Once the suggestion was put forward, several team leaders fell silent.

From their constipated expressions, I can be sure that the other people present show no love for this kind of risk.

After all, they were all mixed to the point of having a head and face, and no one wanted anything wrong.

The leader of the Iron Wolf Guild didn't seem to see their expressions at all, and repeated it with a calm expression.

At this time, Harold spoke in agreement. He said: "After all, as the team leader, we can't always let our subordinates be suspected for us. We should lead by example."

Harold's words seem to be more useful than the leader of the Iron Wolf Guild. Although the other two leaders are still unwilling, they also reluctantly expressed their acceptance.

Just at the stall where they decided to risk their lives, Xu Tengbo suddenly said to me: "Friend, do you want to go together?"

When I heard it, I was displeased: You go to risk and ask me to dry my wool? Do you want to stretch your back, or do you want to find a shield that can withstand it?

In fact, I thought about it before that someone might drag me out of their risk trip, and the most likely person is Jin Siqi.

It was just never expected that Jin Siqi did not speak, it turned out to be Xu Tengbo.

He's meow, the matter that deliberately attacked me before hasn't been settled by you. It's okay for you, let me calculate it first.

I shook my head repeatedly and said, "I won't go. Without those two brushes, it's not enough to feed the ghost face spider."

Xu Tengbo smiled and said: "Friend, you are too modest. In terms of strength, you and I are equal to five to five. If you really want to fight hard, I may not be your opponent."

When I clicked this big hat, I instantly became the focus of my eyes.

Seeing that this big man is stupid and strong, he is actually much more wicked.

Seeing that the situation has changed, I shook my head hurriedly, and said, "Without such harm, I am as strong as you. Isn't this a joke? The last time I played against you, if not for your mercy, I might not be able to see the first The sun for two days is up."

As soon as this was said, everyone's gaze changed from surprise to doubt. Some even sighed briefly and made a slight noise: It turned out that the leader was holding him, so let me just say...

After hearing this, Xu Tengbo shook his head: "What you said is wrong, I didn't show mercy the last time I played against it. I have already used my full strength."

Hey, this is really good, just climb up when you give it a pole, it's never ending.

I didn't reply. I wanted to solve this crisis in silence. I didn't want to, but some people were not willing to get through it.

Just then Jin Siqi spoke: "I don't know if he is that powerful, but he can bully women very much."

The corners of my eyes twitched: Hey, I am so violent, or because you are a woman, I must fan your palm-sized face into a pig's head.

Thinking about it, I still can't do it.

No matter how I don't want to admit it, Jin Siqi is indeed very beautiful. Although not as good as my fiancees, she is definitely top-notch.

It's a pity that I gave birth to a heart of kind anger, and I still love to bear grudges.

Glancing at Jin Siqi's displeased face, I snorted disdainfully: I don't care about you. Once I care about it, I will be hooked.

Unexpectedly, I didn't speak, but it didn't mean that Jin Siqi would not add fuel to it.

She looked at me calmly and said: "Are you not convinced?"

"I'm convinced, how can I not be convinced?" I chuckled and said, "Yes, I can bully women, and all the women I bully have characteristics, that is-the strong are not like a woman."

Jin Siqi's face sank and stared at me.

I glared back at her casually.

It's not that I want to care about women, but some women, if you don't care about her, she will stick to you like gum, endlessly dying.

This kind of stickiness is not the kind of love, but the viciousness that doesn't make you sick.

The atmosphere became tense and weird. The eyes of all the members focused on me and Jin Siqi. I felt a hot heat slowly rising. It was a sensory effect consciously produced by people watching for a long time, Jin Siqi , The blush was already burning, but she still stubbornly refused to look away.

At this time, Harold stepped forward and stood in between me and Jin Siqi, and said to me: "Now the situation is special. Don't conflict with your own people. We must save our energy and mentality to face the upcoming dilemma. ."

Upon seeing this, I spread my hands and looked away.

The leader of the Iron Wolf Guild stepped forward and approached me. He gave me a deep look, then turned his head and said to Harold, "Is he from your guild?"


"Then in what capacity did he join this operation?"


"Can you confirm his identity, is there no problem?"


After a series of questions, the leader of the Iron Wolf Guild nodded, turned to me, and said: "You are participating in this operation as a friend of Harold. I welcome you, but you must be disciplined in your actions. Since Hello, De can invite you to show that your strength has reached the standard recognized by him. I believe that this time you are involved in the risk, even if you participate, you will not have any risk of life."

I gave a casual ‘oh’ and said lightly: "What you said is very contagious, and at the same time, it touches me a lot, but I don’t believe you."

"Then why are you willing to believe my words?" the leader of the Iron Wolf Guild asked very patiently.

"Please, you have to pay a certain price, right" I said: "Even if you buy a piece of toilet paper, it always costs money, isn't it?"

"I see." He pondered for a moment, and said, "What kind of remuneration do you need to come with us?"

I smiled slightly, and said: "The reward can only be estimated after seeing the situation. If it is low, I will lose, and if it is high, you will lose."

"So what do you want?"

"I can go with you, but after returning safely, you can't refuse the price I set."

"No!" Xu Tengbo suddenly said, "If we can't accept the price you set, what should we do then?"

I spread my hands and said, "I said I won't be asking for prices, but it's up to you to believe it or not, and I didn't force you to believe it."

Xu Tengbo still wanted to speak, but was stopped by the leader of the Iron Wolf Guild. He turned around and asked Harold, "Are his words credible?"

Harold nodded.

"Okay, then I also choose to believe in you."

As he said, he turned his head and nodded slightly at Jin Siqi and Xu Tengbo, and the two of them gave a reluctant ‘um’ and stopped talking.

Then, a group of five of us walked towards the depths of the cave.

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