When Saran and Alice pushed into the store, they almost thought they had mistaken the door.

"This is...what's going on?" Shalan muttered.

Alice also looked dazed: "How come it seems...changed a store?"

"The shop hasn't changed." Leaning on the bar, I laughed and said, "But all the furnishings inside have been changed."

"What's the matter?" Sharan's gossip soul ignited, and when she leaned in front of me, she asked questions.

Although Emily only admired the newly purchased tables and chairs, she always kept her ears up and paid attention to me.

I don't take the pretensions, just repeat what happened today.

After hearing this, Sharan looked excited and called out that it was a pity that she could not watch the battle with her own eyes.

Alice is still indifferent, flicking the strings lightly, and said: "Listen to you, this battle is not fierce. Why are these tables, chairs, and wall decorations... all replaced with new ones? Up?"

I can't say that Socia deliberately did it, so I had to smile bitterly: "I was too excited to play, I didn't notice, hehe."

Although Alice still has a calm expression, her expression is full of unbelief.

On the contrary, it was Shalan, still with a regretful expression, and it was too regrettable to greet her repeatedly.

"Hybrid pterosaur?"

After listening to all of my narration, Shalan's expression was very wonderful, curious and excited.

"Why are you a cousin who is eager to try?"

I was curious: "As a fairy royal family, shouldn't you be gentle, calm and dignified?"

"I have been polite and calm and dignified for tens of millions of years, but now I'm tired of it. If I want to change my way of life, is it possible that you don't like it?"

"How come?" I ignored Shalan's aggressive gaze, I waved my hand again and again, and said, "Why am I such a superficial person?"

Sharan snorted, took another bottle of the most expensive wine from the bar, and drank tons.

I can guarantee that she must be angry with me, but I can't find evidence.

Alice did not stay near the bar to eat dog food, but sneaked into Socia's brewing room.

If Saran hadn't become my fiancee, she would have rushed to the brewery to join in the fun, but since she has become my fiancee and her status is different, there are naturally some things that she can't do as she wishes.

After drinking, the two of us chatted for about an hour before Socia and Alice appeared at the end of the corridor.

"How is the new brew?" I asked curiously.

"Very successful" Socia said, "However, the wine made from the heart of the mixed-blood pterosaur is not as good as the blood made from the pure-blood pterosaur."

"It must be different. After all, one is mixed blood and the other is pure blood. There is a big difference."

"I remember you got a lot of pure blood pterodactyl corpses before, right?" Socia asked suddenly.

"I got a lot, what's wrong?"

"What about their hearts?" Socia asked again.

"Heart... lost, I forgot where I lost it."

When Socia heard the words, a pair of beautiful eyes slid round, and it took a long time to say: "You actually lost the heart of the pure blood pterosaur...what a waste."

"It's a bit wasteful," I said, "but I didn't know that the heart of a pure blood pterodactyl could make wine."

"What about pterodactyl meat and pterosaur blood?" Socia asked again: "Would you not even throw away the pterosaur blood and flesh?"

"That's not true," I said: "I grilled the pterosaur meat and ate it, and the pterosaur blood... half of it was dumped by me."

"Where is the other half?"

"The other half has melted into the soil in my backyard."

Socia stared at me fiercely, and stopped continuing the subject.

Shalan said with great interest: "The soil containing the blood of pterosaurs can greatly increase the magic value. Maybe your tree house will become taller and more prosperous because of this~"

"Will it?" I scratched my head and thought for a while. I said: "The branches are really lusher, but they don't grow taller."

"Maybe only a small part of the pterosaur blood is absorbed by the roots of the tree house. After all, the tree house has very deep roots, but the blood penetration is very shallow."

"It is possible" I nodded: "Speaking of Socia, are you still thinking about how to persuade me to engage in a pure blood pterodactyl heart?"

"Can't it?" Socia put down her glass and looked at me.

"I'm not going to be chased by pure blood pterosaurs first," I said in seconds, "Furthermore, I have a good relationship with the pterosaur patriarch. It would be too unnatural to do so."

"Hmm, useless morality."

Socia said lightly.

"Please, the pterodactyl patriarch is my family. If someone wants you to hurt your family, would you agree?"

"Pterosaurs are not humans, let alone ancient goblins. How did they become your family?"

"Don't you have a good relationship with foreign friends?"

I asked rhetorically.

"No" Socia shook her head.

Well, she has no foreign friends, nor can she experience friendship in this area.

"I think the wine made by the heart of the hybrid pterodactyl is also very good. Even in terms of taste, it can be compared with the top red wine."

"The heart of the pterodactyl patriarch's mother is more delicious and will definitely be able to surpass the top wines" Socia said leisurely.

"If you think so, you can go hunting by yourself" I said: "The pterodactyl patriarch is in my yard. You can come and challenge him anytime."

"I won't go," Socia said lightly: "I can't beat it, it's wasted effort."

"Hehe, you can't beat them, and you urge me to go?"

"You are different." Socia shook her head and said: "You are an ancient fairy and possess the power of a fairy."

"That has to be after the blood awakens."

I said casually, but concealed the fact that I had mastered a trace of blood power.

Alice on the side poured a glass of newly brewed Drake Champagne, took a sip, and whispered: "It tastes very good, and it has indeed reached the level of the best wine."

"Really?" Saran grabbed the wine and poured a glass, smash it, smash it, and said: "It's very delicious, I like it."

After that, he looked at me and said, "You will look for it again and see if you can find a complete pterosaur corpse. I really want to drink a better quality Drake Champagne."

"I said you, don't listen to the wind or rain, okay?" I helplessly said: "I was able to get the body of the pure blood pterosaur before because I and the pure blood pterosaur were enemies at that time, but now it is different. I Having received the friendship from the pterosaur clan, we can no longer take the pure blood pterosaur.

"That's a shame," Shalan also said, "When it comes to wine, I crave wine more than Socia."

"Oh?" I looked at Shalan in surprise: "Is there anything else?"

"Of course" Saran said proudly: "Socia's drinking habit was cultivated by me for her!"

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