Squatting down, appraising it for a while, and confirming that the gold pancake is just ordinary gold, I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

Ordinary gold can be worth a lot of money if it is placed in the Demon Realm, but if it can be placed in the Hefeng Continent, it is worthless unless it is smelted and molded into crafts, or is used as some necessary material and added to the alchemy process.

With a sigh, I threw the golden pancakes on the ground.

When there were clanging, with a few soft noises, the golden pancake made a round and fell on a slightly raised stone brick. In the next second, another boulder fell from the sky.

"Careful!" The expert leader standing next to me saw this and shouted in a loud voice, while condensing the power of fading, trying to block the boulder for me.

"Tell the truth" I raised my hand a bit disappointed, and hit the boulder above my head with a punch, and at the same time murmured: "If the premise of encountering a trap is to obtain valuable things, I don't There will be any complaints, but the problem is that it is something of little value. This tells me how to have no complaints."

With a bang, the boulder was blasted into pieces, crackling and scattered on the ground.

The expert looked dazed, and for a long time he didn't know how to speak.

Simmons Rock on the side smiled and patted the expert on the back, and said: "My niece and grandson-in-law are stronger than the country."

Hearing this, the expert was dumbfounded for a moment, and could not recover for a long time.

"After the excavation is over in a while, do you want someone to wreak havoc?" Simmons Lock asked me.

I am puzzled: "Why do you want to destroy it?"

"I think you are very dissatisfied."

"I do feel dissatisfied, but it's just because of the identity of the tomb robber. If I return to the identity of ordinary people, I don't think it is right to wreak havoc. Moreover, although the prince’s tomb is high in specifications, the funeral goods are It's really shabby, and it looks quite sympathetic."

"What if he committed the heinous guilt, or the guilt of indignation between humans and gods, that led to this end?" Simmons Rock asked, narrowing his eyes.

"No" I shook my head and said: "If you really commit these taboos, no matter how benevolent the monarch will build a mausoleum of this size, since he can be here, it means that the owner of the tomb is not a heinous person, I guess, He was probably not liked by the monarch at the time, so he ended up like this."

At this time, the expert who recovered from the side hurriedly said: "What the lord said is extremely true. At the beginning, there is a stone tablet recording part of the life experience of the tomb owner, which records the tragic and pitiful life experience of the tomb owner. ......"

"Wait" I couldn't help interrupting him, and asked, "You mean the stone tablet that records part of the tomb owner's tragic life?"

"Yeah, it's in the front hall. If adults are interested to watch, they will lead the way."

"No, I'm just curious, since the owner of the tomb is not welcome, how could it be possible to erect such a stone monument in the front hall of the tomb? Shouldn't it be a few sentences just to simply record the life of the owner of the tomb? Is something wrong?"

"I think so too" Simmons Locke nodded, looked at the expert, and said, "Explain."

"His Majesty," the expert said: "The characters on that stone tablet should have been carved after the tomb."

"Carved later in the tomb?" I wondered: "In other words, after someone carved this stone tablet, he opened the door of the tomb and brought it in and placed it in the front hall?"

"Whether it sounds or is analyzed, it is unreasonable. I have heard your Majesty say. You said that the door to the tomb has never been opened before, is it?"

"Yes" the expert admitted: "But I never said that the stone tablet was carried from the machine outside the tomb. I have always emphasized that it was carved after the tomb."

"Could it be that there are still a group of master carving masters living in this tomb?"

"There is a master sculptor," the expert said: "But it is not living here, but as a sacrifice, sealed in the cemetery for burial."

"This... is too brutal and cruel!" I frowned.

"Don't you think that during the melee period is very stable and united, and all the staff are high-quality?" Simmons Locke suddenly laughed three times, and said: "During the melee period, many savage, tyrannical and crazy guys rely on the power under their hands. After establishing a country, this group of guys have no quality at all. Naturally, how comfortable they are, how they are caring, and how they are happy."

"But if this is done, won't it cause a popular uprising?"

"What about the civil commotion?" Simmons Locke coldly snorted: "Even his children can't be treated equally. This kind of person treats the civil commotion without looking forward to it. Basically, he kills or kills if he wants to."

"That's true." I nodded in agreement, then looked at the expert: "Is there a corpse next to the stele?"

"There are a few" the expert replied, "And there are special tools for carving on hand."

"Hey, why didn't you say this earlier?" I smiled and pointed at him, and said, "If you said it earlier, wouldn't it be so much trouble."

"It's because of poor thoughts" The expert's expression is very respectful.

Then, I said to Simmons Locke: "It seems that the monarch at the time was a very cruel man who also admired vanity. Although I don’t want to see the prince, I still built him a mausoleum of this size, but it may also be because of him. Because of his dislike of the prince and his cruel and indifferent character, when the gate of the tomb was closed, the craftsmen were also sealed in. This will reduce the risk of leaks, and secondly, in case the craftsmen If you feel resentful because of being sealed, you can also use the prince's body as a tool to vent your anger, hum, this is really frantic."

"It's crazy enough," Simmons Locke pouted, disdainfully said: "It's no wonder it can only be a short-lived dynasty."

"Huh?" I wondered: "Your Majesty, how did you come to the conclusion that this empire is a short-lived dynasty?"

"How difficult is this?" Simmons Locke said: "It has only been tens of millions of years since the beginning of the melee period, and my family has not existed for as long as my family. Do you think this is a short-lived dynasty?"

"According to your majesty, there are not many dynasties in Hefeng Continent that are not short-lived dynasties."

This is not a teasing or a joke, but a genuine fact, because the Simmons family is an ancient family that has been passed down from the ancient times to the present!

The natural disaster between the ancient times and the reign of the fairies wiped out all the creatures that showed up, and there were very few families left who were lucky enough to escape.

Among them is the Simmons family.

Therefore, it is an objective fact that Simmons Rock laughed at this country as a short-lived dynasty.

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