Old Paggy cares about reputation, I really know it.

I remember the first time I asked Old Paige to repair a knife, he even got angry at me because my knife belonged to the category of iron film. Although in the end, the matter was settled, but since then, I know , For Old Paige, money is far less valuable than reputation.

Moreover, I also judged from the expression of old Paqi when he just spoke, he said that he had nothing to do with the goblin royal family, and it must be false.

But I can also understand that anyone who has feuded with the royal family will not speak out in a fair manner, unless that person is a fool, or there is no way out.

In short, this topic turned over so lightly, and started talking to him about business.

I retracted my playful expression with a serious face, and said, "Old expert, this time I am here. I really have something to look for you."

Old Paige snorted and said, "I knew you must have something to do with you kid, let's talk, what's the matter?"


As soon as the words were spoken, I heard a knock on the door, I closed my mouth and looked sideways: Yo, what a coincidence!

It is Shan Yong who is not here.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw me, took a few steps, came to me, and stopped talking.

I chuckled and said, "What a coincidence, this will save me an explanation."

Then, I turned my head and said to Old Paige: "Old expert, this is what I want to ask you."

"Are you going to entrust him to me?" Old Pachi asked tentatively.

I shook my head: "He is mine...a friend, um, yes, friend, he and I have to do a very interesting thing, but before this thing is done, he may I will hand over some paper bags, paper slips, etc. to you and ask you to entrust it to me. Well, it's that simple, you see..."

Old Paige frowned, thought about it, and said, "Well, will my family be implicated?"

"Everything is impermanent. I can't guarantee this." I spread my hands and then said again: "However, I can guarantee the safety of you and your family."

"Yeah..." Old Pudge fell into deep thinking again. After a few seconds, he patted the counter and said, "Okay, I believe you, this is a favor, I will help, but -"

Without waiting for him to speak, I smiled and said: "The remuneration and other things are done, and they will be resolved."

Afterwards, Old Paige and I looked at each other and laughed, and then laughed.

When I got out of the shop, I said to Shan Yong, "How's your arm? Is it better?"

Shan Yong's face is not pretty: "It's worse than when it was not cut off."

"Well, that's fine" I said: "You can raise it first during this period. I will go to the casino to find you if I have anything to do."

Shan Yong didn't respond, turned around and walked in another direction.

I looked at the back of him leaving, secretly shook my head and smiled bitterly.

No, he just took a few steps, but stopped again, turned around, and asked me: "Can I ask you a question?"

"Please speak."

"Aren't the goblins always suspicious, why does the boss of the weapon shop trust you so much?"

"Because, unless I die, I will never break my promise."

Shan Yong nodded, turned and left.

The moment he turned around, I could see the shape of his mouth, which was saying four words: I hope so.

Perhaps because of Old Paige, his trust in me has inexplicably increased. Not only that, but his hostility has also decreased a lot. However, the grievance is not less than that. It seems that he is still blaming me for cutting off his arm before. Things.

Here, I can only say that he is careful.

At that time, he and I were the kind of mortal enemies that never died, and it was my kindness to not kill him on the spot.

Even now, he and I are not friends, just a normal cooperative relationship. I promised him to save the lives of his family, and he helped me collect information about the second master.

Passing by the door of the Valor Guild, I heard someone calling my name inside, and turned around to see: Harold and Yula were all armed, ready to go out.

I looked at them up and down, and said, "It's so mighty early in the morning. Where are you going?"

Harold said: "Go to the nineteenth floor and kill the ghost face spider. Are you interested in going together?"

"Is it your fading task?" I asked.

He shook his head: "No."

"So, are you finished with the task of fading?"

"No" he said: "Don't worry about the task of fading, let it go for a while, now the first thing is to go to the nineteenth floor to fight the ghost face spider."

"Yeah, what's the matter, more important than the changing task?"

I can't help asking curiously.

Harold smiled mysteriously: "You'll know when you get to the place, how about it, go or not?"

Yura also helped out: "Go, Xiaoyi, we need your combat power very much."

I thought for a while, and said, "Uh, since you didn’t say it clearly, then I’ll have a partner for the time being. I’ll say yes. It’s just a partner. If I encounter something that I don’t want to face, I won’t Hesitating to retreat."

"No problem," Harold said.

Although walking with them all, I did not feel any excitement and joy. To me, they are just a group of face-to-face strangers. It is already very enthusiastic to nod each other.

Moreover, the big guilds are very disciplined. Even members of the guild can only talk quietly during the march, and there can be no loud noise or noise. This is why I am not willing to join those big guilds from beginning to end. : Too boring.

The route of the Grand Guild’s march was completely different from the route I usually walked on. It was twisted and twisted. It took a while before I reached the portal at the end.

I asked Harold: "Is your marching route always so weird?"

Harold said: "This is not a weird thing, but for safety, but also to avoid unnecessary troubles."

Regarding the two points he said, I thought about it all the way, until the end, I didn't think of a Ziwu Yinmao.

The first is'safety'. Such a twisted road may indicate the traps of adventurers who specialize in creating traps and hunting monsters for a living. Moreover, even if there is no such situation, they will be subject to some hidden dangers. A sneak attack by a monster in the gloom.

Therefore, ‘safety’ is simply nonsense.

As for ‘unnecessary trouble’, in my opinion, most of the possibilities are from the attack of the corpse thief.

Most corpse thieves don't choose to take a fair and honest path, they are more obsessed with working on some remote trails.

This is safe and difficult to be discovered by other adventurers. More importantly, the dead body of the adventurer is easier to deal with. It can be thrown in a place where monsters gather, so that the monsters can eat, and borrow the behavior of the monsters. Excused one's own guilt.

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