One of the anti-theft methods of the mausoleum is indeed to inject strong acid and other strong corrosive liquids into the hollow walls.

Bend down and reached out to grab the acid that was corroding the floor tiles.


Not far away, an expert hurriedly said loudly: "This is a strong acid, which will corrode your skin and flesh and blood through metal!"

Hearing this, I paused for a while and turned my head to the side: "Thank you."

Immediately, his arm stretched out and rubbed against the strong acid.

Amidst the expert's exclamation, I slowly retracted my finger and looked at the liquid that was contaminated on my finger and exuded a strong pungent odor. I couldn't help but fall into thought.

This thing has no effect on my handguards.

The expert who prevented me from touching the acid before approached me curiously, stared at my guard, and looked curiously.

"Excuse me, what material is your handguard made of?" He couldn't help asking after looking at it for a long time.

"Outside the sky meteorite" I said.

This is what Master Dewey told me.

"Dare to ask, do you still have the materials?" The expert looked expectant and couldn't wait to ask.

"This was originally not mine, it was given to me by my foster father."

"Excuse me, does your foster father still have such materials?"

"I don't know." I shook my head and said, "It may or may not, but I estimate that no matter how much you pay, he will not sell it."

"Why?" The expert wondered: "Anything in this world has its price. As long as the money is in place, you can get everything."

"Is this really the case?" I curled my lips, disagreeing with this statement.

But in order to make him give up, I took out the call crystal, contacted Master Dewey, and told him about the matter, and then asked him to talk directly with the expert.

After some theory, the expert lost the call crystal and handed it back to me.

But he still didn't give up. He wanted to fool my handguard on the grounds of contributing to the future of science, but I refused on the spot.

The perseverance of the expert made him continue inking for a long time after being rejected by me. If it weren't for Simmons Locke's cold eyes to pass it over, it is estimated that he would be able to keep inking with me all day.

When they continued to honestly study how to open the secret compartment, Simmons Locke asked me: "Master Dewey really refuses to sell this?"

"No," I affirmed: "This kind of thing is very rare, even in the entire Hefeng Continent, you may not be able to find more."

"Master Dewey is an excellent scientist. I think he should be able to synthesize similar ores?"

"I don't know, but I guess it won't work" I said: "If it could be synthesized on a large scale, Master Dewey would have sold it long ago."

"That said," Simmons Locke said, "He is a businessman after all."

"However, even if there is no handguard..."

Having said this, I slowly took off the guard of my right hand and touched the acid with my fingers.

In an instant, a sharp pain came from my finger, but this feeling passed quickly, only for an instant, and then, there was only a burning sensation.

The strong acid that had just corroded a thin layer of skin was instantly attacked by the killing intent, and in the blink of an eye, it was completely swallowed up by the black and red killing intent.

The strong acid is gone, and the skin has returned to its original state.

Turning my head to look at Simmons Locke, I whispered, "So, acidity is not terrible, is it?"

"You're right."

Simmons Rock also condenses the power of fading, and condenses the power of fading to the tip of the finger, and then gently touches the strong acid.

Although strong acid is domineering and can even corrode even the power of fading, the rate of corrosion is very slow, mainly because Simmons Locke’s power of fading is like substance, and the power of fading belonging to the power of God, when After reaching a certain level, it will be extremely extraordinary.

It seems that the power of awakening is also based on the power of fading. After purification and modification, it has obtained a more pure and powerful special power.

After Zi's own voice, the strong acid was completely offset by the power of fading, Simmons Rock retracted his finger and said lightly: "But these strong acids are also very powerful, and they can offset a lot of my fading power."


At this moment, the expert's voice came from not far away.

Following the reputation, I saw that several experts were using a strange-looking clip to continuously clip things from all levels to the outside.

Soon, a wooden box was clipped out.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

The leading expert analyzed for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "This should be one of the favorite things of the tomb owner."

"Can you take a look at it?" I asked curiously.

"As long as you are not afraid of damage to the cultural relics inside."


"Of course not afraid." I smiled and stretched out my hand, crushing the wooden box shell.

After a few soft noises, the wooden box opened, revealing a delicate puppet.

"What is this?" I wondered.



"Nonsense! I know too! Not only do I know that this is a puppet, but I also know that it has been done well. By the way, can you say something more nutritious?"

"Archaeology pays attention to rigor," the expert said seriously: "You can't change it at will just because it doesn't suit your preferences."

"Okay, okay," I said helplessly, not wanting to continue arguing with this stubborn guy.

"By the way, do you know the role of these puppets?"

"I don't know" the expert shook his head and said: "I rarely encounter such artifacts."

"But I always feel that this is not an ordinary cultural relic. It is most likely a sacrifice used to hold a certain ritual."

"Yes" I said: "I remember that during the melee period, many countries had to work hard to be able to enjoy the prosperous age forever. While reading ancient books, they made up and down and held various weird rituals from time to time. In order to allow the regime to pass on forever."

"...However, you have also seen that these monarchs who longed for an everlasting dynasty probably performed the ceremony by mistake. Not only did none of them last forever, they also contributed to many short-lived countries. ."

"The reason is sad."

"On this point, I totally agree with your idea." The expert said: "I don't think rituals are of any use. On the one hand, these things are too far away from us. On the other hand, many rituals are used by crooks to deceive. means."

But this cannot be said too absolute." I said: "Some of the rituals are indeed fake, but at the same time some are also true. For example, someone once used the ritual of calling the wind to call the rain to drop rain on dry land. . "

"So, do you suspect that this puppet is also a sacrifice for rituals?" The expert looked at me and said in a deep voice, "But I can tell you very responsibly that this is not a sacrifice for rituals, it is just an ordinary sacrifice. Puppets."

"Where is the evidence?" I asked.

"Because I didn't feel any magic fluctuations from this puppet, and the puppet used for rituals must have magic fluctuations!"

The experts vowed.

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