, I don't bother to care about the troubles between them.

But Simmons Locke needs an interpreter.

With the careful separation of the cultural relics, the files were finally separated completely.

I researched one by one, translating each sentence by sentence, and it took me three days to translate all the documents.

Roughly speaking, except for the top few that are strategy plans, the rest are summed up after the war, that is, why the battle was won, or why the battle was defeated, and what would happen after the defeat. The impact of the

It's always a bunch of useless things.

However, they found an identity book in the pocket of a bone, which recorded the identity of the owner of the bone-a senior officer in Callett.

I have known that Callert is an organization established by the Celestial rebels. The initial purpose is to find like-minded comrades in arms and jointly create a beautiful heaven.

But in the process of development, it was stolen by a guy named Rantilous, and it eventually developed into the largest armed organization in the heavens and the strongest rebel force in the heavens.

Here, I want to emphasize the words ‘the strongest in the heavens’, because it is outside the sphere of influence of the heavens, and any country with some background can crush this organization to death.

There is no record in historical documents about how Callett eventually fell.

I sometimes suspect that, in fact, Callett has not disappeared, but is hidden in the folks, not coming out.

And I suspect that Callett’s organization is likely to linger in a certain town in York Seoul. After all, there is a considerable part of York Seoul’s land, all of which is the wreckage of the fallen heaven, and now, the land under my feet is named For-unable to zone.

At the beginning, the heavens had all fallen, how could they be spared if they couldn't get away?

" know Callet, don't you?"

Turning to Simmons Rock, I asked.

He nodded: "I know, it is a celestial organization. When the first ancestor was alive, they were the most active rebel organization in the celestial realm."

I think I probably know what period the origin of the Simmons family can be traced back to.

"This is Callet's officer, and they are fighting the regular army of the Celestial Royal Family."

Having said that, I sighed slightly, and said, "Although I don’t know what method was used, the external attack methods have passed through layers of barriers and directly acted on the humans under the fortress, resulting in a complete base of operations. Occupied."

"Can you find information on the weapons that destroyed this base of operations?" Simmons Locke asked.

I shook my head: "No."

"First of all, there are no clues available. Second, the document does not disclose any useful reports. Only these two points have cut the way to find weapons."

"You said I passed the test, can you guess what the weapon used to destroy this base of operations was?"

Simmons Locke was full of interest.

"Even if it is speculated, so what?" I asked rhetorically.

Simmons Lock was taken aback: "What does this mean?"

"Very simple" I said: "I said before that in the ancient times, any country had weapons that belonged only to them. In addition to their power, these weapons were used in almost completely different ways. From this speculation, I suspect , The method used by the Celestial people in ancient times may be different from the method used by the Celestial people today. Even if you really figure out what weapons they use, do you really have the confidence to make the same?"

"In addition to the appearance, the weapons of the Celestial people also attach great importance to the choice of the core. These are all recorded in historical documents, and 80% of them cannot be wrong."

"Do you just let such a powerful weapon be buried under the ground?"

Speaking of which, Simmons Locke has a little pain.

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