The National Power Organization really did not disappoint me.

In just a few days, someone began to harass Emily, and even started Bai Yunying's idea.

You harass Emily, I am not too angry. After all, Emily is protected by two majesty and elder Mai Sonoda, and dare not act rashly-especially after I confessed the relationship with Emily, Elder Mai Sonoda She is even more caring for Emily. With her as the former head of the Rose Legion, even the senior powerhouse in the country has to give her a thin face.

But Bai Yunying is different. If it is in York City, Bai Yunying can be said to call the wind and rain, and go wild, but for me, she traveled across the oceans and followed me to this unaccompanied place, even except for me and my family. , Not even a backer, this is already a great grievance to her, but even so, she still has no regrets, how can I bear this feeling?

Therefore, to bully Bai Yunying is to poke my Ni Lin!

When I saw the scar on Bai Yunying's arm, although I did not show any intention to kill, according to Barbara, who was the most sensitive, she seemed to see the night.

Obviously, the whole tree room hall was brightly lit, but she seemed to see the dark night. There was only one possibility. My anger and killing intent interfered with her perception.

Slightly soothing Barbara's fright, I slowly got up and walked out the door.

I don't know where the gate of the National Power Organization is, but I can ask.

The night is getting darker.

At this time, it was the time for the two queens to watch the theater and rest. I walked slowly to the gate of the palace and asked the two guards to inform them that the foreign elder An Xiaoyi asked for a meeting.

One of the guards knew me and wanted to let him go, but I stopped it.

I made it clear, let them report.

Reluctantly, he had to let another guard enter the hall to report, and he stayed with me.

During this period, he tentatively asked me what happened, I just told him, don't worry, it's definitely not a good thing.

Then he kept persuading me, whenever he wanted to go.

I smiled and thanked him.

At this time, the guard who reported it came over, and your majesty summoned me.

Entering the palace, all the way to the main hall, the two majesty dressed in civilian clothes, sitting on the subject with question marks looking at me.

"Your Majesty Wan'an."

I bowed and saluted.

"Okay, just say anything if you want, don't punish these nasty people who are oblique."

The fairy queen is straight to the point.

"Yeah, Xiaoyi, it's all...a family, why don't you just speak up?"

After taking a deep breath to calm the excitement, I said, "Grandma, do you know that Bai Yunying was bullied by the national power organization?"

"Bullying?" The fairy queen flashed her eyes, and said, "You mean, what happened this afternoon?"


"The tip I got, this is not bullying, but learning."

"If it's really just a discussion, why should we send an intermediate state force to fight with it?" I asked, "Don't they know that Bai Yunying's level is the most appropriate battle against the primary state force, and it is said to be a battle. I look more like a sneak attack!"

"Sneak attack?" The fairy queen frowned, and shouted in a low voice: "What do you say?"

"If it's just an ordinary battle, it's okay to say, but the other party suddenly shot when Bai Yunying was killing monsters. This is not a sneak attack, and what is it?"

"Dignified national power, or intermediate national power, can do such a vicious move, I don't believe it, this is personal work!" I exasperated: "National power, especially intermediate national power, but a group of people The guy who sees more than life, unless it is ordered by the highest-level organization, I really can't think of why the middle-level national power would make such a dizzying move."

The fairy queen thought for a moment, her face gloomy, and asked: "Is this true?"

"It's true!" I said loudly, "Bai Yunying has never bothered to lie. You should know this too well."

After hearing this, she looked at the Elf Queen, and she saw the Elf Queen nodded and said: "Xiaoyi is right. That girl has never told a lie."

"Hmm, hahahaha!"

A burst of laughter that made people feel Zhansu came from the hall, which made people fearful.

"National power...National power!" The fairy queen whispered: "I didn't expect that even my people would dare to infiltrate."

"Come on!"

With a loud shout, several guards came in surprise.

After that, the fairy queen ordered people to bring the people who passed the news, and everyone on that line.

Then there was an interrogation.

Under multiple pressures, many people on this line were recruited, and they were bought by people organized by national forces.

When the Fairy Queen was furious, she ordered them to be detained, but did not say how to deal with it, but everyone knew that the fate of daring to betray the Fairy Queen must be miserable.

After all, Her Majesty the Fairy Queen has always been that cruel and decisive character.

After dealing with these people, I didn't see Her Majesty the Fairy Queen make any more moves, so I asked her how to deal with the national power organization.

The answer I got disappointed: "The National Power Organization is still useful and cannot be moved."

"But Bai Yunying..."

"I know she is your fiancée, and I know she was wronged, but after all she is from York City."

"I don't care if she is from York City, I only know that she is my fiancee."

Upon seeing this, the fairy queen also spoke out to persuade the fairy queen.

After a long period of silence, the fairy queen sighed slightly and said: "Finally, let you mess around once, but remember that you must not make a mess, and you must not kill strong people above the intermediate power. This is the bottom line.

"Okay" Seeing her let go, I finally got the bottom line.

With my own strength, it is not a problem to kill some powerful people of lower-level national power. If I use the method of assassination, I can kill all the lower-level national power without knowing it. But obviously, so Doing so will cause the national power organization to fall into chaos, which is inconsistent with the bottom line of the fairy queen.

So, I decided to change the way.

Since you can't assassinate, you can only do it with real swords and guns, but it is unrealistic for me to challenge an entire national power organization by myself, so I decided to find a helper.

The strength of this helper must be strong, and it shouldn't have too much ties with other towns except Moonlight City. It is better to have nothing to do with Moonlight City, so that it can be operated better.

After thinking about it, I decided to invite the apostle to help.

As for which apostle to invite, I need to think about it.

After all, not all apostles are suitable as helpers.

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