Looking at Simmons Rock’s wry smile, I wondered: "Why not consider joint research?"

"You mean to say that both countries send scientists to gather the scientific and technological strength of the two countries to solve problems together, is that right?"

Simmons Lock asked me.

"Well, that's what it means."

"If it is really feasible, the problem may have been solved" Simmons Rock smiled bitterly: "But the fact is, it is not feasible."

"Why?" I wondered.

"Because the technological strengths of Fort Witch and our country are very different, they can only come up with ideas if they are united together. Other than that, they have no effect at all."

"Can't make any difference?" I frowned, "When the truth is so different?"

Simmons Locke smiled slightly awkwardly: "It's true."

"I remember, the relationship between Fort Witch and York City should be pretty good, and your people do not exclude foreigners..."

"On the contrary, it is because of being too enthusiastic that the people of Fort Witches dare not come over," Simmons Rock said helplessly: "The people of Fort Witches who have been here say that my people are too enthusiastic, even It was once doubtful that the authenticity of this enthusiasm was precisely because of this enthusiasm, which made them feel unreliable, so they did not dare to contact with my people."

"This is too... exaggerated?" I mumbled incredulously.

Although I know that the attitude of Yorkers to foreigners can be described as enthusiastic or even enthusiastic, the problem is that this enthusiasm is real. As long as you are a discerning person, you can detect it at first sight. .

And, more importantly, the people of York City entertain foreigners, especially when they meet cute foreigners, they spare no effort to entertain them, and they don't want anything.

Since there is nothing to ask for, how can a conspiracy be hidden?

But I can also understand those researchers and businessmen in Fort Witch, most of them are goblins, and the biggest feature of goblins is suspicious.

Unless they have gained the absolute trust of the goblin clan, any abnormality, such as special enthusiasm, or special indifference, will alert them.

And this vigilance often turns into surprise and eventually alienation.

This is one of the main reasons why the Fort Witches are particularly alienated from the Yorkians.

"That's really a pity," I said helplessly.

Before leaving York City, I applied to Simmons Locke to get a weapon back.

For my request, Simmons Locke agreed without thinking.

With the weapon, I boarded the magic airship, and drove towards Moonlight City.

Looking through the side of the window, I looked at the white clouds floating by, but I had no time to watch, but was immersed in thinking.

"Who knows how to use the weapons of the Celestial Clan?" I murmured subconsciously.

At the moment, I can only show Kailan. After all, she is also a descendant of the real Celestial race, so she should have been involved in these things.

Of course, I can't have too much illusion about her. After all, her ancestors were a roaming physique and marksmanship, not a master of guns.

When I got home, just after noon, there was still a long time before everyone came back, so I went to the Moonlight Tavern first.

Socia was still sitting elegantly at the bar and tasting wine. Seeing me coming, he chuckled, "I have made another bottle of Drake Champagne. Come and have a drink?"


I smiled and walked over, took the Drake Champagne I had just filled, drank it, and then let out a sigh of relief. I couldn't help saying, "It's so cool!"

"If it is higher quality pterosaur blood, or pterosaur heart, it will taste better."

Socia still doesn't give up bewitching me.

"I've already said it, it's impossible to do this." My face was dark, and I said, "So, don't continue to confuse me."

"Chiff" Socia pouted and continued tasting the wine.

"Hey, ask you something," I said, reaching out into my arms, took out the pistol of the Celestial Clan, put it on the counter, and asked, "Do you know how to use this thing?"

Picking up the weapon, Socia turned and studied for a while, and finally shook his head, saying: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

"Give you a reminder, see if you can remember" I said: "This is the weapon of the Celestial Clan."

"The Celestial Clan..." Socia murmured. After a while, he still shook his head and said: "I don't know, I rarely deal with the Celestial Clan. I only know that their technology is pretty good."

"That's it" I nodded helplessly.

At dusk, when they returned home, Kailan and others just finished washing.

"Hey, Kailan, ask you something."

"Ah? What?" Kailan sat down on the sofa, picked up the bottle on the coffee table, poured a glass of champagne, and drank it while looking at me.

"Will you use this kind of weapon?" I asked, and threw the pistol over.

"This is... a pistol?" She also looked at it over and over again, muttering.

"I also think it's like a pistol, but it won't work, will you?"

Kailan fiddled with it for a long time before throwing the pistol on the coffee table and said, "I don't understand, this is not something I have seen before."

"Or, think about it again, is there a similar record in your family heritage?"

I didn't give up and asked again.

Kailan spread out her hands and said, "If you haven't seen it, you have never seen it. If you don't know, you don't know."

Sighing, I got up, went to the backyard, sat on the grass, looked at the sky, and sighed quietly.

"You seem to be very annoyed," Sairen suddenly said, who was eating the roast beef leg.


I exhaled, I said.

"Tell me about it."

"Huh?" I looked at Salen in confusion: "You are so kind?"

"You think too much" Sairen said: "I just want to take your troubles and be happy."

"It's bad enough," I hummed softly.

"Let's talk, let's talk" Sairen urged: "I am eager to hear interesting stories."


Tan Tan Shou, I said.

Immediately, he took the pistol out of his pocket and threw it to Salon.

"Pistol?" Seren wondered: "Is this the cause of your troubles?"

"Ah, yes" I said: "Have you seen this thing?"

"I have seen it" Sairen said: "It's not just that I have seen it. I have seen this kind of pistol assembled by the Celestial people."

"Huh?" I looked stunned: "What? Have you seen the Celestial people assemble this thing? You are sure that you are not mistaken, I mean, sure it is this kind of pistol?"

"OK" Sairen said: "Too sure, is there a problem?"

After the shock, I curiously said: "How can you see the Celestial people disassembling and disassembling weapons? The Celestial people have a great feud with the Dragon!

"Big enmity? Maybe, the dragons killed a lot of Celestial people" Sailun said disdainfully: "But on the contrary, we taught them more, for example, how to make and use this kind of gun.

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